161 research outputs found

    Usability Evaluation of Online Educational Applications in COVID-19

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    COVID-19 is a pandemic faced by almost every country in the world, this has resulted in health crisis. Due to COVID-19, all the countries around the world have decided to close all educational institutes to prevent this pandemic. Educational institutes have taken every possible measure to minimize the impact of the closure of schools and introduce the concept of an online education system which is not only a massive shock for parents but it also affects the children's learning process and social life. The educational applications (Apps) are very important, because they offer more opportunities for development and growth to society. In this pandemic situation, educational Apps like Zoom, HEC LMS, Google Classroom, and Skype, etc. are the need of the hour when everything goes online. In this paper, the usability features of online educational Apps are thoroughly discussed including the effectiveness and usability for students. Using the results obtained from the survey, this paper observes the student's perspective of usefulness of online educational Apps in student’s learning process of different age groups. It also analyzes the easiness for students to understand, interact and use these Apps

    Case study in Mobile Testing at Playtech Kiev

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    Mobiilsete seadmete turg kasvab igapäevaselt. Nutitelefonidest on saanud tähtis osa paljude inimeste igapäevasest sotsiaalelust. Mobiiltelefone kasutataksse paljudel erinevatel eesmärkidel, isiklike otstarvete kõrval ka ärilistel ja meelelahutuslikel.\n\rPaljud IT organisatsioonid on suunanud oma fookuse mobiiliarendusele, et pakkuda erinevaid mobiilseid lahendusi globaalsele turule. Mobiilse tarkvara testimine on üheks osaks mobiilse tarkvara arenduse protsessist. Sellest on saanud täiendav osa tarkvara testimise protsessis. Mobiilse tarkvara testimiseks on välja töötatud mitemeid protseduure, mudeleid, testimise lahendeid ja lähenemisviise. \n\rKäesolevas magistritöös on kirjeldatud mobiilse tarkvara testimise protseduuri Playtech Kievi QA osakonna näitel, keskendudes mobiili- ning veebiteenuste meeskonnale.\n\rMobiilse tarkvara arendusprotsess on üles ehitatud kasutades QA juhi poolt esitatud dokumente ning tehnilisi nõudeid, töötajate küsitlustikku ning erialast kirjandust.\n\rAntud juhtumiuuringu tulemusena valmis mobiili- ning veebiteenuste meeskonna jaoks raport struktureeritud nimistuga soovitustest ning võimalikest parandusettepanekutest. QA juht ning mobiili- ning veebiteenuste tiimi QA juht andsid tagasisidet igale soovitusettepanekule, kiitsid heaks kõige tähtsamate punktide elluviimise sõltuvalt meeskonna tulevikusuundade ja uurimuste pealt tehtud prioriteetidest.The modern digital market of smartphones is growing every day. The smartphone has be-come an important part for many people in their everyday social life. People use mobile devices for different activities, including business and personal needs. \n\rCurrently, many IT companies started to be focused on mobile development to provide different mobile solutions for the global market. Mobile software testing is a part of the mobile development process. It became an additional part of software testing process. There are a lot of different procedures, models, test cases and approaches within mobile software testing. This thesis described the mobile testing stare-of-practice at QA depart-ment, specifically for Mobile and Web Service Team at Playtech Kiev.\n\rAs a result, of this case study the “Mobile and Web Service Team” received a report with the structured list of suggestions and possible improvements. The QA manager and QA Team Leaders of the “Mobile and Web Service Team” gave feedback on each provided suggestions, approved the most important points based on the team’s priority

    Mobile health information system: a mobile app. to aid health workers relate health information.

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    Healthcare is conventionally regarded as an important determinant in promoting the general health and wellbeing of peoples around the world. And in doing this, health education and information plays a major role, because it is a reliable medium and the most effective way to reduce morbidity and mortality in developing countries. We need to deliver vital messages and information to people at the lower quarter of the society, this information can be used for changing behaviors’ and practices, and this in turn can save and protect lives. It is in this context that the use of mobile phones in delivering vital health information and effective fieldwork reporting is of significance. This project seeks to use the availability of mobile service across the urban and rural areas to benefit healthcare.KEY WORDS: Health Information System; Mobile Health Information System, Medical Informatio

    Objective measurements analysis for usability evaluation of mobile applications for deaf people

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    Usability evaluation is an important element that will enable to identify performance of any system or application.Through identification of these issue, usefulness of a product can be improvised.Many usability models are available to evaluate the system usability.Usability data can be collected in two different method which is objective data and subjective data.This paper present objective data analysis of usability evaluation conducted with deaf people mobile application.The results show that the application evaluated having usability issue in term of performance which needs to be improvised by the developer to produce better functionality application for deaf people

    A metric-based evaluation model for applications on mobile phone

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    Research on HCI, specifically on mobile application has started more than a decade. Usability metrics have been used as guidelines to evaluate the quality of the system as well as mobile applications. However, the metrics used for evaluation method keep changing due to the new inventions on mobile phones.Thus, there is a need to create a dynamic model for evaluation that can grow together with new inventions and technology.In this paper, we created a dynamic usability metrics model and test the model to ensure the model is reliable and effective.The model comprises usability goals, questions and metrics for evaluation of applications on mobile phone. This paper also reports the usability test results for applications installed on different mobile phone