593 research outputs found

    Optimal Multi-UAV Trajectory Planning for Filming Applications

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    Teams of multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be used to record large-scale outdoor scenarios and complementary views of several action points as a promising system for cinematic video recording. Generating the trajectories of the UAVs plays a key role, as it should be ensured that they comply with requirements for system dynamics, smoothness, and safety. The rise of numerical methods for nonlinear optimization is finding a ourishing field in optimization-based approaches to multi- UAV trajectory planning. In particular, these methods are rather promising for video recording applications, as they enable multiple constraints and objectives to be formulated, such as trajectory smoothness, compliance with UAV and camera dynamics, avoidance of obstacles and inter-UAV con icts, and mutual UAV visibility. The main objective of this thesis is to plan online trajectories for multi-UAV teams in video applications, formulating novel optimization problems and solving them in real time. The thesis begins by presenting a framework for carrying out autonomous cinematography missions with a team of UAVs. This framework enables media directors to design missions involving different types of shots with one or multiple cameras, running sequentially or concurrently. Second, the thesis proposes a novel non-linear formulation for the challenging problem of computing optimal multi-UAV trajectories for cinematography, integrating UAV dynamics and collision avoidance constraints, together with cinematographic aspects such as smoothness, gimbal mechanical limits, and mutual camera visibility. Lastly, the thesis describes a method for autonomous aerial recording with distributed lighting by a team of UAVs. The multi-UAV trajectory optimization problem is decoupled into two steps in order to tackle non-linear cinematographic aspects and obstacle avoidance at separate stages. This allows the trajectory planner to perform in real time and to react online to changes in dynamic environments. It is important to note that all the methods in the thesis have been validated by means of extensive simulations and field experiments. Moreover, all the software components have been developed as open source.Los equipos de vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV) son sistemas prometedores para grabar eventos cinematográficos, en escenarios exteriores de grandes dimensiones difíciles de cubrir o para tomar vistas complementarias de diferentes puntos de acción. La generación de trayectorias para este tipo de vehículos desempeña un papel fundamental, ya que debe garantizarse que se cumplan requisitos dinámicos, de suavidad y de seguridad. Los enfoques basados en la optimización para la planificación de trayectorias de múltiples UAVs se pueden ver beneficiados por el auge de los métodos numéricos para la resolución de problemas de optimización no lineales. En particular, estos métodos son bastante prometedores para las aplicaciones de grabación de vídeo, ya que permiten formular múltiples restricciones y objetivos, como la suavidad de la trayectoria, el cumplimiento de la dinámica del UAV y de la cámara, la evitación de obstáculos y de conflictos entre UAVs, y la visibilidad mutua. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es planificar trayectorias para equipos multi-UAV en aplicaciones de vídeo, formulando novedosos problemas de optimización y resolviéndolos en tiempo real. La tesis comienza presentando un marco de trabajo para la realización de misiones cinematográficas autónomas con un equipo de UAVs. Este marco permite a los directores de medios de comunicación diseñar misiones que incluyan diferentes tipos de tomas con una o varias cámaras, ejecutadas de forma secuencial o concurrente. En segundo lugar, la tesis propone una novedosa formulación no lineal para el difícil problema de calcular las trayectorias óptimas de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados en cinematografía, integrando en el problema la dinámica de los UAVs y las restricciones para evitar colisiones, junto con aspectos cinematográficos como la suavidad, los límites mecánicos del cardán y la visibilidad mutua de las cámaras. Por último, la tesis describe un método de grabación aérea autónoma con iluminación distribuida por un equipo de UAVs. El problema de optimización de trayectorias se desacopla en dos pasos para abordar los aspectos cinematográficos no lineales y la evitación de obstáculos en etapas separadas. Esto permite al planificador de trayectorias actuar en tiempo real y reaccionar en línea a los cambios en los entornos dinámicos. Es importante señalar que todos los métodos de la tesis han sido validados mediante extensas simulaciones y experimentos de campo. Además, todos los componentes del software se han desarrollado como código abierto

    An event-driven approach to control and optimization of multi-agent systems

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    This dissertation studies the application of several event-driven control schemes in multi-agent systems. First, a new cooperative receding horizon (CRH) controller is designed and applied to a class of maximum reward collection problems. Target rewards are time-variant with finite deadlines and the environment contains uncertainties. The new methodology adapts an event-driven approach by optimizing the control for a planning horizon and updating it for a shorter action horizon. The proposed CRH controller addresses several issues including potential instabilities and oscillations. It also improves the estimated reward-to-go which enhances the overall performance of the controller. The other major contribution is that the originally infinite-dimensional feasible control set is reduced to a finite set at each time step which improves the computational cost of the controller. Second, a new event-driven methodology is studied for trajectory planning in multi-agent systems. A rigorous optimal control solution is employed using numerical solutions which turn out to be computationally infeasible in real time applications. The problem is then parameterized using several families of parametric trajectories. The solution to the parametric optimization relies on an unbiased estimate of the objective function's gradient obtained by the "Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis" method. The premise of event-driven methods is that the events involved are observable so as to "excite" the underlying event-driven controller. However, it is not always obvious that these events actually take place under every feasible control in which case the controller may be useless. This issue of event excitation, which arises specially in multi-agent systems with a finite number of targets, is studied and addressed by introducing a novel performance measure which generates a potential field over the mission space. The effect of the new performance metric is demonstrated through simulation and analytical results

    An event-driven approach to control and optimization of multi-agent systems

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    This dissertation studies the application of several event-driven control schemes in multi-agent systems. First, a new cooperative receding horizon (CRH) controller is designed and applied to a class of maximum reward collection problems. Target rewards are time-variant with finite deadlines and the environment contains uncertainties. The new methodology adapts an event-driven approach by optimizing the control for a planning horizon and updating it for a shorter action horizon. The proposed CRH controller addresses several issues including potential instabilities and oscillations. It also improves the estimated reward-to-go which enhances the overall performance of the controller. The other major contribution is that the originally infinite-dimensional feasible control set is reduced to a finite set at each time step which improves the computational cost of the controller. Second, a new event-driven methodology is studied for trajectory planning in multi-agent systems. A rigorous optimal control solution is employed using numerical solutions which turn out to be computationally infeasible in real time applications. The problem is then parameterized using several families of parametric trajectories. The solution to the parametric optimization relies on an unbiased estimate of the objective function's gradient obtained by the "Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis" method. The premise of event-driven methods is that the events involved are observable so as to "excite" the underlying event-driven controller. However, it is not always obvious that these events actually take place under every feasible control in which case the controller may be useless. This issue of event excitation, which arises specially in multi-agent systems with a finite number of targets, is studied and addressed by introducing a novel performance measure which generates a potential field over the mission space. The effect of the new performance metric is demonstrated through simulation and analytical results

    An Information Value Approach to Route Planning for UAV Search and Track Missions

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    This dissertation has three contributions in the area of path planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Search And Track (SAT) missions. These contributions are: (a) the study of a novel metric, G, used to quantify the value of the target information gained during a search and track mission, (b) an optimal planning horizon that minimizes time-error of a planning horizon when interrupted by Poisson random events, and (c) a modified Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm for search missions that uses the prior target distribution in the generation of paths rather than just in the evaluation of them. UAV route planning is an important topic with many applications. Of these, military applications are the best known. This dissertation focuses on route planning for SAT missions that jointly optimize the conflicting objectives of detecting new targets and monitoring previously detected targets. The information theoretic approach proposed here is different from and is superior to existing approaches. One of the main differences is that G quantifies the value of the target information rather than the information itself. Several examples are provided to highlight G’s desirable properties. Another important component of path planning is the selection of a planning horizon, which specifies the amount of time to include in a plan. Unfortunately, little research is available to aid in the selection of a planning horizon. The proposed planning horizon is derived in the context of plan updates triggered by Poisson random events. To our knowledge, it is the only theoretically derived horizon available making it an important contribution. While the proposed horizon is optimal in minimizing planning time errors, simulation results show that it is also near optimal in minimizing the average time needed to capture an evasive target. The final contribution is the modified PSO. Our modification is based on the idea that PSO should be provided with the target distribution for path generation. This allows the algorithm to create candidate path plans in target rich regions. The modified PSO is studied using a search mission and is used in the study of G

    Distributed and Adaptive Algorithms for Vehicle Routing in a Stochastic and Dynamic Environment

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    In this paper we present distributed and adaptive algorithms for motion coordination of a group of m autonomous vehicles. The vehicles operate in a convex environment with bounded velocity and must service demands whose time of arrival, location and on-site service are stochastic; the objective is to minimize the expected system time (wait plus service) of the demands. The general problem is known as the m-vehicle Dynamic Traveling Repairman Problem (m-DTRP). The best previously known control algorithms rely on centralized a-priori task assignment and are not robust against changes in the environment, e.g. changes in load conditions; therefore, they are of limited applicability in scenarios involving ad-hoc networks of autonomous vehicles operating in a time-varying environment. First, we present a new class of policies for the 1-DTRP problem that: (i) are provably optimal both in light- and heavy-load condition, and (ii) are adaptive, in particular, they are robust against changes in load conditions. Second, we show that partitioning policies, whereby the environment is partitioned among the vehicles and each vehicle follows a certain set of rules in its own region, are optimal in heavy-load conditions. Finally, by combining the new class of algorithms for the 1-DTRP with suitable partitioning policies, we design distributed algorithms for the m-DTRP problem that (i) are spatially distributed, scalable to large networks, and adaptive to network changes, (ii) are within a constant-factor of optimal in heavy-load conditions and stabilize the system in any load condition. Simulation results are presented and discussed.Comment: Paper to be submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro