2 research outputs found

    Coloured Petri net-based traffic collision avoidance system encounter model for the analysis of potential induced collisions

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    The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is a world-wide accepted lastresort means of reducing the probability and frequency of mid-air collisions between aircraft. Unfortunately, it is widely known that in congested airspace, the use of the TCAS may actually lead to induced collisions. Therefore, further research regarding TCAS logic is required. In this paper, an encounter model is formalised to identify all of the potential collision scenarios that can be induced by a resolution advisory that was generated previously by the TCAS without considering the downstream consequences in the surrounding traffic. The existing encounter models focus on checking and validating the potential collisions between trajectories of a specific scenario. In contrast, the innovative approach described in this paper concentrates on quantitative analysis of the different induced collision scenarios that could be reached for a given initial trajectory and a rough specification of the surrounding traffic. This approach provides valuable information at the operational level. Furthermore, the proposed encounter model can be used as a test-bed to evaluate future TCAS logic changes to mitigate potential induced collisions in hot spot volumes. In addition, the encounter model is described by means of the coloured Petri net (CPN) formalism. The resulting state space provides a deep understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship that each TCAS action proposed to avoid an actual collision with a potential new collision in the surrounding traffic. Quantitative simulation results are conducted to validate the proposed encounter model, and the resulting collision scenarios are summarised as valuable information for future Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    UAV technology inclusion model for preventing high-risk jobs in construction industries based on the IVAS methodology

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    [ES] La evaluaci贸n de riesgos se hace vital al momento de prevenir accidentes laborales, los m茅todos tradicionales de evaluaci贸n de riesgos inician normalmente con la identificaci贸n y reconocimiento de riesgos. Uno de los m茅todos m谩s utilizados para evaluar riesgos laborales es el m茅todo de Investigaci贸n, Valuaci贸n, An谩lisis y Selecci贸n (IVAS). La presente investigaci贸n tuvo el prop贸sito de construir y probar un modelo de inclusi贸n tecnol贸gica con ayuda de la herramienta UAV, la cual permiti贸 robustecer y hacer m谩s eficaz la tarea de identificaci贸n y reconocimiento de riesgos, al adoptarla se lograr谩 prevenir y reducir los accidentes laborales. Es importante comentar que el modelo dise帽ado como inclusi贸n tecnol贸gica utiliz贸 reconstrucci贸n 3D y se implement贸 en la industria de la construcci贸n, logrando resultados satisfactorios para la generaci贸n de una innovaci贸n de tipo incremental para la mejora del m茅todo de an谩lisis de riesgos IVAS.[EN] Risk assessment is vital when prevent accidents, the traditional methods of risk assessment typically starts with the identification and recognition of risks. One of the most used methods to assess occupational hazards is the method of Research, Valuation, Analysis and Selection (I.V.A.S.). This research was intended to build and test a model of technological inclusion using the UAV tool, which allowed to strengthen and make more effective the task of identification and recognition of risks will be achieved by adopting prevent and reduce accidents. It is important to note that the model designed as a technology including 3D reconstruction used and implemented in the construction industry, achieving satisfactory results for the generation of a type incremental innovation to improve the risk analysis method (IVAS).Toriz P., A.; Raygoza B., M.; Mart铆nez N., D. (2017). Modelo de inclusi贸n tecnol贸gica UAV para la prevenci贸n de trabajos de alto riesgo, en industrias de la construcci贸n basado en la metodolog铆a IVAS. Revista Iberoamericana de Autom谩tica e Inform谩tica industrial. 14(1):94-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.riai.2016.09.004OJS94103141Acebedo, J. J., Arrue, B. C., Maza, I., Ollero, A., 2011. Distribuci贸n 贸ptima de m煤ltiples robots en vigilancia de per铆metros. Actas ROBOT 2011, 228- 232.Aracil, R., Saltar茅n, S., Ferre, M., Yime, E., 脕lvarez, C., Garc铆a, V., 2005. Design, modelling and hydrodynamic simulation of a robot of variable geometry for actuations on maritime disasters. 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