1,367 research outputs found

    Stochastic user behaviour modelling and network simulation for resource management in cooperation with mobile telecommunications and broadcast networks

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    The latest generations of telecommunications networks have been designed to deliver higher data rates than widely used second generation telecommunications networks, providing flexible communication capabilities that can deliver high quality video images. However, these new generations of telecommunications networks are interference limited, impairing their performance in cases of heavy traffic and high usage. This limits the services offered by a telecommunications network operator to those that the operator is confident their network can meet the demand for. One way to lift this constraint would be for the mobile telecommunications network operator to obtain the cooperation of a broadcast network operator so that during periods when the demand for the service is too high for the telecommunications network to meet, the service can be transferred to the broadcast network. In the United Kingdom the most recent telecommunications networks on the market are third generation UMTS networks while the terrestrial digital broadcast networks are DVB-T networks. This paper proposes a way for UMTS network operators to forecast the traffic associated with high demand services intended to be deployed on the UMTS network and when demand requires to transfer it to a cooperating DVB-T network. The paper aims to justify to UMTS network operators the use of a DVB-T network as a support for a UMTS network by clearly showing how using a DVB-T network to support it can increase the revenue generated by their network

    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin

    Personal area technologies for internetworked services

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    Satellite system performance assessment for in-flight entertainment and air traffic control

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    Concurrent satellite systems have been proposed for IFE (In-Flight Entertainment) communications, thus demonstrating the capability of satellites to provide multimedia access to users in aircraft cabin. At the same time, an increasing interest in the use of satellite communications for ATC (Air Traffic Control) has been motivated by the increasing load of traditional radio links mainly in the VHF band, and uses the extended capacities the satellite may provide. However, the development of a dedicated satellite system for ATS (Air Traffic Services) and AOC (Airline Operational Communications) seems to be a long-term perspective. The objective of the presented system design is to provide both passenger application traffic access (Internet, GSM) and a high-reliability channel for aeronautical applications using the same satellite links. Due to the constraints in capacity and radio bandwidth allocation, very high frequencies (above 20 GHz) are considered here. The corresponding design implications for the air interface are taken into account and access performances are derived using a dedicated simulation model. Some preliminary results are shown in this paper to demonstrate the technical feasibility of such system design with increased capacity. More details and the open issues will be studied in the future of this research work

    A telecom analytics framework for dynamic quality of service management

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    Since the beginning of Internet, Internet Service Providers (ISP) have seen the need of giving to users? traffic different treatments defined by agree- ments between ISP and customers. This procedure, known as Quality of Service Management, has not much changed in the last years (DiffServ and Deep Pack-et Inspection have been the most chosen mechanisms). However, the incremen-tal growth of Internet users and services jointly with the application of recent Ma- chine Learning techniques, open up the possibility of going one step for-ward in the smart management of network traffic. In this paper, we first make a survey of current tools and techniques for QoS Management. Then we intro-duce clustering and classifying Machine Learning techniques for traffic charac-terization and the concept of Quality of Experience. Finally, with all these com-ponents, we present a brand new framework that will manage in a smart way Quality of Service in a telecom Big Data based scenario, both for mobile and fixed communications

    Mobility: a double-edged sword for HSPA networks

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    This paper presents an empirical study on the performance of mobile High Speed Packet Access (HSPA, a 3.5G cellular standard) networks in Hong Kong via extensive field tests. Our study, from the viewpoint of end users, covers virtually all possible mobile scenarios in urban areas, including subways, trains, off-shore ferries and city buses. We have confirmed that mobility has largely negative impacts on the performance of HSPA networks, as fast-changing wireless environment causes serious service deterioration or even interruption. Meanwhile our field experiment results have shown unexpected new findings and thereby exposed new features of the mobile HSPA networks, which contradict commonly held views. We surprisingly find out that mobility can improve fairness of bandwidth sharing among users and traffic flows. Also the triggering and final results of handoffs in mobile HSPA networks are unpredictable and often inappropriate, thus calling for fast reacting fallover mechanisms. We have conducted in-depth research to furnish detailed analysis and explanations to what we have observed. We conclude that mobility is a double-edged sword for HSPA networks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first public report on a large scale empirical study on the performance of commercial mobile HSPA networks

    Efficiency of PRI and WRR DiffServ scheduling mechanisms for real-time services on UMTS environment

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    The next generation of mobile phones will be probably all-IP based enabling users to access Internet services. In order to make this possible a satisfactory quality of service, at least equal to the fixed Internet, must be ensured. To achieve this goal an end-to-end QoS system must be constructed. Another fact is the dominance of IP over other technologies due, in large measure, to its characteristic of working with heterogeneous technologies. Consequently, being IP the common denominator on a heterogeneous environment, it is important to develop end-to-end IP QoS guarantees for the different applications over distinct access technologies. This is particularly important for cellular wireless networks due to the ever growing expansion of mobile phone users. One way to contribute to this goal is to apply DiffServ QoS mechanisms to UMTS technology in order to model an End-to-End QoS communication system. A mapping of DiffServ CodePoints into UMTS classes can be applied in order to get efficient PHB configurations. This paper proposes an architecture to support end-to-end quality of service to several application services running on mobile UMTS user agents and communicating with servers located in a wired internet. The proposed architecture is based on a DiffServ model, where QoS parameters are set either by the user agent or by the SGSN. In particular, RED queue management and PRI or WRR scheduling policies are enforced. Different UMTS traffic classes are mapped into different DiffServ parameters. The performance of this architecture has been evaluated by simulation using NS, assuming different network load scenarios. In particular, the delay and packet loss experienced by VoIP, Video, FTP and HTTP traffic are evaluated in the cases of PRI and WRR scheduling policies, and compared to those measured when DiffServ is not implemented. Finally, a revenue function to estimate the profits that an ISP could expect by using a DiffServ implementation on IP UMTS core routers is proposed.(undefined

    Performance Evaluation of IPTV over WiMAX Networks Under Different Terrain Environments

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    Deployment Video on Demand (VoD) over the next generation (WiMAX) has become one of the intense interest subjects in the research these days, and is expected to be the main revenue generators in the near future. In this paper, the performance of Quilty of Service of video streaming (IPTV) over fixed mobile WiMax network is investigated under different terrain environments, namely Free Space, Outdoor to Indoor and Pedestrian. OPNET is used to investigate the performance of VoD over WiMAX. Our findings analyzing different network statistics such as packet lost, path loss, delay, network throughput.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1302.1409, and substantial text overlap with other internet sources by other author

    A methodology for obtaining More Realistic Cross-Layer QoS Measurements in mobile networks: A VoIP over LTE Use Case

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    Los servicios de voz han sido durante mucho tiempo la primera fuente de ingresos para los operadores móviles. Incluso con el protagonismo creciente del tráfico de datos, los servicios de voz seguirán jugando un papel importante y no desaparecerán con la transición a redes basadas en el protocolo IP. Por otra parte, hace años que los principales actores en la industria móvil detectaron claramente que los usuarios no aceptarían una degradación en la calidad de los servicios de voz. Es por esto que resulta crítico garantizar la experiencia de usuario (QoE) en la transición a redes de nueva generación basadas en conmutación de paquetes. El trabajo realizado durante esta tesis ha buscado analizar el comportamiento y las dependencias de los diferentes servicios de Voz sobre IP (VoIP), así como identificar configuraciones óptimas, mejoras potenciales y metodologías que permitan asegurar niveles de calidad aceptables al mismo tiempo que se trate de minimizar los costes. La caracterización del rendimiento del tráfico de datos en redes móviles desde el punto de vista de los usuarios finales es un proceso costoso que implica la monitorización y análisis de un amplio rango de protocolos y parámetros con complejas dependencias. Para abordar desde la raíz este problema, se requiere realizar medidas que relacionen y correlen el comportamiento de las diferentes capas. La metodología de caracterización propuesta en esta tesis proporciona la posibilidad de recoger información clave para la resolución de problemas en las comunicaciones IP, relaciolándola con efectos asociados a la propagación radio, como cambios de celda o pérdida de enlaces, o con carga de la red y limitaciones de recursos en zonas geográficas específicas. Dicha metodología se sustenta en la utilización de herramientas nativas de monitorización y registro de información en smartphones, y la aplicación de cadenas de herramientas para la experimentación extensiva tanto en redes reales y como en entornos de prueba controlados. Con los resultados proporcionados por esta serie de herramientas, tanto operadores móviles y proveedores de servicio como desarrolladores móviles podrían ganar acceso a información sobre la experiencia real del usuario y sobre cómo mejorar la cobertura, optimizar los servicios y adaptar el funcionamiento de las aplicaciones y el uso de protocolos móviles basados en IP en este contexto. Las principales contribuciones de las herramientas y métodos introducidos en esta tesis son los siguientes: - Una herramienta de monitorización multicapa para smartphones Android, llamada TestelDroid, que permite la captura de indicadores clave de rendimiento desde el propio equipo de usuario. Asimismo proporciona la capacidad de generar tráfico de forma activa y de verificar el estado de alcanzabilidad del terminal, realizando pruebas de conectividad. - Una metodología de post-procesado para correlar la información presente en las diferentes capas de las medidas realizadas. De igual forma, se proporciona la opción a los usuarios de acceder directamente a la información sobre el tráfico IP y las medidas radio y de aplicar metodologías propias para la obtención de métricas. - Se ha realizado la aplicación de la metodología y de las herramientas usando como caso de uso el estudio y evaluación del rendimiento de las comunicaciones basadas en IP a bordo de trenes de alta velocidad. - Se ha contribuido a la creación de un entorno de prueba realista y altamente configurable para la realización de experimentos avanzados sobre LTE. - Se han detectado posibles sinergias en la utilización de instrumentación avanzada de I+D en el campo de las comunicaciones móviles, tanto para la enseñanza como para la investigación en un entorno universitario