328 research outputs found

    Analog radio over fiber solutions for multi-band 5g systems

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    This study presents radio over fiber (RoF) solutions for the fifth-generation (5G) of wireless networks. After the state of the art and a technical background review, four main contributions are reported. The first one is proposing and investigating a RoF technique based on a dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator (DD-MZM) for multi-band mobile fronthauls, in which two radiofrequency (RF) signals in the predicted 5G bands individually feed an arm of the optical modulator. Experimental results demonstrate the approach enhances the RF interference mitigation and can prevail over traditional methods. The second contribution comprises the integration of a 5G transceiver, previously developed by our group, in a passive optical network (PON) using RoF technology and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) overlay. The proposed architecture innovates by employing DD-MZM and enables to simultaneously transport baseband and 5G candidate RF signals in the same PON infrastructure. The proof-of-concept includes the transmission of a generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) signal generated by the 5G transceiver in the 700 MHz band, a 26 GHz digitally modulated signal as a millimeter-waves 5G band, and a baseband signal from an gigabit PON (GPON). Experimental results demonstrate the 5G transceiver digital performance when using RoF technology for distributing the GFDM signal, as well as Gbit/s throughput at 26 GHz. The third contribution is the implementation of a flexible-waveform and multi-application fiber-wireless (FiWi) system toward 5G. Such system includes the FiWi transmission of the GFDM and filtered orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (F-OFDM) signals at 788 MHz, toward long-range cells for remote or rural mobile access, as well as the recently launched 5G NR standard in microwave and mm-waves, aiming enhanced mobile broadband indoor and outdoor applications. Digital signal processing (DSP) is used for selecting the waveform and linearizing the RoF link. Experimental results demonstrate the suitability of the proposed solution to address 5G scenarios and requirements, besides the applicability of using existent fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks from Internet service providers for implementing 5G systems. Finally, the fourth contribution is the implementation of a multi-band 5G NR system with photonic-assisted RF amplification (PAA). The approach takes advantage of a novel PAA technique, based on RoF technology and four-wave mixing effect, that allows straightforward integration to the transport networks. Experimental results demonstrate iv uniform and stable 15 dB wideband gain for Long Term Evolution (LTE) and three 5G signals, distributed in the frequency range from 780 MHz to 26 GHz and coexisting in the mobile fronthaul. The obtained digital performance has efficiently met the Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) requirements, demonstrating the applicability of the proposed approach for using fiber-optic links to distribute and jointly amplify LTE and 5G signals in the optical domain.Agência 1Este trabalho apresenta soluções de rádio sobre fibra (RoF) para aplicações em redes sem fio de quinta geração (5G), e inclui quatro contribuições principais. A primeira delas refere-se à proposta e investigação de uma técnica de RoF baseada no modulador eletroóptico de braço duplo, dual-drive Mach-Zehnder (DD-MZM), para a transmissão simultânea de sinais de radiofrequência (RF) em bandas previstas para redes 5G. Resultados experimentais demonstram que o uso do DD-MZM favorece a ausência de interferência entre os sinais de RF transmitidos. A segunda contribuição trata da integração de um transceptor de RF, desenvolvido para aplicações 5G e apto a prover a forma de onda conhecida como generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM), em uma rede óptica passiva (PON) ao utilizar RoF e multiplexação por divisão de comprimento de onda (WDM). A arquitetura proposta permite transportar, na mesma infraestrutura de rede, sinais em banda base e de radiofrequência nas faixas do espectro candidatas para 5G. A prova de conceito inclui a distribuição conjunta de três tipos de sinais: um sinal GFDM na banda de 700 MHz, proveniente do transceptor desenvolvido; um sinal digital na frequência de 26 GHz, assumindo a faixa de ondas milimétricas; sinais em banda base provenientes de uma PON dedicada ao serviço de Internet. Resultados experimentais demonstram o desempenho do transceptor de RF ao utilizar a referida arquitetura para distribuir sinais GFDM, além de taxas de transmissão de dados da ordem de Gbit/s na faixa de 26 GHz. A terceira contribuição corresponde à implementação de um sistema fibra/rádio potencial para redes 5G, operando inclusive com o padrão ―5G New Radio (5G NR)‖ nas faixas de micro-ondas e ondas milimétricas. Tal sistema é capaz de prover macro células na banda de 700 MHz para aplicações de longo alcance e/ou rurais, utilizando sinais GFDM ou filtered orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (F-OFDM), assim como femto células na banda de 26 GHz, destinada a altas taxas de transmissão de dados para comunicações de curto alcance. Resultados experimentais demonstram a aplicabilidade da solução proposta para redes 5G, além da viabilidade de utilizar redes ópticas pertencentes a provedores de Internet para favorecer sistemas de nova geração. Por fim, a quarta contribuição trata da implementação de um sistema 5G NR multibanda, assistido por amplificação de RF no domínio óptico. Esse sistema faz uso de um novo método de amplificação, baseado no efeito não linear da mistura de quatro ondas, que vi permite integração direta em redes de transporte envolvendo rádio sobre fibra. Resultados experimentais demonstram ganho de RF igual a 15 dB em uma ampla faixa de frequências (700 MHz até 26 GHz), atendendo simultaneamente tecnologias de quarta e quinta geração. O desempenho digital obtido atendeu aos requisitos estabelecidos pela 3GPP (Third-Generation Partnership Project), indicando a aplicabilidade da solução em questão para distribuir e conjuntamente amplificar sinais de RF em enlaces de fibra óptica

    Fronthaul-Constrained Cloud Radio Access Networks: Insights and Challenges

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    As a promising paradigm for fifth generation (5G) wireless communication systems, cloud radio access networks (C-RANs) have been shown to reduce both capital and operating expenditures, as well as to provide high spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE). The fronthaul in such networks, defined as the transmission link between a baseband unit (BBU) and a remote radio head (RRH), requires high capacity, but is often constrained. This article comprehensively surveys recent advances in fronthaul-constrained C-RANs, including system architectures and key techniques. In particular, key techniques for alleviating the impact of constrained fronthaul on SE/EE and quality of service for users, including compression and quantization, large-scale coordinated processing and clustering, and resource allocation optimization, are discussed. Open issues in terms of software-defined networking, network function virtualization, and partial centralization are also identified.Comment: 5 Figures, accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1407.3855 by other author

    6G Radio Testbeds: Requirements, Trends, and Approaches

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    The proof of the pudding is in the eating - that is why 6G testbeds are essential in the progress towards the next generation of wireless networks. Theoretical research towards 6G wireless networks is proposing advanced technologies to serve new applications and drastically improve the energy performance of the network. Testbeds are indispensable to validate these new technologies under more realistic conditions. This paper clarifies the requirements for 6G radio testbeds, reveals trends, and introduces approaches towards their development

    Boosting Fronthaul Capacity: Global Optimization of Power Sharing for Centralized Radio Access Network

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    The limited fronthaul capacity imposes a challenge on the uplink of centralized radio access network (C-RAN). We propose to boost the fronthaul capacity of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) aided C-RAN by globally optimizing the power sharing between channel estimation and data transmission both for the user devices (UDs) and the remote radio units (RRUs). Intuitively, allocating more power to the channel estimation will result in more accurate channel estimates, which increases the achievable throughput. However, increasing the power allocated to the pilot training will reduce the power assigned to data transmission, which reduces the achievable throughput. In order to optimize the powers allocated to the pilot training and to the data transmission of both the UDs and the RRUs, we assign an individual power sharing factor to each of them and derive an asymptotic closed-form expression of the signal-to-interference-plus-noise for the massive MIMO aided C-RAN consisting of both the UD-to-RRU links and the RRU-to-baseband unit (BBU) links. We then exploit the C-RAN architecture's central computing and control capability for jointly optimizing the UDs' power sharing factors and the RRUs' power sharing factors aiming for maximizing the fronthaul capacity. Our simulation results show that the fronthaul capacity is significantly boosted by the proposed global optimization of the power allocation between channel estimation and data transmission both for the UDs and for their host RRUs. As a specific example of 32 receive antennas (RAs) deployed by RRU and 128 RAs deployed by BBU, the sum-rate of 10 UDs achieved with the optimal power sharing factors improves 33\% compared with the one attained without optimizing power sharing factors

    Evolution Toward 5G Mobile Networks - A Survey on Enabling Technologies

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    In this paper, an extensive review has been carried out on the trends of existing as well as proposed potential enabling technologies that are expected to shape the fifth generation (5G) mobile wireless networks. Based on the classification of the trends, we develop a 5G network architectural evolution framework that comprises three evolutionary directions, namely, (1) radio access network node and performance enabler, (2) network control programming platform, and (3) backhaul network platform and synchronization. In (1), we discuss node classification including low power nodes in emerging machine-type communications, and network capacity enablers, e.g., millimeter wave communications and massive multiple-input multiple-output. In (2), both logically distributed cell/device-centric platforms, and logically centralized conventional/wireless software defined networking control programming approaches are discussed. In (3), backhaul networks and network synchronization are discussed. A comparative analysis for each direction as well as future evolutionary directions and challenges toward 5G networks are discussed. This survey will be helpful for further research exploitations and network operators for a smooth evolution of their existing networks toward 5G networks

    Otimização do fronthaul ótico para redes de acesso de rádio (baseadas) em computação em nuvem (CC-RANs)

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    Doutoramento conjunto (MAP-Tele) em Engenharia Eletrotécnica/TelecomunicaçõesA proliferação de diversos tipos de dispositivos moveis, aplicações e serviços com grande necessidade de largura de banda têm contribuído para o aumento de ligações de banda larga e ao aumento do volume de trafego das redes de telecomunicações moveis. Este aumento exponencial tem posto uma enorme pressão nos mobile operadores de redes móveis (MNOs). Um dos aspetos principais deste recente desenvolvimento, é a necessidade que as redes têm de oferecer baixa complexidade nas ligações, como também baixo consumo energético, muito baixa latência e ao mesmo tempo uma grande capacidade por baixo usto. De maneira a resolver estas questões, os MNOs têm focado a sua atenção na redes de acesso por rádio em nuvem (C-RAN) principalmente devido aos seus benefícios em termos de otimização de performance e relação qualidade preço. O standard para a distribuição de sinais sem fios por um fronthaul C-RAN é o common public radio interface (CPRI). No entanto, ligações óticas baseadas em interfaces CPRI necessitam de uma grande largura de banda. Estes requerimentos podem também ser atingidos com uma implementação em ligação free space optical (FSO) que é um sistema ótico que usa comunicação sem fios. O FSO tem sido uma alternativa muito apelativa aos sistemas de comunicação rádio (RF) pois combinam a flexibilidade e mobilidade das redes RF ao mesmo tempo que permitem a elevada largura de banda permitida pelo sistema ótico. No entanto, as ligações FSO são suscetíveis a alterações atmosféricas que podem prejudicar o desempenho do sistema de comunicação. Estas limitações têm evitado o FSO de ser tornar uma excelente solução para o fronthaul. Uma caracterização precisa do canal e tecnologias mais avançadas são então necessárias para uma implementação pratica de ligações FSO. Nesta tese, vamos estudar uma implementação eficiente para fronthaul baseada em tecnologia á rádio-sobre-FSO (RoFSO). Propomos expressões em forma fechada para mitigação das perdas de propagação e para a estimação da capacidade do canal de maneira a aliviar a complexidade do sistema de comunicação. Simulações numéricas são também apresentadas para formatos de modulação adaptativas. São também considerados esquemas como um sistema hibrido RF/FSO e tecnologias de transmissão apoiadas por retransmissores que ajudam a alivar os requerimentos impostos por um backhaul/fronthaul de C-RAN. Os modelos propostos não só reduzem o esforço computacional, como também têm outros méritos, tais como, uma elevada precisão na estimação do canal e desempenho, baixo requisitos na capacidade de memória e uma rápida e estável operação comparativamente com o estado da arte em sistemas analíticos (PON)-FSO. Este sistema é implementado num recetor em tempo real que é emulado através de uma field-programmable gate array (FPGA) comercial. Permitindo assim um sistema aberto, interoperabilidade, portabilidade e também obedecer a standards de software aberto. Os esquemas híbridos têm a habilidade de suportar diferentes aplicações, serviços e múltiplos operadores a partilharem a mesma infraestrutura de fibra ótica.The proliferation of different mobile devices, bandwidth-intensive applications and services contribute to the increase in the broadband connections and the volume of traffic on the mobile networks. This exponential growth has put considerable pressure on the mobile network operators (MNOs). In principal, there is a need for networks that not only offer low-complexity, low-energy consumption, and extremely low-latency but also high-capacity at relatively low cost. In order to address the demand, MNOs have given significant attention to the cloud radio access network (C-RAN) due to its beneficial features in terms of performance optimization and cost-effectiveness. The de facto standard for distributing wireless signal over the C-RAN fronthaul is the common public radio interface (CPRI). However, optical links based on CPRI interfaces requires large bandwidth. Also, the aforementioned requirements can be realized with the implementation of free space optical (FSO) link, which is an optical wireless system. The FSO is an appealing alternative to the radio frequency (RF) communication system that combines the flexibility and mobility offered by the RF networks with the high-data rates provided by the optical systems. However, the FSO links are susceptible to atmospheric impairments which eventually hinder the system performance. Consequently, these limitations prevent FSO from being an efficient standalone fronthaul solution. So, precise channel characterizations and advanced technologies are required for practical FSO link deployment and operation. In this thesis, we study an efficient fronthaul implementation that is based on radio-on-FSO (RoFSO) technologies. We propose closedform expressions for fading-mitigation and for the estimation of channel capacity so as to alleviate the system complexity. Numerical simulations are presented for adaptive modulation scheme using advanced modulation formats. We also consider schemes like hybrid RF/FSO and relay-assisted transmission technologies that can help in alleviating the stringent requirements by the C-RAN backhaul/fronthaul. The propose models not only reduce the computational requirements/efforts, but also have a number of diverse merits such as high-accuracy, low-memory requirements, fast and stable operation compared to the current state-of-the-art analytical based approaches. In addition to the FSO channel characterization, we present a proof-of-concept experiment in which we study the transmission capabilities of a hybrid passive optical network (PON)-FSO system. This is implemented with the real-time receiver that is emulated by a commercial field-programmable gate array (FPGA). This helps in facilitating an open system and hence enables interoperability, portability, and open software standards. The hybrid schemes have the ability to support different applications, services, and multiple operators over a shared optical fiber infrastructure