16,501 research outputs found

    An online handwriting recognition system for Turkish

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    Despite recent developments in Tablet PC technology, there has not been any applications for recognizing handwritings in Turkish. In this paper, we present an online handwritten text recognition system for Turkish, developed using the Tablet PC interface. However, even though the system is developed for Turkish, the addressed issues are common to online handwriting recognition systems in general. Several dynamic features are extracted from the handwriting data for each recorded point and Hidden Markov Models (HMM) are used to train letter and word models. We experimented with using various features and HMM model topologies, and report on the effects of these experiments. We started with first and second derivatives of the x and y coordinates and relative change in the pen pressure as initial features. We found that using two more additional features, that is, number of neighboring points and relative heights of each point with respect to the base-line improve the recognition rate. In addition, extracting features within strokes and using a skipping state topology improve the system performance as well. The improved system performance is 94% in recognizing handwritten words from a 1000-word lexicon

    The Microsoft 2017 Conversational Speech Recognition System

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    We describe the 2017 version of Microsoft's conversational speech recognition system, in which we update our 2016 system with recent developments in neural-network-based acoustic and language modeling to further advance the state of the art on the Switchboard speech recognition task. The system adds a CNN-BLSTM acoustic model to the set of model architectures we combined previously, and includes character-based and dialog session aware LSTM language models in rescoring. For system combination we adopt a two-stage approach, whereby subsets of acoustic models are first combined at the senone/frame level, followed by a word-level voting via confusion networks. We also added a confusion network rescoring step after system combination. The resulting system yields a 5.1\% word error rate on the 2000 Switchboard evaluation set

    Study to determine potential flight applications and human factors design guidelines for voice recognition and synthesis systems

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    A study was conducted to determine potential commercial aircraft flight deck applications and implementation guidelines for voice recognition and synthesis. At first, a survey of voice recognition and synthesis technology was undertaken to develop a working knowledge base. Then, numerous potential aircraft and simulator flight deck voice applications were identified and each proposed application was rated on a number of criteria in order to achieve an overall payoff rating. The potential voice recognition applications fell into five general categories: programming, interrogation, data entry, switch and mode selection, and continuous/time-critical action control. The ratings of the first three categories showed the most promise of being beneficial to flight deck operations. Possible applications of voice synthesis systems were categorized as automatic or pilot selectable and many were rated as being potentially beneficial. In addition, voice system implementation guidelines and pertinent performance criteria are proposed. Finally, the findings of this study are compared with those made in a recent NASA study of a 1995 transport concept

    Recent Trends in Application of Neural Networks to Speech Recognition

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    : In this paper, we review the research work that deal with neural network based speech recognition and the various approaches they take to bring in accuracy. Three approaches of speech recognition using neural network learning models are discussed: (1) Deep Neural Network(DNN) - Hidden Markov Model(HMM), (2) Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN) and (3) Long Short Term Memory(LSTM). It also discusses how for a given application one model is better suited than the other and when should one prefer one model over another.A pre-trained Deep Neural Network - Hidden Markov Model hybrid architecture trains the DNN to produce a distribution over tied triphone states as its output. The DNN pre-training algorithm is a robust and often a helpful way to initialize deep neural networks generatively that can aid in optimization and reduce generalization error. Combining recurrent neural nets and HMM results in a highly discriminative system with warping capabilities. To evaluate the impact of recurrent connections we compare the train and test characteristic error rates of DNN, Recurrent Dynamic Neural Networks (RDNN), and Bi-Directional Deep Neural Network (BRDNN) models while roughly controlling for the total number of free parameters in the model. Both variants of recurrent models show substantial test set characteristic error rate improvements over the non-recurrent DNN model. Inspired from the discussion about how to construct deep RNNs, several alternative architectures were constructed for deep LSTM networks from three points: (1) input-to-hidden function, (2) hidden-to-hidden transition and (3) hidden-to-output function. Furthermore, some deeper variants of LSTMs were also designed by combining different points

    Advances in unlimited-vocabulary speech recognition for morphologically rich languages

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    Automatic speech recognition systems are devices or computer programs that convert human speech into text or make actions based on what is said to the system. Typical applications include dictation, automatic transcription of large audio or video databases, speech-controlled user interfaces, and automated telephone services, for example. If the recognition system is not limited to a certain topic and vocabulary, covering the words in the target languages as well as possible while maintaining a high recognition accuracy becomes an issue. The conventional way to model the target language, especially in English recognition systems, is to limit the recognition to the most common words of the language. A vocabulary of 60 000 words is usually enough to cover the language adequately for arbitrary topics. On the other hand, in morphologically rich languages, such as Finnish, Estonian and Turkish, long words can be formed by inflecting and compounding, which makes it difficult to cover the language adequately by vocabulary-based approaches. This thesis deals with methods that can be used to build efficient speech recognition systems for morphologically rich languages. Before training the statistical n-gram language models on a large text corpus, the words in the corpus are automatically segmented into smaller fragments, referred to as morphs. The morphs are then used as modelling units of the n-gram models instead of whole words. This makes it possible to train the model on the whole text corpus without limiting the vocabulary and enables the model to create even unseen words by joining morphs together. Since the segmentation algorithm is unsupervised and data-driven, it can be readily used for many languages. Speech recognition experiments are made on various Finnish recognition tasks and some of the experiments are also repeated on an Estonian task. It is shown that the morph-based language models reduce recognition errors when compared to word-based models. It seems to be important, however, that the n-gram models are allowed to use long morph contexts, especially if the morphs used by the model are short. This can be achieved by using growing and pruning algorithms to train variable-length n-gram models. The thesis also presents data structures that can be used for representing the variable-length n-gram models efficiently in recognition systems. By analysing the recognition errors made by Finnish recognition systems it is found out that speaker adaptive training and discriminative training methods help to reduce errors in different situations. The errors are also analysed according to word frequencies and manually defined error classes

    Viseme-based Lip-Reading using Deep Learning

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    Research in Automated Lip Reading is an incredibly rich discipline with so many facets that have been the subject of investigation including audio-visual data, feature extraction, classification networks and classification schemas. The most advanced and up-to-date lip-reading systems can predict entire sentences with thousands of different words and the majority of them use ASCII characters as the classification schema. The classification performance of such systems however has been insufficient and the need to cover an ever expanding range of vocabulary using as few classes as possible is challenge. The work in this thesis contributes to the area concerning classification schemas by proposing an automated lip reading model that predicts sentences using visemes as a classification schema. This is an alternative schema to using ASCII characters, which is the conventional class system used to predict sentences. This thesis provides a review of the current trends in deep learning- based automated lip reading and analyses a gap in the research endeavours of automated lip-reading by contributing towards work done in the region of classification schema. A whole new line of research is opened up whereby an alternative way to do lip-reading is explored and in doing so, lip-reading performance results for predicting s entences from a benchmark dataset are attained which improve upon the current state-of-the-art. In this thesis, a neural network-based lip reading system is proposed. The system is lexicon-free and uses purely visual cues. With only a limited number of visemes as classes to recognise, the system is designed to lip read sentences covering a wide range of vocabulary and to recognise words that may not be included in system training. The lip-reading system predicts sentences as a two-stage procedure with visemes being recognised as the first stage and words being classified as the second stage. This is such that the second-stage has to both overcome the one-to-many mapping problem posed in lip-reading where one set of visemes can map to several words, and the problem of visemes being confused or misclassified to begin with. To develop the proposed lip-reading system, a number of tasks have been performed in this thesis. These include the classification of continuous sequences of visemes; and the proposal of viseme-to-word conversion models that are both effective in their conversion performance of predicting words, and robust to the possibility of viseme confusion or misclassification. The initial system reported has been testified on the challenging BBC Lip Reading Sentences 2 (LRS2) benchmark dataset attaining a word accuracy rate of 64.6%. Compared with the state-of-the-art works in lip reading sentences reported at the time, the system had achieved a significantly improved performance. The lip reading system is further improved upon by using a language model that has been demonstrated to be effective at discriminating between homopheme words and being robust to incorrectly classified visemes. An improved performance in predicting spoken sentences from the LRS2 dataset is yielded with an attained word accuracy rate of 79.6% which is still better than another lip-reading system trained and evaluated on the the same dataset that attained a word accuracy rate 77.4% and it is to the best of our knowledge the next best observed result attained on LRS2

    THE CHILD AND THE WORLD: How Children acquire Language

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    HOW CHILDREN ACQUIRE LANGUAGE Over the last few decades research into child language acquisition has been revolutionized by the use of ingenious new techniques which allow one to investigate what in fact infants (that is children not yet able to speak) can perceive when exposed to a stream of speech sound, the discriminations they can make between different speech sounds, differentspeech sound sequences and different words. However on the central features of the mystery, the extraordinarily rapid acquisition of lexicon and complex syntactic structures, little solid progress has been made. The questions being researched are how infants acquire and produce the speech sounds (phonemes) of the community language; how infants find words in the stream of speech; and how they link words to perceived objects or action, that is, discover meanings. In a recent general review in Nature of children's language acquisition, Patricia Kuhl also asked why we do not learn new languages as easily at 50 as at 5 and why computers have not cracked the human linguistic code. The motor theory of language function and origin makes possible a plausible account of child language acquisition generally from which answers can be derived also to these further questions. Why computers so far have been unable to 'crack' the language problem becomes apparent in the light of the motor theory account: computers can have no natural relation between words and their meanings; they have no conceptual store to which the network of words is linked nor do they have the innate aspects of language functioning - represented by function words; computers have no direct links between speech sounds and movement patterns and they do not have the instantly integrated neural patterning underlying thought - they necessarily operate serially and hierarchically. Adults find the acquisition of a new language much more difficult than children do because they are already neurally committed to the link between the words of their first language and the elements in their conceptual store. A second language being acquired by an adult is in direct competition for neural space with the network structures established for the first language

    On the Effectiveness of Neural Text Generation based Data Augmentation for Recognition of Morphologically Rich Speech

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    Advanced neural network models have penetrated Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) in recent years, however, in language modeling many systems still rely on traditional Back-off N-gram Language Models (BNLM) partly or entirely. The reason for this are the high cost and complexity of training and using neural language models, mostly possible by adding a second decoding pass (rescoring). In our recent work we have significantly improved the online performance of a conversational speech transcription system by transferring knowledge from a Recurrent Neural Network Language Model (RNNLM) to the single pass BNLM with text generation based data augmentation. In the present paper we analyze the amount of transferable knowledge and demonstrate that the neural augmented LM (RNN-BNLM) can help to capture almost 50% of the knowledge of the RNNLM yet by dropping the second decoding pass and making the system real-time capable. We also systematically compare word and subword LMs and show that subword-based neural text augmentation can be especially beneficial in under-resourced conditions. In addition, we show that using the RNN-BNLM in the first pass followed by a neural second pass, offline ASR results can be even significantly improved.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication at TSD 202