20 research outputs found

    Modelo dinámico para la gestión integrada de proyectos de construcción

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    Los avances que se vienen desarrollando en las tecnologías de la información han sido rápidamente aprovechados e integrados en las grandes corporaciones productivas en los diferentes ámbitos de actuación. Sin embargo, por sus particularidades, la explotación de las posibilidades que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías en la industria de la construcción presenta dificultades. Se propone el análisis de la implantación de un modelo de dirección de proyectos en el ámbito de la construcción (PMBOK), en un entorno colaborativo entre empresas, socios y stakeholders, considerando especialmente la perspectiva informacional y el impacto en la satisfacción del cliente, usando como indicadores la información generada desde el área de calidad, evaluando las oportunidades que ofrece la gestión integrada mediante nuevas tecnologías de la información. Primeramente se describen los elementos fundamentales del modelo propuesto, identificando los flujos de información, según el estándar que propone la guía del PMBOK. A continuación se muestra la tecnología de implementación desde la perspectiva informacional para la calidad, soportada mediante una plataforma de agentes inteligentes distribuidos. Finalmente se detallan los resultados obtenidos mediante simulación con Dinámica de Sistemas en los casos de aplicación del modelo de gestión integrada de proyectos usando nuevas tecnologías de información distribuida y sin ellas, respectivamente.The advances are been developing about information technologies have been improved and integrated by big productive corporations in the different ways of work so quickly. However the possibilities of the operation that new technologies in construction industry offer give some difficulties due to its peculiarities. A model of introduction analysis project management in construction field is proposed at companies, partnership and stakeholders collaborative environments, with the consideration of the informational view and the impact in customer satisfaction, being used as indicators the generated information from the quality area, to assess the opportunities that offers the integrated management through new information technologies. Firstly the fundamental parts of the proposed model are described, being identified the information flows, according to the standard that PMBOK guide proposes. Next, the implementation technology is shown from the information perspective view for the quality, being supported by distributed intelligent agents platform. Finally, the achievement results through the simulation with Dynamic Systems in the different ways of application of the integrated project management model is detailed, being used new distributed information technologies or without them

    Towards a City’s Systems Integration Model for Smart City Development: A Conceptualization

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    Abstract— Smart city development is a response to address the issues of urbanization and need for flexibility and agility in delivering services to citizens. City as a complex system of systems needs to be efficient, inter-operable, and integrated. Thus, similar to systems integration in enterprises, integration of city systems provides flexibility and access to real-time information for creation and delivery of efficient services. In addition, Business Process Change is essential for systems integration in smart city development. Similar to business process change in the private enterprises, there are a number of challenging dimensions in smart city development. This conceptualization research considers a city as a large-scale enterprise and attempts to design a business process centric model for city’s systems integration

    Diffusion of innovation: customer relationship management adoption in supply chain organizations

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    The successful diffusion of innovations in rapidly changing supply chain technological environments is essential to support operations and supply chain management functions. In this paper we conceptualize and develop a framework for research into the diffusion of innovations in organizations pertaining to software adoption in supply chain management. Incorporating Task-Technology Fit theory with a network externalities model, we develop a novel approach in customer relations management (CRM) software adoption. An empirical study using Partial Least Squares (PLS) on data from US supply chain managers is utilized to confirm the usability of the proposed framework as well as confirming the efficacy of the proposed combined methodological approach suggested in this paper. The results also show the direct and indirect network externalities of system quality, ease of use, system reliability, and authority can moderate the CRM adoption relationship in organizations, suggesting the possibility that other moderating network externality variables may impact CRM adoption

    Urban Computing and Smart Cities: Towards Changing City Processes by Applying Enterprise Systems Integration Practices

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    For developing smart cities, it is necessary to integrate all components of a city as a system of systems. This is facilitated by urban computing as a technology to address the complexity of providing adequate services to citizens through various city sectors/systems. Since business processes across city sectors/systems should be aligned with the objectives of urban computing, Business Process Change (BPC) is also a significant prerequisite of city systems integration for Smart City Development (SCD). However, there is limited research on understanding of BPC and its challenges in SCD, while in the private sector, the BPC best practices for Enterprise Systems Integration (ESI) have already been recognised and implemented. By considering city as an enterprise, this research aims at providing an understanding of similarities and differences between BPC challenges in the two contexts: SCD and ESI. This study collects data through literature analyses, interviews, and document analyses and suggests that many BPC challenges in SCD have an equivalent from the ESI context. In addition, the findings provide new insights through some challenges that are only relevant to the SCD context, so-called unsolved challenges. Consequently, the study developed a comparison framework, which indicates that the learnings from ESI could be utilised for the SCD context, in order to address BPC challenges. This will assist city authorities in designing their SCD roadmap, prioritising BPC challenges based on the efforts employed for ESI, and thinking about addressing unsolved challenges; as well as smart city solution providers to develop solutions for changing city processes

    ISM analysis of CPFR implementation barriers

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    Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) as an interconnection scheme between organizations has been shown to have significant benefits. Since its inception in the 1990s, its uptake has been lower than originally predicted. This paper identifies the major barriers and their interrelationships in CPFR implementations with a focus on high-tech industries. Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) is used with a group of CPFR experts from industry/academia and Matrice d’Impacts Croisés Multiplication Appliquée àun Classement (MICMAC) analysis to identify the driving and dependence powers. The paper identified 45 CPFR barriers and classifies them into four categories based on expert opinion, with only 13 of these determined to be significant. The results indicate that in terms of categories, managerial barriers are a significant root cause for both process and cultural barriers and CPFR implementation difficulties. It also indicates that although the importance of information technology to launch collaborative schemes has been addressed by many scholars, technology alone is not the complete solution for successful CPFR implementation. The paper has significant practical implications for organizations as it identifies the main CPFR barriers and their causal relationships. This will help firms in the process of CPFR strategy development particularly for mitigation strategies for dominant barriers

    A Framework for Addressing the Challenges of Business Process Change during Enterprise Systems Integration

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    Purpose- Enterprise Systems Integration (ESI) is necessary for today’s business environment to access real-time data and quickly respond to fluctuating market demand. Business Process Change (BPC) as a significant prerequisite of ESI encompasses various challenges that must be tackled by employing success factors, techniques, and approaches. This study focuses on BPC challenges and develops a conceptual framework for addressing BPC challenges in ESI. Design/Methodology/Approach- BPC challenges and their success factors were firstly identified through a literature analysis. Then, the findings from the literature were thematically analysed and qualitatively validated through 35 unstructured interviews for developing the conceptual framework. Findings- The findings from the literature suggested 17 BPC challenge along with their success factors. During the validation process, 15 BPC challenges were accepted by all interviewees, while most of the respondents disagreed with the two challenges of ‘consolidation of information system reengineering with BPR’, and ‘customisation’. Moreover, ‘risk’ was suggested as a BPC challenge by several interviewees. Thus, the study offered a modified list of BPC challenges that was empirically validated. Originality/value- The study proposes a conceptual framework for addressing BPC challenges in ESI that enables enterprises to design their systems integration roadmap, based on an understanding of BPC challenges and their success factors; as well as supporting solution providers to develop solutions for effective and efficient BPC. Furthermore, the framework will act as a basis for BPC and developing a similar framework for other related contexts, such as smart cities

    A Sandbox Development For Demonstrating Bom Transmission In A Plm And Erp Integrated System

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    Integrating Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in a company is important. Currently, many companies have difficulties on integrating PLM and ERP systems. This study developed a prototype (sandbox) of PLM and ERP integrated system for demonstrating BOM transmission in a PLM and ERP integrated system, describing key aspects of system integration and BOM transmission. This sandbox will facilitate users\u27 knowledge on how to process transactions in a PLM and ERP integrated system. The BOM accuracy was examined by comparing BOM data in PLM system to BOM data in ERP system after implementing engineering changes. This study was limited to Teamcenter PLM, SAP ERP and Tesis Gateway for SAP

    A framework for collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR): state of the art

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    Purpose– Although many papers purport the significant value attributable to supply chain performance from the use of Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), the question of ‘what are the main constructs and efficient framework for successful implementation of CPFR?’ remains largely unanswered. This question will be addressed by identifying and analysing the main constructs for successful implementation of CPFR. This paper attempts first to seek answers to this question. Second, to review the scope and value of CPFR using a devised state-of-the-art taxonomy for the classification of selected bibliographical references and third, to develop a conceptual framework by identifying areas which need more research. Design/methodology/approach– The method underlying this paper followed the steps of a systematic literature review process outlined by Soni and Kodali (2011). The review is based on a total of 93 papers published from 1998 to 2013 on CPFR. Findings– Four main constructs for successful implementation of CPFR have been identified: CPFR enablers, CPFR barriers, trading partner selection and incentive alignment. The findings indicate that there is a need for better understanding of the amount and level of information sharing as an important function of CPFR implementation. The paper also illustrates a number of shortcomings in the current literature and provides suggestions to guide future research on implementing CPFR in different industries. Practical implications– This paper is of interest to both academicians and practitioners as it helps to better understand the concept and role of CPFR in supply chain integration and its implementation results, enablers and inhibitors. The proposed framework in this paper can be used to give insight for future research and practice. Originality/value– The paper offers a framework for the review of previous research on CPFR and identifies the most important shortcomings that need to be addressed in future research. In addition, this review is both greater in scope than previous reviews and is broader in its subject focus

    Digitalization of South Ostrobothnian companies

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    Digitalization, the increasing use of information technology, is a topical phenomenon that has a strong impact on our society. Digitalization has had a particular impact on companies, as it offers new solutions and business models, but also new challenges to meet the rapid development of technology. Based on previous research data, the level of digitalization in Finnish companies can be considered good, but goals for its development and improvement have been presented. Based on previous research data, the state of digitalization in region of South Ostrobothnia is below the national level, which is why it is important to provide up-to-date research data on the topic. The aim of the study is to provide up-to-date research information on the role of digitalization in South Ostrobothnian companies and to increase the visibility of the topic. In addition to the role of digitalization, this study also examines servitization enabled by digitalization and the impact of digitalization on companies' operating environments, especially competition, networks and value creation. Servitization is approached as digital servitization, which means that digitalization is seen as an opportunity to offer new services and service models. This study is a qualitative study. The research material was collected by interviewing six digital companies of the year selected by the South Ostrobothnia Chamber of Commerce. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured thematic interviews. The interview was attended by people from companies with a strong knowledge of the company's digitalization. The findings of the study show that the role of digitalization in companies is significant, as it has streamlined existing or enabled entirely new business models. Digitalization is seen as a fundamental part of the company's operations and a strategically important factor. Attitudes towards digitalization are particularly positive and strong on the part of management. The study showed that digitalization enables servitization with different digital tools and channels, but the role of servitization was seen to grow more in the future. From business environment perspective, the study showed that digitalization has impact on competition, but the effects on value creation or the network model were still small.Digitalisaatio eli lisääntyvä tietotekniikan hyödyntäminen on ajankohtainen ilmiö, joka vaikuttaa yhteiskuntaamme vahvasti. Digitalisaatio on vaikuttanut etenkin yritysten toimintaan, sillä se tarjoaa uusia ratkaisuja ja liiketoimintamalleja, mutta myös uusia haasteita vastata teknologian nopeaan kehitykseen. Suomalaisissa yrityksissä digitalisaation tasoa voidaan pitää aikaisemman tutkimustiedon perusteella hyvänä, mutta tavoitteita sen kehittämiseen ja parantamiseen on asetettu. Etelä-Pohjanmaan alue on aikaisemman tutkimustiedon perusteella kansallista tasoa alhaisemmalla tasolla digitalisaation hyödyntämisessä, minkä vuoksi aiheen esillä pitäminen ja ajantasaisen tutkimustiedot tuottaminen on tärkeää. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tuottaa ajantasaista tutkimustietoa eteläpohjalaisten yritysten digitalisaatiosta ja lisätä aiheen näkyvyyttä. Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee digitalisaation roolin lisäksi myös digitalisaation mahdollistamaa palveluistumista sekä digitalisaation vaikutusta yritysten toimintaympäristöön, etenkin kilpailuun, verkostoihin sekä arvonluontiin. Palveluistumista lähestytään digitaalisena palveluistumisena, eli digitalisaation nähdään mahdollistavan uusien palveluiden ja palvelumallien luomisen. Tämä tutkimus on laadullinen eli kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kuutta Etelä-Pohjanmaan kauppakamarin valitsemaa vuoden digitaalista yritystä. Haastattelut toteutettiin puolistrukturoituina teemahaastatteluina. Haastatteluun osallistui henkilöitä yrityksistä, joilla oli vahva tietämys yrityksen digitalisaatiosta. Tutkimuksen löydökset osoittavat, että digitalisaation rooli tutkittavissa yrityksissä on merkittävä, sillä se on tehostanut olemassa olevia, tai mahdollistanut täysin uusia liiketoimintamalleja. Digitalisaatio nähtiin yrityksissä perustavanlaatuisena osana yrityksen toimintaa ja strategisesti merkittävänä tekijänä. Suhtautuminen digitalisaatioon on etenkin johdon puolelta positiivista ja vahvaa. Tutkimus osoitti, että digitalisaatio mahdollistaa yritysten palveluistumisen erilaisilla digitaalisilla työkaluilla ja kanavilla, mutta palveluistumisen rooli nähtiin kasvavan tulevaisuudessa enemmän. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että yritysten liiketoimintaympäristön kannalta digitalisaatio on vaikuttanut etenkin kilpailuun, mutta ilmiön vaikutukset arvonluontiin tai verkostomalliin nähtiin ainakin vielä vähäisinä