1,062,992 research outputs found

    Sensing Cell-Culture Assays with Low-Cost Circuitry

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    An alternative approach for cell-culture end-point protocols is proposed herein. This new technique is suitable for real-time remote sensing. It is based on Electrical Cell-substrate Impedance Spectroscopy (ECIS) and employs the Oscillation-Based Test (OBT) method. Simple and straightforward circuit blocks form the basis of the proposed measurement system. Oscillation parameters – frequency and amplitude – constitute the outcome, directly correlated with the culture status. A user can remotely track the evolution of cell cultures in real time over the complete experiment through a web tool continuously displaying the acquired data. Experiments carried out with commercial electrodes and a well-established cell line (AA8) are described, obtaining the cell number in real time from growth assays. The electrodes have been electrically characterized along the design flow in order to predict the system performance and the sensitivity curves. Curves for 1-week cell growth are reported. The obtained experimental results validate the proposed OBT for cell-culture characterization. Furthermore, the proposed electrode model provides a good approximation for the cell number and the time evolution of the studied cultures.España, Feder TEC2013-46242-C3-1-

    Sickle cell disease status among school adolescents and their tribal community in South Gujarat

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    Objectives: to create awareness, to screen samples of school adolescents and then to reach their community through them by doing surveillance for sickle cell disease. Design: Field based cross-sectional study. Settings: St Xavier`s high school and Vanraj high school of Umarpada taluka of Surat district. Subjects: School adolescents, their parents and friends. Method: After taking permission from school authority, blood samples of 948 school adolescents were taken for DTT test and then for electrophoresis. Blood samples of motivated parents and friends of those adolescents found positive for DTT was taken in subsequent visit and results were communicated to them. Results: Blood samples of 948 school adolescents, out of 1081 were tested for DTT test. It was positive in 242 samples, giving a prevalence of 25.5% for sickle cell disease. On subjecting the positive blood samples to electrophoresis, the proportion of sickle cell trait and sickle cell disease was found to be 92% and 8% respectively. Then electrophoresis was done in 64 parents and friends, 24 (37.5%) of them were found positive of which, 14 (58%) were having sickle cell trait and 10 (42%) having sickle cell disease. Conclusion: approaching community can be possible through school adolescents for conduction of surveillance of sickle cell anemi

    Compressed Skewed-Load Delay Test Generation Based on Evolution and Deterministic Initialization of Populations

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    The current design and manufacturing semiconductor technologies require to test the products against delay related defects. However, complex acpSOC require low-overhead testability methods to keep the test cost at an acceptable level. Skewed-load tests seem to be the appropriate way to test delay faults in these acpSOC because the test application requires only one storage element per scan cell. Compressed skewed-load test generator based on genetic algorithm is proposed for wrapper-based logic cores of acpSOC. Deterministic population initialization is used to ensure the highest achievable aclTDF coverage for the given wrapper and scan cell order. The developed method performs test data compression by generating test vectors containing already overlapped test vector pairs. The experimental results show high fault coverages, decreased test lengths and better scalability in comparison to recent methods

    Generation of Test Vectors for Sequential Cell Verification

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    For Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) and System-on-Chip (SOC) designs, Cell - Based Design (CBD) is the most prevalent practice as it guarantees a shorter design cycle, minimizes errors and is easier to maintain. In modern ASIC design, standard cell methodology is practiced with sizable libraries of cells, each containing multiple implementations of the same logic functionality, in order to give the designer differing options based on area, speed or power consumption. For such library cells, thorough verification of functionality and timing is crucial for the overall success of the chip, as even a small error can prove fatal due to the repeated use of the cell in the design. Both formal and simulation based methods are being used in the industry for cell verification. We propose a method using the latter approach that generates an optimized set of test vectors for verification of sequential cells, which are guaranteed to give complete Single Input Change transition coverage with minimal redundancy. Knowledge of the cell functionality by means of the State Table is the only prerequisite of this procedure

    Isolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri pada Sampah Organik Pasar Kota Pekanbaru dan Potensinya sebagai Rancangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (Lks) Biologi SMA

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    This research aimed to isolation and identification of bacteria market organic waste Pekanbaru city om march-June 2016. Result of the research use for make a material learning design the form student worksheet in biologi SMA. The research conducted with 2 phase namely experimental research and design or material learning the from student worksheet. Method of the research is purvosive sampling method wich set sampel taked location based on waste spread. Identification of bacteria wich macroscopis observation is cell shape, edge cell and colour cell wall bacteria, gram colour, and Biohchemical test. Result of research showed 10 genus bacteria found from 4 market Pekanbaru city, 10 genus of bacteri consist of genus Enterobacter, Streptococcus, Streptomyces, Holobacterium, Proteus, Eschericia, Neisseria, Pseudomonas, Klebseilla and Bacillus. Result og the reseasch isolation and identification of bacteria market organic waste Pekanbaru city can use as material learning design the from student worksheet on eubacteria matter biology SMA

    Compressibilty characteristics of fibrous peat soil

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    Peat has been identified as one of major groups of soils found in Malaysia. Peat deposit covers large area of West Johore especially Pontian, Batu Pahat, and Muar. Despite of this fact, not much research has been focused on the compression behavior of peat. This study is focused on the compressibility characteristics of fibrous peat based on time-compression curves derived from consolidation tests. The peat samples were collected from Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore by block sampling method. The laboratory testing program included the standard laboratory testing for identification and classification purposes, i.e., Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM), shear box test, constant head permeability test, Oedometer tests, and large strain consolidation test using Rowe cell. The results of the study show that the peat soil can be classified as fibrous peat with low to medium degree of decomposition (H4 in von Post scale) and of very high organic content (97 %) and fiber content (90 %). The natural water content of the peat is 608 % which corresponds to initial void ratio of about 9. The undrained shear strength of peat is 10.10 kPa, with sensitivity of 5.64. The initial permeability is high, but it decreases significantly with applied pressures. The fibrous peat has a high compressibility with significant secondary compression stage, which is not constant with the logarithmic of time. Eventhough the duration of the primary consolidation was short, but the settlement was high. This is due to high initial void ratio. Besides, the magnitude of the secondary compression of fibrous peat is also significant with respect to the design life of a structure. The comparison between the results of the consolidation test using Rowe and Oedometer cells show that the use of Rowe cell for the evaluation of the consolidation characteristics of soil exhibiting secondary compression is advantageous because it enables the observation of the large deformation. The compression index (cc) obtained from consolidation test on Rowe cell was 3.128, while the coefficient of secondary compression (ca) range from 0.102 to 0.304. The settlement analysis performed for the hypothetical case of an embankment on peat deposit showed that the compression of fibrous peat deposit can be estimated based on the time-compression and the time-excess pore water pressure curves

    Reducing Library Characterization Time for Cell-aware Test while Maintaining Test Quality

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    Cell-aware test (CAT) explicitly targets faults caused by defects inside library cells to improve test quality, compared with conventional automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) approaches, which target faults only at the boundaries of library cells. The CAT methodology consists of two stages. Stage 1, based on dedicated analog simulation, library characterization per cell identifies which cell-level test pattern detects which cell-internal defect; this detection information is encoded in a defect detection matrix (DDM). In Stage 2, with the DDMs as inputs, cell-aware ATPG generates chip-level test patterns per circuit design that is build up of interconnected instances of library cells. This paper focuses on Stage 1, library characterization, as both test quality and cost are determined by the set of cell-internal defects identified and simulated in the CAT tool flow. With the aim to achieve the best test quality, we first propose an approach to identify a comprehensive set, referred to as full set, of potential open- and short-defect locations based on cell layout. However, the full set of defects can be large even for a single cell, making the time cost of the defect simulation in Stage 1 unaffordable. Subsequently, to reduce the simulation time, we collapse the full set to a compact set of defects which serves as input of the defect simulation. The full set is stored for the diagnosis and failure analysis. With inspecting the simulation results, we propose a method to verify the test quality based on the compact set of defects and, if necessary, to compensate the test quality to the same level as that based on the full set of defects. For 351 combinational library cells in Cadence’s GPDK045 45nm library, we simulate only 5.4% defects from the full set to achieve the same test quality based on the full set of defects. In total, the simulation time, via linear extrapolation per cell, would be reduced by 96.4% compared with the time based on the full set of defects

    Design and Shape Optimization of Strain Gauge Load Cell for Axial Force Measurement for Test Benches

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    The load cell is an indispensable component of many engineering machinery and industrial automation for measuring and sensing force and torque. This paper describes the design and analysis of the strain gauge load cell, from the conceptional design stage to shape optimization (based on the finite element method (FEM) technique) and calibration, providing ample load capacity with low-cost material (aluminum 6061) and highly accurate force measurement. The amplifier circuit of the half Wheatstone bridge configuration with two strain gauges was implemented experimentally with an actual load cell prototype. The calibration test was conducted to evaluate the load cell characteristics and derive the governing equation for sensing the unknown load depending on the measured output voltage. The measured sensitivity of the load cell is approximately 15 mV/N and 446.8 µV/V at a maximum applied load of 30 kg. The findings are supported by FEM results and experiments with an acceptable percentage of errors, which revealed an overall error of 6% in the worst situation. Therefore, the proposed load cell meets the design considerations for axial force measurement for the laboratory test bench, which has a light weight of 20 g and a maximum axial force capacity of 300 N with good sensor characteristic

    Eksperimen Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan Strategi Problem Based Learning Dan Problem Solving Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas 7 SMP Negeri 3 Mojolaban Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018.

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    The purpose of this research is to show (1) Influence of learning strategy of problem based learning and problem solving toward mathematics achievement, (2) influence of learning motivation toward learning result of mathematics, (3) interaction between problem based learning strategy and problem solving with motivation of student learning to learn math result. This research is a quantitative research with quasi experimental design. The sampling technique uses cluster random sampling method. The population in this study is all students of class 7 SMP Negeri 3 Mojolaban. The sample of this research consists of two classes, namely students of class 7 E and 7 C. Data collection technique is done by test method, questionnaire, and documentation. The data collection technique used the variance analysis of two unequal cell paths which previously performed normality test using Lilliefors method and homogeneity test using Barlett method. Results of research with α = 5%. (1) there is a significant influence between problem-based learning strategy and problem solving toward mathematics learning result, (2) there is influence of student's motivation level toward mathematics learning result, (3) there is interaction between learning-based problem learning strategy and problem solving with motivation of student learning to learn math result