118 research outputs found

    GPGPU Reliability Analysis: From Applications to Large Scale Systems

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    Over the past decade, GPUs have become an integral part of mainstream high-performance computing (HPC) facilities. Since applications running on HPC systems are usually long-running, any error or failure could result in significant loss in scientific productivity and system resources. Even worse, since HPC systems face severe resilience challenges as progressing towards exascale computing, it is imperative to develop a better understanding of the reliability of GPUs. This dissertation fills this gap by providing an understanding of the effects of soft errors on the entire system and on specific applications. To understand system-level reliability, a large-scale study on GPU soft errors in the field is conducted. The occurrences of GPU soft errors are linked to several temporal and spatial features, such as specific workloads, node location, temperature, and power consumption. Further, machine learning models are proposed to predict error occurrences on GPU nodes so as to proactively and dynamically turning on/off the costly error protection mechanisms based on prediction results. To understand the effects of soft errors at the application level, an effective fault-injection framework is designed aiming to understand the reliability and resilience characteristics of GPGPU applications. This framework is effective in terms of reducing the tremendous number of fault injection locations to a manageable size while still preserving remarkable accuracy. This framework is validated with both single-bit and multi-bit fault models for various GPGPU benchmarks. Lastly, taking advantage of the proposed fault-injection framework, this dissertation develops a hierarchical approach to understanding the error resilience characteristics of GPGPU applications at kernel, CTA, and warp levels. In addition, given that some corrupted application outputs due to soft errors may be acceptable, we present a use case to show how to enable low-overhead yet reliable GPU computing for GPGPU applications

    Microarchitecture level reliability comparison of modern GPU designs: First findings

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    State-of-the-art GPU chips are designed to deliver extreme throughput for graphics as well as for data-parallel general purpose computing workloads (GPGPU computing). Unlike graphics computing, GPGPU computing requires highly reliable operation. The performance-oriented design of GPUs requires to jointly evaluate the vulnerability of GPU workloads to soft-errors with the performance of GPU chips. We briefly present a summary of the findings of an extensive study aiming at the evaluation of the reliability of four GPU architectures and corresponding chips, orrelating them with the performance of the workloads

    Multi-faceted microarchitecture level reliability characterization for NVIDIA and AMD GPUs

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    State-of-the-art GPU chips are designed to deliver extreme throughput for graphics as well as for data-parallel general purpose computing workloads (GPGPU computing). Unlike computing for graphics, GPGPU computing requires highly reliable operations. Since provisioning for high reliability may affect performance, the design of GPGPU systems requires the vulnerability of GPU workloads to soft-errors to be jointly evaluated with the performance of GPU chips. We present an extended study based on a consolidated workflow for the evaluation of the reliability in correlation with the performance of four GPU architectures and corresponding chips: AMD Southern Islands and NVIDIA G80/GT200/Fermi. We obtained reliability measurements (AVF and FIT) employing both fault injection and ACE-analysis based on microarchitecture-level simulators. Apart from the reliability-only and performance-only measurements, we propose combined metrics for performance and reliability that assist comparisons for the same application among GPU chips of different ISAs and vendors, as well as among benchmarks on the same GPU chip

    Toward Reliable, Secure, and Energy-Efficient Multi-Core System Design

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    Computer hardware researchers have perennially focussed on improving the performance of computers while stipulating the energy consumption under a strict budget. While several innovations over the years have led to high performance and energy efficient computers, more challenges have also emerged as a fallout. For example, smaller transistor devices in modern multi-core systems are afflicted with several reliability and security concerns, which were inconceivable even a decade ago. Tackling these bottlenecks happens to negatively impact the power and performance of the computers. This dissertation explores novel techniques to gracefully solve some of the pressing challenges of the modern computer design. Specifically, the proposed techniques improve the reliability of on-chip communication fabric under a high power supply noise, increase the energy-efficiency of low-power graphics processing units, and demonstrate an unprecedented security loophole of the low-power computing paradigm through rigorous hardware-based experiments

    Predicting Critical Warps in Near-Threshold GPGPU Applications Using a Dynamic Choke Point Analysis

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    General purpose graphics processing units (GP-GPU), owing to their enormous thread-level parallelism, can significantly improve the power consumption at the near-threshold (NTC) operating region, while offering close to a super-threshold performance. However, process variation (PV) can drastically reduce the GPU performance at NTC. In this work, choke points—a unique device-level characteristic of PV at NTC—that can exacerbate the warp criticality problem in GPUs have been explored. It is shown that the modern warp schedulers cannot tackle the choke point induced critical warps in an NTC GPU. Additionally, Choke Point Aware Warp Speculator, a circuit-architectural solution is proposed to dynamically predict the critical warps in GPUs, and accelerate them in their respective execution units. The best scheme achieves an average improvement of ∼39% in performance, and ∼31% in energy-efficiency, over one state-of-the-art warp scheduler, across 15 GPGPU applications, while incurring marginal hardware overheads

    Practical Gpgpu Application Resilience Estimation And Fortification

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are becoming a de facto solution for accelerating a wide range of applications but remain susceptible to transient hardware faults (soft errors) that can easily compromise application output. One of the major challenges in the domain of GPU reliability is to accurately measure general purpose GPU (GPGPU) application resilience to transient faults. This challenge stems from the fact that a typical GPGPU application spawns a huge number of threads and then utilizes a large amount of potentially unreliable compute and memory resources available on the GPUs. As the number of possible fault locations can be in the billions, evaluating every fault and examining its effect on the application error resilience is impractical. Alternatively, fault site selection techniques have been proposed to approach high accuracy with less fault injection experiments. However, most of the existing methods in the literature only focus on the single-bit fault model and only one input. In this dissertation, we offer solutions to the two problems above. We extend a progressive fault site pruning technique for two multi-bit fault models: (a) multi-bit faults in the same word; (b) multiple single-bit faults in different words accessed by the same thread. We devise a methodology, SUGAR (Speeding Up GPGPU Application Resilience Estimation with input sizing), that dramatically speeds up the evaluation of application error resilience. Key of the SUGAR estimation methodology is the identification of repeating thread patterns that develop as a function of the size of the input. These patterns allow for accurate prediction of application error resilience for arbitrarily large inputs. With the presence of input-aware estimation strategies, we are able to pinpoint the vulnerabilities in a GPGPU application and propose low overhead protection techniques accordingly. Based on the variety of thread resilience in GPGPU applications, we propose a methodology that identifies the resilience of threads and aims to map threads with the same resilience characteristics to the same warp. Our technique allows engaging partial protection mechanisms at the warp level. We illustrate that threads can be remapped into reliable or unreliable warps with only minimal introduced overhead, and then selective protection via replication is applied in unreliable warps. We show how this remapping facilitates warp replication for error detection and correction and achieves a significant reduction of execution cycles, comparing to standard techniques. In addition to input-aware estimation and fortification, we present a detailed characterization comparing microarchitecture-level and software-level fault injection and show the gap of resilience estimation introduced by injecting faults into different layers in the system execution stack. We also implement a software-level redundancy protection mechanism and measure its effectiveness using microarchitecture-level and software-level fault injection

    Low-Overhead Techniques For Secure And Reliable Gpu Computing

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    In recent years, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have become a de facto choice to accelerate the computations in various domains such as machine learning, security, financial and scientific computing. GPUs leverage the inherent data parallelism in the target applications to provide high throughput at superior energy efficiency. Due to the rising usage of GPUs for a large number of applications, they are facing new challenges, especially in the security and reliability domains. From the security side, recently several microarchitectural attacks targeting GPUs have been demonstrated. These attacks leak the secret information stored on GPUs, for example, the parameters of a neural network (NN) model and the private user information. From the reliability side, the innovations to improve GPU memory systems are making them more susceptible to errors. My dissertation research focuses on addressing these security and reliability challenges in GPUs while minimizing the associated overhead of the proposed protection mechanisms. To improve GPU security, we focus on the previously demonstrated correlation timing attack. Such an attack exploits the deterministic nature of the coalescing mechanism in GPUs to correlate the execution time and the number of accesses. Consequently, an attacker can recover the encryption keys stored on GPUs. Therefore, to counter the correlation timing attack, we first introduce a randomized coalescing defense scheme (RCoal). RCoal randomizes the coalescing logic such that the attacker fails to correlate the execution time and the number of accesses. As a result, RCoal thwarts the correlation timing attack. Next, we propose a bucketing-based coalescing defense scheme, BCoal, which minimizes the variation in the number of memory accesses by generating a predetermined number (called buckets) of memory accesses. With low variation in the number of memory accesses, the attacker cannot correlate the application execution time and the secret information, thus failing the correlation timing attack. BCoal generates less memory traffic than RCoal and, therefore, is performance efficient. To improve GPU reliability, we address the data memory faults in GPU caches and DRAM. Existing reliability mechanisms of redundancy and check-pointing fail to scale with the increasing memory/computational demands on GPUs and quickly become impractical. To address this problem, we study a wide range of applications to nd that a very small fraction of the data memory is most vulnerable to faults. This small fraction of the data is not only highly accessed but also highly shared across GPU threads. Consequently, we propose and develop two reliability schemes to detect-only and to detect/correct faults in this most vulnerable data while incurring low overhead. The focus of ongoing and future work is to improve the reliability of machine learning applications

    Advanced Simulation and Computing FY12-13 Implementation Plan, Volume 2, Revision 0.5

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    A Multi-level Approach to Evaluate the Impact of GPU Permanent Faults on CNN's Reliability

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    Graphics processing units (GPUs) are widely used to accelerate Artificial Intelligence applications, such as those based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Since in some domains in which CNNs are heavily employed (e.g., automotive and robotics) the expected lifetime of GPUs is over ten years, it is of paramount importance to study the impact of permanent faults (e.g. due to aging). Crucially, while the impact of transient faults on GPUs running CNNs has been widely studied, an accurate evaluation of the impact of permanent faults is still lacking. Performing this evaluation is challenging due to the complexity of GPU devices and the software implementing a CNN. In this work, we propose a methodology that combines the accuracy of gate-level fault simulation with the speed and flexibility of software fault injection to evaluate the effects of permanent hardware faults affecting a GPU. First, we profile the executed low-level GPU instructions during the CNN inference. Then, using extensive gate-level fault injection campaigns, we provide an accurate analysis of the effects of permanent faults on the internal modules executing the targeted instructions. Finally, we propagate these effects using fast software-based fault injection. The method allows, for the first time, to estimate the percentage of permanent faults leading the CNN to produce wrong results (i.e., changing the result of its work). The method's feasibility, which allows for flexibly trade-off accuracy with the required computational effort, is shown using LeNet running on an Ampere Nvidia GPU as a case study. The method reduces the computational effort for the evaluation by several orders of magnitude with respect to plain gate- and RTL-level faults simulation
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