104,201 research outputs found

    Making informed decisions on change: key points for health care managers and professionals

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    A booklet, drawing on 'Organisational Change: A review for health care managers, professionals and researchers' (NSCCSDO, 2001), which aims to encourage managers and professionals to reflect on and share what helps and hinders successful change to improve the quality of services

    Report of a study on the uptake and use of the 'Managing Change in the NHS' publications

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    Between December 2001 and March 2002, a team of independent researchers working in collaboration with and assisted by the NCCSDO carried out a telephone survey designed to gain feedback from the field about uptake, use and perceived impact of Organisational Change and Making Informed Decisions on Change. The study gathered a range of useful feedback and views about the two publications, highlighting the importance of evaluation in the process of commissioning research

    Penerapan Change Management untuk Peningkatan Proses Bisnis dalam Meraih Keunggulan Kompetitif Organisasi

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    Lingkungan bisnis merupakan faktor yang sangat berpengaruh pada proses bisnis sebuah organisasi, Perubahan yang terjadi pada lingkungan bisnis harus dapat direspon secara positif oleh organisasi, supaya organisasi tersebut dapat bertahan hidup dan meraih keunggulan kompetitif. Change management merupakan serangkaian proses yang digunakan untuk memastikan bahwa Perubahan yang signifikan dapat dilakukan secara terkontrol dan sistematis, untuk mengatasi resistensi terhadap Perubahan dalam rangka meningkatkan keterlibatan dan pencapaian tujuan organisasi untuk melakukan transformasi yang efektif. Pada makalah ini akan dibahas penerapan change management dengan pendekatan manajemen proyek Perubahan yang mengadopsi dari model yang dikemukakan John P. Kotter dan William Bridges, kajian ini akan memberikan pemahaman tentang pengetahuan secara teori dan menggabungkannya antara practical tool dan metodologi manajemen proyek dalam mengelola proses Perubahan yang kompleks. Untuk melengkapi kajian dari penelitian, pada makalah ini dilengkapi dengan pembahasan sebuah studi kasus

    Dampak Implementasi Change Management pada Organisasi

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    Changes have survival benefits for an organization. without any change, it can be ascertained that the age of the organization will not last long. Changes intend to make the organization not a static but remained dynamic in the face of changing times. A leader should have a vision and a change in the strategy based on assumptions about future conditions that are expected to occur. Only a leader who owns the personality, behavior, and the sense of power that is able to deal with change

    Ontology Change Management in Protégé

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    Ontology schemas tend to change and evolve over time to meet new requirements. This change may invalidate dependent applications if there is no dynamic adaptation to the changes made to underlying ontologies. Protégé, as a popular ontology development tool, should meet the challenges addressed by the evolving ontology. In this paper, we will briefly analyse the current ontology-change management in Protégé, and propose some extensions to facilitate change traceability by external application and services

    Ontology Change Management in Protégé

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    Ontology schemas tend to change and evolve over time to meet new requirements. This change may invalidate dependent applications if there is no dynamic adaptation to the changes made to underlying ontologies. Protégé, as a popular ontology development tool, should meet the challenges addressed by the evolving ontology. In this paper, we will briefly analyse the current ontology-change management in Protégé, and propose some extensions to facilitate change traceability by external application and services

    Change Management: A Theoretical Framework

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    Organizations are dynamic and open systems that exist in mutual affection with their environment and deliver output to environment from which they receive inputs. Organizations need to make organizational regulations against internal and external occurring changes. Therefore, organizations have to gain new features and abilities in order to get along with the change. Today, changes we face in all areas affect also health system. The increase of the society’s health level is attributed to well-mannered health policy, and to give good preventive and remedial health services. Health executive have important roles in implementing these services, as well. Thus, in this article study, evaluations depending on healthcare organizations are done as focusing on the changes and the change management process in organizations. The importance of change management in health organizations and the factors that were required for its efficiency are mentioned. The success of health organizations can be attributed to their ability to adapt the changes occurred their around depending on the conceptual studies and obtained study findings. In order to have an effective change management in health organizations, firstly it needed to understand the importance of change and its necessity, to train the employees who work for the organization, to include them to change preparation and implementation processes and to give support to them about the change. In this article, suggestions are presented for health organizations as discussing in question topic, change management implementations.Keywords. Change  management, Change, Organizational change, Health organizations.JEL. M19

    Fast and Effective Change Management

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    {Excerpt} When embarking on a change initiative, one should rapidly implement change that results in the higher levels of performance that were envisioned when the decision to make the changes was made. To make this happen, organizations must first overcome the resistance to change and then secure as much discretionary effort as possible. John Kotter remains one of the most respected experts on the subject of change management. He began writing about change management back in the mid-1990s, when he first declared that only one change initiative in three actually achieved its stated objectives. After more than a decade of research by academics and practitioners, one would think that we are now doing a much better job of managing change. Actually, that does not seem to be the case. In 2008, McKinsey & Company conducted a global survey of change management and found just about the same results as Kotter had 12 years before—only a third of change management attempts are successful. What are we doing wrong

    Globalization and Change Management

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    Bringing forward the concepts of globalization and cultural management is no longer surprising nowadays. The organizations’ concern for performance led frequently to adopting some strategic options that go beyond the national space of origin and rely, to a greater extent, on the globalization phenomenon of production, market and capital. The success, under these circumstances, is conditioned, to an impressive extent, by the cultural context and by the managerial competence of capitalizing the aspects that result from this diversity of values, customs, beliefs and local traditions. We will analyze in the present article the process of internationalization that involves more and more companies, the difficulties generated by the cultural differences existent in the host countries and the importance of their integration in the strategic choices of the successful economic organizations.cultural management, globalization, human resources, management of change, managerial competencies.

    Change management and relocation: a moving experience

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    Organisational change brings with it a need for facilities changes. Merging, splitting, downsizing, upsizing, adaptations, are all physical manifestations of the need for change. Along with these changes are innumerable human and organizational changes that are often unintended and poorly understood. The purpose of this paper is to explore what the wider literature has to say about these secondary effects. Specifically, we consider the displacement and fracturing of established modes of operation embedded in previously occupied buildings and the formation of new modes of operation. The paper considers the application of ‘griefwork’ initially proposed by Kubler-Ross in the 1950s. Such an approach provides a means to understand physical change. Furthermore, in the following analysis we consider research currently being undertaken at MediacityUK to trace the transition experiences of those impacted by a major facility change across a split-site. The research findings will provide insights concerning architectural and facilities management interventions that can significantly reduce the human and organizational cost of change, which though difficult to measure, have a profound effect on the sustainability of an organization
