43 research outputs found

    Characterization of radially symmetric finite time blowup in multidimensional aggregation equations,

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    This paper studies the transport of a mass μ\mu in d,d2,\real^d, d \geq 2, by a flow field v=Kμv= -\nabla K*\mu. We focus on kernels K=xα/αK=|x|^\alpha/ \alpha for 2dα<22-d\leq \alpha<2 for which the smooth densities are known to develop singularities in finite time. For this range This paper studies the transport of a mass μ\mu in d,d2,\real^d, d \geq 2, by a flow field v=Kμv= -\nabla K*\mu. We focus on kernels K=xα/αK=|x|^\alpha/ \alpha for 2dα<22-d\leq \alpha<2 for which the smooth densities are known to develop singularities in finite time. For this range we prove the existence for all time of radially symmetric measure solutions that are monotone decreasing as a function of the radius, thus allowing for continuation of the solution past the blowup time. The monotone constraint on the data is consistent with the typical blowup profiles observed in recent numerical studies of these singularities. We prove monotonicity is preserved for all time, even after blowup, in contrast to the case α>2\alpha >2 where radially symmetric solutions are known to lose monotonicity. In the case of the Newtonian potential (α=2d\alpha=2-d), under the assumption of radial symmetry the equation can be transformed into the inviscid Burgers equation on a half line. This enables us to prove preservation of monotonicity using the classical theory of conservation laws. In the case 2d<α<22 -d < \alpha < 2 and at the critical exponent pp we exhibit initial data in LpL^p for which the solution immediately develops a Dirac mass singularity. This extends recent work on the local ill-posedness of solutions at the critical exponent.Comment: 30 page

    The aggregation equation with power-law kernels: ill-posedness, mass concentration and similarity solutions

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    We study the multidimensional aggregation equation u_t+\Div(uv)=0, v=Kuv=-\nabla K*u with initial data in \cP_2(\bR^d)\cap L_{p}(\bR^d). We prove that with biological relevant potential K(x)=xK(x)=|x|, the equation is ill-posed in the critical Lebesgue space L_{d/(d-1)}(\bR^d) in the sense that there exists initial data in \cP_2(\bR^d)\cap L_{d/(d-1)}(\bR^d) such that the unique measure-valued solution leaves L_{d/(d-1)}(\bR^d) immediately. We also extend this result to more general power-law kernels K(x)=xαK(x)=|x|^\alpha, 0<α<20<\alpha<2 for p=ps:=d/(d+α2)p=p_s:=d/(d+\alpha-2), and prove a conjecture in Bertozzi, Laurent and Rosado [5] about instantaneous mass concentration for initial data in \cP_2(\bR^d)\cap L_{p}(\bR^d) with p<psp<p_s. Finally, we classify all the "first kind" radially symmetric similarity solutions in dimension greater than two.Comment: typos corrected, 18 pages, to appear in Comm. Math. Phy

    Equilibria of biological aggregations with nonlocal repulsive-attractive interactions

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    We consider the aggregation equation ρt(ρKρ)=0\rho_{t}-\nabla\cdot(\rho\nabla K\ast\rho) =0 in Rn\mathbb{R}^{n}, where the interaction potential KK incorporates short-range Newtonian repulsion and long-range power-law attraction. We study the global well-posedness of solutions and investigate analytically and numerically the equilibrium solutions. We show that there exist unique equilibria supported on a ball of Rn\mathbb{R}^n. By using the method of moving planes we prove that such equilibria are radially symmetric and monotone in the radial coordinate. We perform asymptotic studies for the limiting cases when the exponent of the power-law attraction approaches infinity and a Newtonian singularity, respectively. Numerical simulations suggest that equilibria studied here are global attractors for the dynamics of the aggregation model

    Aggregation-diffusion equations: dynamics, asymptotics, and singular limits

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    Given a large ensemble of interacting particles, driven by nonlocal interactions and localized repulsion, the mean-field limit leads to a class of nonlocal, nonlinear partial differential equations known as aggregation-diffusion equations. Over the past fifteen years, aggregation-diffusion equations have become widespread in biological applications and have also attracted significant mathematical interest, due to their competing forces at different length scales. These competing forces lead to rich dynamics, including symmetrization, stabilization, and metastability, as well as sharp dichotomies separating well-posedness from finite time blowup. In the present work, we review known analytical results for aggregation-diffusion equations and consider singular limits of these equations, including the slow diffusion limit, which leads to the constrained aggregation equation, as well as localized aggregation and vanishing diffusion limits, which lead to metastability behavior. We also review the range of numerical methods available for simulating solutions, with special attention devoted to recent advances in deterministic particle methods. We close by applying such a method -- the blob method for diffusion -- to showcase key properties of the dynamics of aggregation-diffusion equations and related singular limits

    Self-Similar Blowup Solutions to an Aggregation Equation in RnR^n

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    Nonlocal interactions by repulsive-attractive potentials: radial ins/stability

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    In this paper, we investigate nonlocal interaction equations with repulsive-attractive radial potentials. Such equations describe the evolution of a continuum density of particles in which they repulse each other in the short range and attract each other in the long range. We prove that under some conditions on the potential, radially symmetric solutions converge exponentially fast in some transport distance toward a spherical shell stationary state. Otherwise we prove that it is not possible for a radially symmetric solution to converge weakly toward the spherical shell stationary state. We also investigate under which condition it is possible for a non-radially symmetric solution to converge toward a singular stationary state supported on a general hypersurface. Finally we provide a detailed analysis of the specific case of the repulsive-attractive power law potential as well as numerical results. We point out the the conditions of radial ins/stability are sharp.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figure

    Swarm dynamics and equilibria for a nonlocal aggregation model

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    We consider the aggregation equation ρt − ∇ · (ρ∇K ∗ ρ) = 0 in Rn, where the interaction potential K models short-range repulsion and long-range attraction. We study a family of interaction potentials for which the equilibria are of finite density and compact support. We show global well-posedness of solutions and investigate analytically and numerically the equilibria and their global stability. In particular, we consider a potential for which the corresponding equilibrium solutions are of uniform density inside a ball of Rn and zero outside. For such a potential, various explicit calculations can be carried out in detail. In one dimension we fully solve the temporal dynamics, and in two or higher dimensions we show the global stability of this steady state within the class of radially symmetric solutions. Finally, we solve the following restricted inverse problem: given a radially symmetric density ρ ̄ that is zero outside some ball of radius R and is polynomial inside the ball, construct an interaction potential K for which ρ̄ is the steady state solution of the corresponding aggregation equation. Throughout the paper, numerical simulations are used to motivate and validate the analytical results

    The regularity of the boundary of a multidimensional aggregation patch

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    Let d2d \geq 2 and let N(y)N(y) be the fundamental solution of the Laplace equation in RdR^d We consider the aggregation equation ρt+div(ρv)=0,v=Nρ \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} + \operatorname{div}(\rho v) =0, v = -\nabla N * \rho with initial data ρ(x,0)=χD0\rho(x,0) = \chi_{D_0}, where χD0\chi_{D_0} is the indicator function of a bounded domain D0Rd.D_0 \subset R^d. We now fix 0<γ<10 < \gamma < 1 and take D0D_0 to be a bounded C1+γC^{1+\gamma} domain (a domain with smooth boundary of class C1+γC^{1+\gamma}). Then we have Theorem: If D0D_0 is a C1+γC^{1 + \gamma} domain, then the initial value problem above has a solution given by ρ(x,t)=11tχDt(x),xRd,0t<1\rho(x,t) = \frac{1}{1 -t} \chi_{D_t}(x), \quad x \in R^d, \quad 0 \le t < 1 where DtD_t is a C1+γC^{1 + \gamma} domain for all 0t<10 \leq t < 1