24 research outputs found

    A cryptosystem based on a mathematical model of chaotic oscillations generated on the basis of differential equations

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    At the present time, when widespread and easily accessible technical means are used for the transmission and storage of any data, the protection of information from violations of its confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility is one of the most important problems. The transmitted data can be influenced by the transmission environment or external (information system) environment, as well as various actions of attackers aimed at interception, damage to information. Encryption of transmitted data is one of the methods of protection against malicious attacks. This article is devoted to justification of the use of cryptosystems based on mathematical model of the chaos generator, proposed by Leon Chua in 1983, describing the principles of implementing cryptoalgorithm and prospects of its application. Chaos generator cryptosystems have a number of advantages over symmetric systems and public key systems (the latter are usually used in the form of hybrid cryptosystems when encrypting information), the main problem of which is the length of the key, and as a result - its repeatability. The length of the key obtained from the chaos generator is practically unlimited and each generator can create different processes, which, with a slight change in the initial conditions, make it difficult to determine the structure of the generator. There were described the problems of traditional cryptosystems, the theory of cryptostability, absolutely and computationally stable ciphers, a separate theoretical method for solving the problem of increasing the cryptostability of hybrid computationally stable systems by including a mathematical model of the chaos generator as a key generator for encrypting the data that is transmitted. The scientific novelty of this study is the developed method of applying the mathematical model of the chaos generator "Chua scheme" as the main component of the hybrid cryptosystem, where the chaos generator is used as a source of public and private keys of the asymmetric encryption algorithm and the key of the symmetric algorithm, which is directly used for data encryption. Recommendations and requirements for the implementation of the cryptosystem on the chaos generator "Chua scheme" are described.Keywords: chaos generator, mathematical model, Chua circuit, encryption, cryptography, information security, deterministic chaos


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    The problem of cyber security in the era of the creation of quantum computers is of particular relevance. Specifically, the data are at risk which are confidential or whose value depends on their integrity. In order to find a way out of the situation which happened in the article, a thorough comprehensive analysis of the current state of the known cryptosystems was carried out, based on a systematic approach. In particular, the advantages and disadvantages of models of cryptosystems which were created on the basis of cognitive cryptography are stated, the theory of dynamic chaos, constructive, quantum and post-quantum cryptography. The issue of cryptosystem models based on DNA algorithms is also raised, proxy cryptosystem models, attribute cryptosystems, packet and non-commutative cryptography. As a result of the research, it was found out that the greatest interest in terms of security today is integral cryptography. The lack of scientifically justified models of cryptosystems based on integrated cryptography has led to the development of one of these models. The model is developed on the basis of the proposed concept, which is based on the main principals of integral cryptography. As a result of the research, a generalized model of the cryptosystem was developed, which in the future is proposed to be called the cryptosystem of Fredholm. It is shown that the essence of the encryption and decryption procedures is reduced to solving the direct and inverse problem, which is described by the integral equation of Fredholm of the first-order. The article emphasizes in particular that compared to the known models of cryptosystems, the proposed model has a number of significant advantages. The first advantage is the guaranteed theoretical and practical cryptostability, which is due to the incorrectness of the inverse decryption problem. The second advantage of the proposed model is the absence of effective algorithms for cryptanalysis due to the lack of prevalence of integral cryptography in modern cyber security systems. The developed model serves the theoretical basis for the further development of appropriate cryptographic algorithms and research of their security parameters.Проблема кібербезпеки в епоху створення квантових комп’ютерів набуває особливої актуальності. Особливо під загрозу підпадають дані, які є конфіденційними, або цінність яких залежить від їх цілісності. З метою пошуку виходу з ситуації, що склалася у статі на основі системного підходу було проведено ґрунтовний всебічний комплексний аналіз сучасного стану розвитку відомих криптосистем. Зокрема встановлено переваги та недоліки моделей криптосистем створених на основі когнітивної криптографії, теорії динамічного хаосу, конструктивної, квантової та постквантової криптографії. Також порушено питання про моделі криптосистем на основі алгоритмів ДНК, моделі проксі криптосистем, криптосистем на основі атрибутів, пакетної та некомутативної криптографії. У результаті дослідження встановлено, що найбільший інтерес з точки зору безпеки на сьогодні становить інтегральна криптографія. Відсутність на сьогодні науково обґрунтованих моделей криптосистем на основі інтегральної криптографії спонукала до розроблення однієї з таких моделей. Модель розроблено на основі запропонованого концепту, який ґрунтується на основних положеннях інтегральної криптографії. У результаті проведеного дослідження розроблено узагальнену модель криптосистеми, яку у подальшому запропоновано називати криптосистемою Фредгольма. Показано, що сутність процедур шифрування та дешифрування зводиться до розв’язання прямої та оберненої задачі, яка описується інтегральним рівням Фредгольма першого роду. У статті окремо наголошено на тому, що порівняно з відомими моделями криптосистем, запропонована має ряд суттєвих переваг. Перша перевага – гарантована теоретична та практична криптостійкість, яка обумовлена некоректністю оберненої задачі дешифрування. Друга перевага запропонованої моделі полягає у відсутності дієвих алгоритмів криптоаналізу через недостатньою розповсюдженість інтегральної криптографії в сучасних системах забезпечення кібербезпеки. Розроблена модель виступає теоретичним підґрунтям для подальшого розроблення відповідних криптоалгоритмів та дослідження параметрів їх безпеки


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    In this article, we described specifics of pixels permutations based on the discretized, two-dimensional Chirikov standard map. Some properties of the discretized Chirikov map can be used by an attacker to recover the original images that are studied. For images with dimensions N ´ N the vulnerability of permutations allows for brute force attacks, and shown is the ability of an intruder to restore the original image without setting the value of keys permutations. Presented is also, successful cryptographic attack on the encrypted image through permutation of pixels. It is found that for images with dimension N ´ N the maximum number of combinations is equal to NN-1. A modified Chirikov map was proposed with improved permutation properties, due to the use of two nonlinearities, that increase the keys space to N2!.W tym artykule opisana została specyfika permutacji pikseli w oparciu o zdyskretyzowaną, dwuwymiarową mapę standardową Czirikowa. Niektóre właściwości tej mapy mogą zostać użyte przez napastnika, aby odzyskać oryginalne obrazy, które są badane. Jeśli chodzi o obrazy o wymiarach N ´ N, permutacje są podatne na agresywne ataki. Pokazana jest również możliwość odzyskania przez intruza oryginalnego obrazu bez ustawienia wartości permutacyjnych. Przedstawiony został również udany atak kryptograficzny na zaszyfrowany obraz za pomocą permutacji pikseli. Stwierdzono, że w przypadku obrazów o wymiarach N ´ N, maksymalna liczba kombinacji jest równa NN-1. Zaproponowano zmodyfikowaną mapę Czirikowa z ulepszonymi właściwościami permutacji, dzięki wprowadzeniu dwóch nieliniowości, które zwiększyły zestaw możliwych kombinacji do N2!

    Real-time observation and control of optical chaos

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    Optical chaotic system is a central research topic due to its scientific importance and practical relevance in key photonic applications such as laser optics and optical communication. Because of the ultrafast propagation of light, all previous studies on optical chaos are based on either static imaging or spectral measurement, which shows only time-averaged phenomena. The ability to reveal real-time optical chaotic dynamics and, hence, control its behavior is critical to the further understanding and engineering of these systems. Here, we report a real-time spatial-temporal imaging of an optical chaotic system, using compressed ultrafast photography. The time evolution of the system’s phase map is imaged without repeating measurement. We also demonstrate the ability to simultaneously control and monitor optical chaotic systems in real time. Our work introduces a new angle to the study of nonrepeatable optical chaos, paving the way for fully understanding and using chaotic systems in various disciplines

    Symetric encryption algorithms based on the mathematical structure underlying the three body problem

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    The three body problem is the founding problem of deterministic chaos theory. In this article is proposed a new stream cipher algorithm based on a mathematical structure similar to that underlying the 3 body poblem. Is also proposed to use said structure for the design of new bloc ciphers and hash functions algorithms

    Parçacık sürü optimizasyonu kullanılarak etkili bir lineer geri beslemeli kaydırma yazmaç yapısı

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    Özet Rasgele bir dizi üretmek birçok uygulamada önemli bir gereksinimdir. Rastgele görünümlü diziler elde edebilmek için en yaygın kullanılan yöntemlerden biri doğrusal geri beslemeli kaydırma yazmaç yapılarıdır. Ancak bu yapılar ile uzun rasgele sayı dizileri elde etmek zor bir görevdir. Çünkü üretilecek dizinin uzunluğu tasarımda kullanılan flip-flop sayısı ile bağlantılıdır. Belirli bir değerden sonra tasarım sürecinde seçilecek konfigürasyonlara karar vermek NP hesaplama karmaşıklığına sahiptir. Bu çalışmada bu hesapsal karmaşıklık problemi bir sezgisel yaklaşım olan parçacık sürü optimizasyon algoritması ile çözülmeye çalışılmıştır. Elde eilen sonuçların başarısı çeşitli istatistiksel testler ile doğrulanmıştır. Başarılı çıktıların ileride birçok pratik uygulamada başarılı olarak kullanılabileceğine inanılmaktadır