33,513 research outputs found

    Uncertainty Analyses in the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method

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    Providing estimates of the uncertainty in results obtained by Computational Electromagnetic (CEM) simulations is essential when determining the acceptability of the results. The Monte Carlo method (MCM) has been previously used to quantify the uncertainty in CEM simulations. Other computationally efficient methods have been investigated more recently, such as the polynomial chaos method (PCM) and the method of moments (MoM). This paper introduces a novel implementation of the PCM and the MoM into the finite-difference time -domain method. The PCM and the MoM are found to be computationally more efficient than the MCM, but can provide poorer estimates of the uncertainty in resonant electromagnetic compatibility data

    Signatures of Infinity: Nonergodicity and Resource Scaling in Prediction, Complexity, and Learning

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    We introduce a simple analysis of the structural complexity of infinite-memory processes built from random samples of stationary, ergodic finite-memory component processes. Such processes are familiar from the well known multi-arm Bandit problem. We contrast our analysis with computation-theoretic and statistical inference approaches to understanding their complexity. The result is an alternative view of the relationship between predictability, complexity, and learning that highlights the distinct ways in which informational and correlational divergences arise in complex ergodic and nonergodic processes. We draw out consequences for the resource divergences that delineate the structural hierarchy of ergodic processes and for processes that are themselves hierarchical.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/soi.pd

    Deterministic Dynamics and Chaos: Epistemology and Interdisciplinary Methodology

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    We analyze, from a theoretical viewpoint, the bidirectional interdisciplinary relation between mathematics and psychology, focused on the mathematical theory of deterministic dynamical systems, and in particular, on the theory of chaos. On one hand, there is the direct classic relation: the application of mathematics to psychology. On the other hand, we propose the converse relation which consists in the formulation of new abstract mathematical problems appearing from processes and structures under research of psychology. The bidirectional multidisciplinary relation from-to pure mathematics, largely holds with the "hard" sciences, typically physics and astronomy. But it is rather new, from the social and human sciences, towards pure mathematics