83,763 research outputs found

    Cell decomposition and classification of definable sets in p-optimal fields

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    We prove that for p-optimal fields (a very large subclass of p-minimal fields containing all the known examples) a cell decomposition theorem follows from methods going back to Denef’s paper [7]. We derive from it the existence of definable Skolem functions and strong p-minimality. Then we turn to strongly p-minimal fields satisfying the Extreme Value Property—a property which in particular holds in fields which are elementarily equivalent to a p-adic one. For such fields K, we prove that every definable subset of K × K d whose fibers over K are inverse images by the valuation of subsets of the value group is semialgebraic. Combining the two we get a preparation theorem for definable functions on p-optimal fields satisfying the Extreme Value Property, from which it follows that infinite sets definable over such fields are in definable bijection iff they have the same dimension

    Cell Decomposition for semibounded p-adic sets

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    We study a reduct L\ast of the ring language where multiplication is restricted to a neighbourhood of zero. The language is chosen such that for p-adically closed fields K, the L\ast-definable subsets of K coincide with the semi-algebraic subsets of K. Hence structures (K,L\ast) can be seen as the p-adic counterpart of the o-minimal structure of semibounded sets. We show that in this language, p-adically closed fields admit cell decomposition, using cells similar to p-adic semi-algebraic cells. From this we can derive quantifier-elimination, and give a characterization of definable functions. In particular, we conclude that multi- plication can only be defined on bounded sets, and we consider the existence of definable Skolem functions.Comment: 20 page

    An example of a PP-minimal structure without definable Skolem functions

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    We show there are intermediate PP-minimal structures between the semi-algebraic and sub-analytic languages which do not have definable Skolem functions. As a consequence, by a result of Mourgues, this shows there are PP-minimal structures which do not admit classical cell decomposition.Comment: 9 pages, (added missing grant acknowledgement

    Integration and Cell Decomposition in PP-minimal Structures

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    We show that the class of L\mathcal{L}-constructible functions is closed under integration for any PP-minimal expansion of a pp-adic field (K,L)(K,\mathcal{L}). This generalizes results previously known for semi-algebraic and sub-analytic structures. As part of the proof, we obtain a weak version of cell decomposition and function preparation for PP-minimal structures, a result which is independent of the existence of Skolem functions. %The result is obtained from weak versions of cell decomposition and function preparation which we prove for general PP-minimal structures. A direct corollary is that Denef's results on the rationality of Poincar\'e series hold in any PP-minimal expansion of a pp-adic field (K,L)(K,\mathcal{L}).Comment: 22 page

    Generic derivations on o-minimal structures

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    Let TT be a complete, model complete o-minimal theory extending the theory RCF of real closed ordered fields in some appropriate language LL. We study derivations δ\delta on models M⊨T\mathcal{M}\models T. We introduce the notion of a TT-derivation: a derivation which is compatible with the L(∅)L(\emptyset)-definable C1\mathcal{C}^1-functions on M\mathcal{M}. We show that the theory of TT-models with a TT-derivation has a model completion TGδT^\delta_G. The derivation in models (M,δ)⊨TGδ(\mathcal{M},\delta)\models T^\delta_G behaves "generically," it is wildly discontinuous and its kernel is a dense elementary LL-substructure of M\mathcal{M}. If T=T = RCF, then TGδT^\delta_G is the theory of closed ordered differential fields (CODF) as introduced by Michael Singer. We are able to recover many of the known facts about CODF in our setting. Among other things, we show that TGδT^\delta_G has TT as its open core, that TGδT^\delta_G is distal, and that TGδT^\delta_G eliminates imaginaries. We also show that the theory of TT-models with finitely many commuting TT-derivations has a model completion.Comment: 29 page
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