12,318 research outputs found

    Asymptotics of the discrete log-concave maximum likelihood estimator and related applications

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    The assumption of log-concavity is a flexible and appealing nonparametric shape constraint in distribution modelling. In this work, we study the log-concave maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of a probability mass function (pmf). We show that the MLE is strongly consistent and derive its pointwise asymptotic theory under both the well- and misspecified setting. Our asymptotic results are used to calculate confidence intervals for the true log-concave pmf. Both the MLE and the associated confidence intervals may be easily computed using the R package logcondiscr. We illustrate our theoretical results using recent data from the H1N1 pandemic in Ontario, Canada.Comment: 21 pages, 7 Figure

    Central limit theorems for double Poisson integrals

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    Motivated by second order asymptotic results, we characterize the convergence in law of double integrals, with respect to Poisson random measures, toward a standard Gaussian distribution. Our conditions are expressed in terms of contractions of the kernels. To prove our main results, we use the theory of stable convergence of generalized stochastic integrals developed by Peccati and Taqqu. One of the advantages of our approach is that the conditions are expressed directly in terms of the kernel appearing in the multiple integral and do not make any explicit use of asymptotic dependence properties such as mixing. We illustrate our techniques by an application involving linear and quadratic functionals of generalized Ornstein--Uhlenbeck processes, as well as examples concerning random hazard rates.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/08-BEJ123 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Random Geometric Series

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    Integer sequences where each element is determined by a previous randomly chosen element are investigated analytically. In particular, the random geometric series x_n=2x_p with 0<=p<=n-1 is studied. At large n, the moments grow algebraically, n^beta(s) with beta(s)=2^s-1, while the typical behavior is x_n n^ln 2. The probability distribution is obtained explicitly in terms of the Stirling numbers of the first kind and it approaches a log-normal distribution asymptotically.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    A detailed investigation into near degenerate exponential random graphs

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    The exponential family of random graphs has been a topic of continued research interest. Despite the relative simplicity, these models capture a variety of interesting features displayed by large-scale networks and allow us to better understand how phases transition between one another as tuning parameters vary. As the parameters cross certain lines, the model asymptotically transitions from a very sparse graph to a very dense graph, completely skipping all intermediate structures. We delve deeper into this near degenerate tendency and give an explicit characterization of the asymptotic graph structure as a function of the parameters.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Inferring Pattern and Disorder in Close-Packed Structures from X-ray Diffraction Studies, Part II: Structure and Intrinsic Computation in Zinc Sulphide

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    In the previous paper of this series [D. P. Varn, G. S. Canright, and J. P. Crutchfield, Physical Review B, submitted] we detailed a procedure--epsilon-machine spectral reconstruction--to discover and analyze patterns and disorder in close-packed structures as revealed in x-ray diffraction spectra. We argued that this computational mechanics approach is more general than the current alternative theory, the fault model, and that it provides a unique characterization of the disorder present. We demonstrated the efficacy of computational mechanics on four prototype spectra, finding that it was able to recover a statistical description of the underlying modular-layer stacking using epsilon-machine representations. Here we use this procedure to analyze structure and disorder in four previously published zinc sulphide diffraction spectra. We selected zinc sulphide not only for the theoretical interest this material has attracted in an effort to develop an understanding of polytypism, but also because it displays solid-state phase transitions and experimental data is available.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables, 57 citations; http://www.santafe.edu/projects/CompMech/papers/ipdcpsii.htm

    Performance analysis and optimal selection of large mean-variance portfolios under estimation risk

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    We study the consistency of sample mean-variance portfolios of arbitrarily high dimension that are based on Bayesian or shrinkage estimation of the input parameters as well as weighted sampling. In an asymptotic setting where the number of assets remains comparable in magnitude to the sample size, we provide a characterization of the estimation risk by providing deterministic equivalents of the portfolio out-of-sample performance in terms of the underlying investment scenario. The previous estimates represent a means of quantifying the amount of risk underestimation and return overestimation of improved portfolio constructions beyond standard ones. Well-known for the latter, if not corrected, these deviations lead to inaccurate and overly optimistic Sharpe-based investment decisions. Our results are based on recent contributions in the field of random matrix theory. Along with the asymptotic analysis, the analytical framework allows us to find bias corrections improving on the achieved out-of-sample performance of typical portfolio constructions. Some numerical simulations validate our theoretical findings

    From Random Matrices to Quasiperiodic Jacobi Matrices via Orthogonal Polynomials

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    We present an informal review of results on asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials, stressing their spectral aspects and similarity in two cases considered. They are polynomials orthonormal on a finite union of disjoint intervals with respect to the Szego weight and polynomials orthonormal on R with respect to varying weights and having the same union of intervals as the set of oscillations of asymptotics. In both cases we construct double infinite Jacobi matrices with generically quasiperiodic coefficients and show that each of them is an isospectral deformation of another. Related results on asymptotic eigenvalue distribution of a class of random matrices of large size are also shortly discussed