26,882 research outputs found

    Multiscale Discriminant Saliency for Visual Attention

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    The bottom-up saliency, an early stage of humans' visual attention, can be considered as a binary classification problem between center and surround classes. Discriminant power of features for the classification is measured as mutual information between features and two classes distribution. The estimated discrepancy of two feature classes very much depends on considered scale levels; then, multi-scale structure and discriminant power are integrated by employing discrete wavelet features and Hidden markov tree (HMT). With wavelet coefficients and Hidden Markov Tree parameters, quad-tree like label structures are constructed and utilized in maximum a posterior probability (MAP) of hidden class variables at corresponding dyadic sub-squares. Then, saliency value for each dyadic square at each scale level is computed with discriminant power principle and the MAP. Finally, across multiple scales is integrated the final saliency map by an information maximization rule. Both standard quantitative tools such as NSS, LCC, AUC and qualitative assessments are used for evaluating the proposed multiscale discriminant saliency method (MDIS) against the well-know information-based saliency method AIM on its Bruce Database wity eye-tracking data. Simulation results are presented and analyzed to verify the validity of MDIS as well as point out its disadvantages for further research direction.Comment: 16 pages, ICCSA 2013 - BIOCA sessio

    A Computational Study Of The Role Of Spatial Receptive Field Structure In Processing Natural And Non-Natural Scenes

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    The center-surround receptive field structure, ubiquitous in the visual system, is hypothesized to be evolutionarily advantageous in image processing tasks. We address the potential functional benefits and shortcomings of spatial localization and center-surround antagonism in the context of an integrate-and-fire neuronal network model with image-based forcing. Utilizing the sparsity of natural scenes, we derive a compressive-sensing framework for input image reconstruction utilizing evoked neuronal firing rates. We investigate how the accuracy of input encoding depends on the receptive field architecture, and demonstrate that spatial localization in visual stimulus sampling facilitates marked improvements in natural scene processing beyond uniformly-random excitatory connectivity. However, for specific classes of images, we show that spatial localization inherent in physiological receptive fields combined with information loss through nonlinear neuronal network dynamics may underlie common optical illusions, giving a novel explanation for their manifestation. In the context of signal processing, we expect this work may suggest new sampling protocols useful for extending conventional compressive sensing theory

    The role of terminators and occlusion cues in motion integration and segmentation: a neural network model

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    The perceptual interaction of terminators and occlusion cues with the functional processes of motion integration and segmentation is examined using a computational model. Inte-gration is necessary to overcome noise and the inherent ambiguity in locally measured motion direction (the aperture problem). Segmentation is required to detect the presence of motion discontinuities and to prevent spurious integration of motion signals between objects with different trajectories. Terminators are used for motion disambiguation, while occlusion cues are used to suppress motion noise at points where objects intersect. The model illustrates how competitive and cooperative interactions among cells carrying out these functions can account for a number of perceptual effects, including the chopsticks illusion and the occluded diamond illusion. Possible links to the neurophysiology of the middle temporal visual area (MT) are suggested

    A Neural Model of Visually Guided Steering, Obstacle Avoidance, and Route Selection

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    A neural model is developed to explain how humans can approach a goal object on foot while steering around obstacles to avoid collisions in a cluttered environment. The model uses optic flow from a 3D virtual reality environment to determine the position of objects based on motion discotinuities, and computes heading direction, or the direction of self-motion, from global optic flow. The cortical representation of heading interacts with the representations of a goal and obstacles such that the goal acts as an attractor of heading, while obstacles act as repellers. In addition the model maintains fixation on the goal object by generating smooth pursuit eye movements. Eye rotations can distort the optic flow field, complicating heading perception, and the model uses extraretinal signals to correct for this distortion and accurately represent heading. The model explains how motion processing mechanisms in cortical areas MT, MST, and VIP can be used to guide steering. The model quantitatively simulates human psychophysical data about visually-guided steering, obstacle avoidance, and route selection.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F4960-01-1-0397); National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NMA201-01-1-2016); National Science Foundation (NSF SBE-0354378); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    Towards a Theory of the Laminar Architecture of Cerebral Cortex: Computational Clues from the Visual System

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    One of the most exciting and open research frontiers in neuroscience is that of seeking to understand the functional roles of the layers of cerebral cortex. New experimental techniques for probing the laminar circuitry of cortex have recently been developed, opening up novel opportunities for investigating ho1v its six-layered architecture contributes to perception and cognition. The task of trying to interpret this complex structure can be facilitated by theoretical analyses of the types of computations that cortex is carrying out, and of how these might be implemented in specific cortical circuits. We have recently developed a detailed neural model of how the parvocellular stream of the visual cortex utilizes its feedforward, feedback, and horizontal interactions for purposes of visual filtering, attention, and perceptual grouping. This model, called LAMINART, shows how these perceptual processes relate to the mechanisms which ensure stable development of cortical circuits in the infant, and to the continued stability of learning in the adult. The present article reviews this laminar theory of visual cortex, considers how it may be generalized towards a more comprehensive theory that encompasses other cortical areas and cognitive processes, and shows how its laminar framework generates a variety of testable predictions.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-0409); National Science Foundation (IRI 94-01659); Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-1-1309, N00014-95-1-0657

    Development of spatial coarse-to-fine processing in the visual pathway

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    The sequential analysis of information in a coarse-to-fine manner is a fundamental mode of processing in the visual pathway. Spatial frequency (SF) tuning, arguably the most fundamental feature of spatial vision, provides particular intuition within the coarse-to-fine framework: low spatial frequencies convey global information about an image (e.g., general orientation), while high spatial frequencies carry more detailed information (e.g., edges). In this paper, we study the development of cortical spatial frequency tuning. As feedforward input from the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) has been shown to have significant influence on cortical coarse-to-fine processing, we present a firing-rate based thalamocortical model which includes both feedforward and feedback components. We analyze the relationship between various model parameters (including cortical feedback strength) and responses. We confirm the importance of the antagonistic relationship between the center and surround responses in thalamic relay cell receptive fields (RFs), and further characterize how specific structural LGN RF parameters affect cortical coarse-to-fine processing. Our results also indicate that the effect of cortical feedback on spatial frequency tuning is age-dependent: in particular, cortical feedback more strongly affects coarse-to-fine processing in kittens than in adults. We use our results to propose an experimentally testable hypothesis for the function of the extensive feedback in the corticothalamic circuit.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures; substantial restructuring from previous versio

    Towards a Unified Theory of Neocortex: Laminar Cortical Circuits for Vision and Cognition

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    A key goal of computational neuroscience is to link brain mechanisms to behavioral functions. The present article describes recent progress towards explaining how laminar neocortical circuits give rise to biological intelligence. These circuits embody two new and revolutionary computational paradigms: Complementary Computing and Laminar Computing. Circuit properties include a novel synthesis of feedforward and feedback processing, of digital and analog processing, and of pre-attentive and attentive processing. This synthesis clarifies the appeal of Bayesian approaches but has a far greater predictive range that naturally extends to self-organizing processes. Examples from vision and cognition are summarized. A LAMINART architecture unifies properties of visual development, learning, perceptual grouping, attention, and 3D vision. A key modeling theme is that the mechanisms which enable development and learning to occur in a stable way imply properties of adult behavior. It is noted how higher-order attentional constraints can influence multiple cortical regions, and how spatial and object attention work together to learn view-invariant object categories. In particular, a form-fitting spatial attentional shroud can allow an emerging view-invariant object category to remain active while multiple view categories are associated with it during sequences of saccadic eye movements. Finally, the chapter summarizes recent work on the LIST PARSE model of cognitive information processing by the laminar circuits of prefrontal cortex. LIST PARSE models the short-term storage of event sequences in working memory, their unitization through learning into sequence, or list, chunks, and their read-out in planned sequential performance that is under volitional control. LIST PARSE provides a laminar embodiment of Item and Order working memories, also called Competitive Queuing models, that have been supported by both psychophysical and neurobiological data. These examples show how variations of a common laminar cortical design can embody properties of visual and cognitive intelligence that seem, at least on the surface, to be mechanistically unrelated.National Science Foundation (SBE-0354378); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    Linking Visual Development and Learning to Information Processing: Preattentive and Attentive Brain Dynamics

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    National Science Foundation (SBE-0354378); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0657
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