1,780 research outputs found

    Multimedia Content Distribution in Hybrid Wireless Networks using Weighted Clustering

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    Fixed infrastructured networks naturally support centralized approaches for group management and information provisioning. Contrary to infrastructured networks, in multi-hop ad-hoc networks each node acts as a router as well as sender and receiver. Some applications, however, requires hierarchical arrangements that-for practical reasons-has to be done locally and self-organized. An additional challenge is to deal with mobility that causes permanent network partitioning and re-organizations. Technically, these problems can be tackled by providing additional uplinks to a backbone network, which can be used to access resources in the Internet as well as to inter-link multiple ad-hoc network partitions, creating a hybrid wireless network. In this paper, we present a prototypically implemented hybrid wireless network system optimized for multimedia content distribution. To efficiently manage the ad-hoc communicating devices a weighted clustering algorithm is introduced. The proposed localized algorithm deals with mobility, but does not require geographical information or distances.Comment: 2nd ACM Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Performance Modeling 2006 (ISBN 1-59593-485

    Personal area technologies for internetworked services

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    Low-complexity medium access control protocols for QoS support in third-generation radio access networks

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    One approach to maximizing the efficiency of medium access control (MAC) on the uplink in a future wideband code-division multiple-access (WCDMA)-based third-generation radio access network, and hence maximize spectral efficiency, is to employ a low-complexity distributed scheduling control approach. The maximization of spectral efficiency in third-generation radio access networks is complicated by the need to provide bandwidth-on-demand to diverse services characterized by diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements in an interference limited environment. However, the ability to exploit the full potential of resource allocation algorithms in third-generation radio access networks has been limited by the absence of a metric that captures the two-dimensional radio resource requirement, in terms of power and bandwidth, in the third-generation radio access network environment, where different users may have different signal-to-interference ratio requirements. This paper presents a novel resource metric as a solution to this fundamental problem. Also, a novel deadline-driven backoff procedure has been presented as the backoff scheme of the proposed distributed scheduling MAC protocols to enable the efficient support of services with QoS imposed delay constraints without the need for centralized scheduling. The main conclusion is that low-complexity distributed scheduling control strategies using overload avoidance/overload detection can be designed using the proposed resource metric to give near optimal performance and thus maintain a high spectral efficiency in third-generation radio access networks and that importantly overload detection is superior to overload avoidance

    ISMA-DS/CDMA MAC protocol for mobile packet radio networks

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    In this paper an ISMA-DS/CDMA MAC protocol for a packet transmission network is presented. The main feature of this protocol is its ability to retain the inherent flexibility of random access protocols while at the same time reducing to some extent the randomness in the access in order to increase the system capacity. In this framework, the protocol is adapted to a frame structure similar to that specified in the UTRA ETSI proposal for third generation mobile communication systems. Additionally, some adaptive mechanisms are proposed that improve protocol performance by means of varying the transmission bit rate according to the channel load that is broadcast by the base station. As a result, an adaptive bit rate algorithm is presented that reaches a throughput value close to the optimumPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On Energy Efficient Hierarchical Cross-Layer Design: Joint Power Control and Routing for Ad Hoc Networks

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    In this paper, a hierarchical cross-layer design approach is proposed to increase energy efficiency in ad hoc networks through joint adaptation of nodes' transmitting powers and route selection. The design maintains the advantages of the classic OSI model, while accounting for the cross-coupling between layers, through information sharing. The proposed joint power control and routing algorithm is shown to increase significantly the overall energy efficiency of the network, at the expense of a moderate increase in complexity. Performance enhancement of the joint design using multiuser detection is also investigated, and it is shown that the use of multiuser detection can increase the capacity of the ad hoc network significantly for a given level of energy consumption.Comment: To appear in the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Special Issue on Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Network

    A review of personal communications services

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    This article can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2009 Nova Science Publishers, LtdPCS is an acronym for Personal Communications Service. PCS has two layers of meaning. At the low layer, from the technical perspective, PCS is a 2G mobile communication technology operating at the 1900 MHz frequency range. At the upper layer, PCS is often used as an umbrella term that includes various wireless access and personal mobility services with the ultimate goal of enabling users to freely communicate with anyone at anytime and anywhere according to their demand. Ubiquitous PCS can be implemented by integrating the wireless and wireline systems on the basis of intelligent network (IN), which provides network functions of terminal and personal mobility. In this chapter, we focus on various aspects of PCS except location management. First we describe the motivation and technological evolution for personal communications. Then we introduce three key issues related to PCS: spectrum allocation, mobility, and standardization efforts. Since PCS involves several different communication technologies, we introduce its heterogeneous and distributed system architecture. IN is also described in detail because it plays a critical role in the development of PCS. Finally, we introduce the application of PCS and its deployment status since the mid-term of 1990’s.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 60673159 and 70671020; the National High-Tech Research and Development Plan of China under Grant No. 2006AA01Z214, and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/1


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    This work deals with efficient power and rate assignment to mobile stations (MSs) involved in bursty data transmission in cellular CDMA networks. Power control in the current CDMA standards is based on a fixed target signal quality called signal to interference ratio (SIR). The target SIR represents a predefined frame error rate (FER). This approach is inefficient for data-MSs because a fixed target SIR can limit the MS's throughput. Power control should thus provide dynamic target SIRs instead of a fixed target SIR. In the research literature, the power control problem has been modeled using game theory. A limitation of the current literature is that in order to implement the algorithms, each MS needs to know information such as path gains and transmission rates of all other MSs. Fast rate control schemes in the evolving cellular data systems such as cdma2000-1x-EV assign transmission rates to MSs using a probabilistic approach. The limitation here is that the radio resources can be either under or over-utilized. Further, all MSs are not assigned the same rates. In the schemes proposed in the literature, only few MSs, which have the best channel conditions, obtain all radio resources. In this dissertation, we address the power control issue by moving the computation of the Nash equilibrium from each MS to the base station (BS). We also propose equal radio resource allocation for all MSs under the constraint that only the maximum allowable radio resources are used in a cell. This dissertation addresses the problem of how to efficiently assign power and rate to MSs based on dynamic target SIRs for bursty transmissions. The proposed schemes in this work maximize the throughput of each data-MS while still providing equal allocation of radio resources to all MSs and achieving full radio resource utilization in each cell. The proposed schemes result in power and rate control algorithms that however require some assistance from the BS. The performance evaluation and comparisons with cdma2000-1x-Evolution Data Only (1x-EV-DO) show that the proposed schemes can provide better effective rates (rates after error) than the existing schemes

    Power control in multimedia CDMA cellular networks.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.Wireless mobile communication is witnessing a rapid growth in, and demand for, improved technology and range of information types and services. Further, third generation cellular networks are expected to provide mobile users with ubiquitous wireless access to a global backbone architecture that carries a wide variety of electronic services. We examine the topic of power control and models that arc suitable for modem third generation wireless networks. CDMA technology is proving to be a promising and attractive approach for spectrally efficient, economical and high quality digital communications wireless networks. This thesis addresses the challenge of integrating heterogeneous transmitting sources with a broad range of Quality of Service characteristics in the cellular COMA networks. Provided the right power control can be devised, COMA offers the potential of extracting gain from the statistical multiplexing of such sources. A distributed power control algorithm is proposed which is required to update the transmitted power of the mobiles in each of the service classes locally. and enhance the performance of the system significantly. Algorithms for pragmatic issues like power level quantization and truncation of power are derived and incorporated into the proposed distributed power control algorithm