1,022 research outputs found

    Mode Evolution in Fiber Based Devices for Optical Communication Systems

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    Space division multiplexing (SDM) is the most promising way of increasing the capacity of a single fiber. To enable the few mode fiber (FMF) or multi-mode fiber (MMF) transmission system, several major challenges have to be overcome. One is the urgent need of ideal mode multiplexer, the second is the perfect amplification for all spatial modes, another one is the modal delay spread (MDS) due to group velocity difference of spatial modes. The main subject of this dissertation is to model, fabricate and characterize the mode multiplexer for FMF transmission. First, we designed a novel resonant mode coupler (structured directional coupler pair). After that, we studied the adiabatic mode multiplexer (photonic lantern). 6-mode photonic lantern using graded-index (GI) MMFs is proposed and demonstrated, which alleviates the adiabatic require-ment and improves mode selectivity. Then, 10-mode photonic lantern is demonstrated using novel double cladding micro-structured drilling-hole preform, which alleviates the adiabatic requirement and demonstrate a feasible way to scale up the lantern modes. Also, multi-mode photonic lantern is studied for high order input modes. In addition, for the perfect amplification of the modes, cladding pump method is demonstrated. The mode selective lantern designed and fabricated can be used for the characterization of few mode amplifier with swept wavelength interferometer (SWI). Also, we demonstrated the application of the use of the few mode amplifier for the turbulence-resisted preamplified receiver. Besides, for the reduction of MDS, the long period grating for introducing strong mode mixing is demonstrated

    Photonic integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer with an on-chip reference arm for optical coherence tomography

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive, three-dimensional imaging modality with several medical and industrial applications. Integrated photonics has the potential to enable mass production of OCT devices to significantly reduce size and cost, which can increase its use in established fields as well as enable new applications. Using silicon nitride (Si(3)N(4)) and silicon dioxide (SiO(2)) waveguides, we fabricated an integrated interferometer for spectrometer-based OCT. The integrated photonic circuit consists of four splitters and a 190 mm long reference arm with a foot-print of only 10 × 33 mm(2). It is used as the core of a spectral domain OCT system consisting of a superluminescent diode centered at 1320 nm with 100 nm bandwidth, a spectrometer with 1024 channels, and an x-y scanner. The sensitivity of the system was measured at 0.25 mm depth to be 65 dB with 0.1 mW on the sample. Using the system, we imaged human skin in vivo. With further optimization in design and fabrication technology, Si(3)N(4)/SiO(2) waveguides have a potential to serve as a platform for passive photonic integrated circuits for OCT

    Characterisation of Optical Fibers Using Dual-Comb Swept-Wavelength Interferometry

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    The growth in data traffic coupled with trends in internet use will result in a requirement for interfaces of the network to reach Tb/s data rate in the future. Considering this, novel transmission techniques that can increase the date rate with orders of magnitude must be considered. One such example is space-division multiplexing (SDM) fibers. Application of novel fibers and SDM components in communication systems is always coupled with limitations and distortions of the signal due to crosstalk, dispersion, differential mode group delay (DMGD) and other effects. They can be calculated, studied and partially mitigated if the transfer function of the fiber under test is known. Thus, it is essential to characterize the fiber\u27s and other component\u27s transfer matrix using fast and accurate measurement techniques. Moreover, these characterisation measurements can be used for building channel models, which can assist in simulations of the transmission and estimation of ultimate system performance.In this thesis various techniques for SDM devices characterisation are described and a novel method based on dual-comb spectroscopy and swept-wavelength interferometry is proposed and evaluated. The presented technique, dual-comb swept-wavelength interferometry (DC-SWI), is studied in terms of capabilities, advantages and limitations with application on different devices under test. This experimental scheme is also used for characterisation of a coupled-core fiber, where the transfer function and DMGD values were extracted.Furthermore, different channel models describing the properties of SDM fiber links are briefly reviewed and discussed

    High-multiplicity space-division multiplexed transmission systems

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    High-multiplicity space-division multiplexed transmission systems

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    Integrated widely tunable laser systems at 1300 and 1550 nm as swept sources for optical coherence tomography

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    Integrated widely tunable laser systems at 1300 and 1550 nm as swept sources for optical coherence tomography

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    Novel Fibers and Components for Space Division Multiplexing Technologies

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    Passive devices and amplifiers for space division multiplexing are key components for future deployment of this technology and for the development of new applications exploring the spatial diversity of light. Some important devices include photonic lantern (PL) mode multiplexers supporting several modes, fan-in/fan-out (FIFO) devices for multicore fibers (MCFs), and multimode amplifiers capable of amplifying several modes with low differential modal gain penalty. All these components are required to overcome the capacity limit of single mode fiber (SMF) communication systems, driven by the growing data capacity demand. In this dissertation I propose and develop different passive components and amplifiers for space division multiplexing technologies, including PL mode multiplexers with low insertion loss and low mode dependent loss to excite different number of modes into few mode fibers (FMFs). I demonstrate a PL with a graded index core that better matches the mode profiles of a graded index FMF supporting six spatial modes with mode dependent loss (MDL) ranging from 2- to 3-dB over the entire C-band. Multicore fibers can alleviate the capacity limit of single mode fibers by placing multiple single mode cores within the same fiber cladding. However, interfacing single mode fibers to MCFs can be challenging due to physical limitations, in this dissertation I develop and fabricate different types of FIFO devices to couple light into MCFs with high efficiency and having up to 19 cores. I demonstrate high coupling efficiency with insertion loss below 0.5 dB per FIFO into a 4-core MCF and below 1 dB for a 19-core MCF. Multimode erbium doped fiber (EDF) amplifiers are required to amplify each mode within the few mode transmission fiber, the main challenge is to provide an amplifier with low differential modal gain, in this dissertation I present the first coupled-core amplifier concept compatible with FMFs. A 6-core coupled-core EDF can be spliced with low insertion and low MDL to a FMF supporting 6 spatial modes via a slight taper transition. The amplifier introduces 1.8 MDL with gain variation over the entire C-band below 1-dB