1,979 research outputs found

    Nonlinear dynamics of waves and modulated waves in 1D thermocapillary flows. I: General presentation and periodic solutions

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    We present experimental results on hydrothermal traveling-waves dynamics in long and narrow 1D channels. The onset of primary traveling-wave patterns is briefly presented for different fluid heights and for annular or bounded channels, i.e., within periodic or non-periodic boundary conditions. For periodic boundary conditions, by increasing the control parameter or changing the discrete mean-wavenumber of the waves, we produce modulated waves patterns. These patterns range from stable periodic phase-solutions, due to supercritical Eckhaus instability, to spatio-temporal defect-chaos involving traveling holes and/or counter-propagating-waves competition, i.e., traveling sources and sinks. The transition from non-linearly saturated Eckhaus modulations to transient pattern-breaks by traveling holes and spatio-temporal defects is documented. Our observations are presented in the framework of coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau equations with additional fourth and fifth order terms which account for the reflection symmetry breaking at high wave-amplitude far from onset. The second part of this paper (nlin.PS/0208030) extends this study to spatially non-periodic patterns observed in both annular and bounded channel.Comment: 45 pages, 21 figures (elsart.cls + AMS extensions). Accepted in Physica D. See also companion paper "Nonlinear dynamics of waves and modulated waves in 1D thermocapillary flows. II: Convective/absolute transitions" (nlin.PS/0208030). A version with high resolution figures is available on N.G. web pag

    Interaction of Ising-Bloch fronts with Dirichlet Boundaries

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    We study the Ising-Bloch bifurcation in two systems, the Complex Ginzburg Landau equation (CGLE) and a FitzHugh Nagumo (FN) model in the presence of spatial inhomogeneity introduced by Dirichlet boundary conditions. It is seen that the interaction of fronts with boundaries is similar in both systems, establishing the generality of the Ising-Bloch bifurcation. We derive reduced dynamical equations for the FN model that explain front dynamics close to the boundary. We find that front dynamics in a highly non-adiabatic (slow front) limit is controlled by fixed points of the reduced dynamical equations, that occur close to the boundary.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Transitions between dissipative localized structures in the simplified Gilad-Meron model for dryland plant ecology

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    Spatially extended patterns and multistability of possible different states is common in many ecosystems, and their combination has an important impact on their dynamical behaviours. One potential combination involves tristability between a patterned state and two different uniform states. Using a simplified version of the Gilad-Meron model for dryland ecosystems, we study the organization, in bifurcation terms, of the localized structures arising in tristable regimes. These states are generally related with the concept of wave front locking, and appear in the form of spots and gaps of vegetation. We find that the coexistence of localized spots and gaps, within tristable configurations, yield the appearance of hybrid states. We also study the emergence of spatiotemporal localized states consisting in a portion of a periodic pattern embedded in a uniform Hopf-like oscillatory background in a subcritical Turing-Hopf dynamical regime

    Dissipative solitons in pattern-forming nonlinear optical systems : cavity solitons and feedback solitons

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    Many dissipative optical systems support patterns. Dissipative solitons are generally found where a pattern coexists with a stable unpatterned state. We consider such phenomena in driven optical cavities containing a nonlinear medium (cavity solitons) and rather similar phenomena (feedback solitons) where a driven nonlinear optical medium is in front of a single feedback mirror. The history, theory, experimental status, and potential application of such solitons is reviewed

    Bifurcations and chaos in semiconductor superlattices with a tilted magnetic field

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    We study the effects of dissipation on electron transport in a semiconductor superlattice with an applied bias voltage and a magnetic field that is tilted relative to the superlattice axis.In previous work, we showed that although the applied fields are stationary,they act like a THz plane wave, which strongly couples the Bloch and cyclotron motion of electrons within the lowest miniband. As a consequence,the electrons exhibit a unique type of Hamiltonian chaos, which creates an intricate mesh of conduction channels (a stochastic web) in phase space, leading to a large resonant increase in the current flow at critical values of the applied voltage. This phase-space patterning provides a sensitive mechanism for controlling electrical resistance. In this paper, we investigate the effects of dissipation on the electron dynamics by modifying the semiclassical equations of motion to include a linear damping term. We demonstrate that even in the presence of dissipation,deterministic chaos plays an important role in the electron transport process. We identify mechanisms for the onset of chaos and explore the associated sequence of bifurcations in the electron trajectories. When the Bloch and cyclotron frequencies are commensurate, complex multistability phenomena occur in the system. In particular, for fixed values of the control parameters several distinct stable regimes can coexist, each corresponding to different initial conditions. We show that this multistability has clear, experimentally-observable, signatures in the electron transport characteristics.Comment: 14 pages 11 figure

    Dynamics of Coupled Maps with a Conservation Law

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    A particularly simple model belonging to a wide class of coupled maps which obey a local conservation law is studied. The phase structure of the system and the types of the phase transitions are determined. It is argued that the structure of the phase diagram is robust with respect to mild violations of the conservation law. Critical exponents possibly determining a new universality class are calculated for a set of independent order parameters. Numerical evidence is produced suggesting that the singularity in the density of Lyapunov exponents at λ=0\lambda=0 is a reflection of the singularity in the density of Fourier modes (a ``Van Hove'' singularity) and disappears if the conservation law is broken. Applicability of the Lyapunov dimension to the description of spatiotemporal chaos in a system with a conservation law is discussed.Comment: To be published in CHAOS #7 (31 page, 16 figures