28,484 research outputs found

    The Ginibre ensemble and Gaussian analytic functions

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    We show that as nn changes, the characteristic polynomial of the n×nn\times n random matrix with i.i.d. complex Gaussian entries can be described recursively through a process analogous to P\'olya's urn scheme. As a result, we get a random analytic function in the limit, which is given by a mixture of Gaussian analytic functions. This gives another reason why the zeros of Gaussian analytic functions and the Ginibre ensemble exhibit similar local repulsion, but different global behavior. Our approach gives new explicit formulas for the limiting analytic function.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Multiplying a Gaussian Matrix by a Gaussian Vector

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    We provide a new and simple characterization of the multivariate generalized Laplace distribution. In particular, this result implies that the product of a Gaussian matrix with independent and identically distributed columns by an independent isotropic Gaussian vector follows a symmetric multivariate generalized Laplace distribution

    Real eigenvalues of non-Gaussian random matrices and their products

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    We study the properties of the eigenvalues of real random matrices and their products. It is known that when the matrix elements are Gaussian-distributed independent random variables, the fraction of real eigenvalues tends to unity as the number of matrices in the product increases. Here we present numerical evidence that this phenomenon is robust with respect to the probability distribution of matrix elements, and is therefore a general property that merits detailed investigation. Since the elements of the product matrix are no longer distributed as those of the single matrix nor they remain independent random variables, we study the role of these two factors in detail. We study numerically the properties of the Hadamard (or Schur) product of matrices and also the product of matrices whose entries are independent but have the same marginal distribution as that of normal products of matrices, and find that under repeated multiplication, the probability of all eigenvalues to be real increases in both cases, but saturates to a constant below unity showing that the correlations amongst the matrix elements are responsible for the approach to one. To investigate the role of the non-normal nature of the probability distributions, we present a thorough analytical treatment of the 2×22 \times 2 single matrix for several standard distributions. Within the class of smooth distributions with zero mean and finite variance, our results indicate that the Gaussian distribution has the maximum probability of real eigenvalues, but the Cauchy distribution characterised by infinite variance is found to have a larger probability of real eigenvalues than the normal. We also find that for the two-dimensional single matrices, the probability of real eigenvalues lies in the range [5/8,7/8].Comment: To appear in J. Phys. A: Math, Theo

    Stochastic expansions using continuous dictionaries: L\'{e}vy adaptive regression kernels

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    This article describes a new class of prior distributions for nonparametric function estimation. The unknown function is modeled as a limit of weighted sums of kernels or generator functions indexed by continuous parameters that control local and global features such as their translation, dilation, modulation and shape. L\'{e}vy random fields and their stochastic integrals are employed to induce prior distributions for the unknown functions or, equivalently, for the number of kernels and for the parameters governing their features. Scaling, shape, and other features of the generating functions are location-specific to allow quite different function properties in different parts of the space, as with wavelet bases and other methods employing overcomplete dictionaries. We provide conditions under which the stochastic expansions converge in specified Besov or Sobolev norms. Under a Gaussian error model, this may be viewed as a sparse regression problem, with regularization induced via the L\'{e}vy random field prior distribution. Posterior inference for the unknown functions is based on a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. We compare the L\'{e}vy Adaptive Regression Kernel (LARK) method to wavelet-based methods using some of the standard test functions, and illustrate its flexibility and adaptability in nonstationary applications.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOS889 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Irreducible decomposition of Gaussian distributions and the spectrum of black-body radiation

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    It is shown that the energy of a mode of a classical chaotic field, following the continuous exponential distribution as a classical random variable, can be uniquely decomposed into a sum of its fractional part and of its integer part. The integer part is a discrete random variable (we call it Planck variable) whose distribution is just the Bose distribution yielding the Planck law of black-body radiation. The fractional part is the dark part (we call is dark variable) with a continuous distribution, which is, of course, not observed in the experiments. It is proved that the Bose distribution is infinitely divisible, and the irreducible decomposition of it is given. The Planck variable can be decomposed into an infinite sum of independent binary random variables representing the binary photons (more accurately photo-molecules or photo-multiplets) of energies 2^s*h*nu with s=0,1,2... . These binary photons follow the Fermi statistics. Consequently, the black-body radiation can be viewed as a mixture of statistically and thermodynamically independent fermion gases consisting of binary photons. The binary photons give a natural tool for the dyadic expansion of arbitrary (but not coherent) ordinary photon excitations. It is shown that the binary photons have wave-particle fluctuations of fermions. These fluctuations combine to give the wave-particle fluctuations of the original bosonic photons expressed by the Einstein fluctuation formula.Comment: 29 page