335 research outputs found

    Detecting cells and cellular activity from two-photon calcium imaging data

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    To understand how networks of neurons process information, it is essential to monitor their activity in living tissue. Information is transmitted between neurons by electrochemical impulses called action potentials or spikes. Calcium-sensitive fluorescent probes, which emit a characteristic pulse of fluorescence in response to a spike, are used to visualise spiking activity. Combined with two-photon microscopy, they enable the spiking activity of thousands of neurons to be monitored simultaneously at single-cell and single-spike resolution. In this thesis, we develop signal processing tools for detecting cells and cellular activity from two-photon calcium imaging data. Firstly, we present a method to detect the locations of cells within a video. In our framework, an active contour evolves guided by a model-based cost function to identify a cell boundary. We demonstrate that this method, which includes no assumptions about typical cell shape or temporal activity, is able to detect cells with varied properties from real imaging data. Once the location of a cell has been identified, its spiking activity must be inferred from the fluorescence signal. We present a metric that quantifies the similarity between inferred spikes and the ground truth. The proposed metric assesses the similarity of pulse trains obtained from convolution of the spike trains with a smoothing pulse, whose width is derived from the statistics of the data. We demonstrate that the proposed metric is more sensitive than existing metrics to the temporal and rate precision of inferred spike trains. Finally, we extend an existing framework for spike inference to accommodate a wider class of fluorescence signals. Our method, which is based on finite rate of innovation theory, exploits the known parametric structure of the signal to infer the unknown spike times. On in vitro imaging data, we demonstrate that the updated algorithm outperforms a state of the art approach.Open Acces

    A non-homogeneous dynamic Bayesian network with sequentially coupled interaction parameters for applications in systems and synthetic biology

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    An important and challenging problem in systems biology is the inference of gene regulatory networks from short non-stationary time series of transcriptional profiles. A popular approach that has been widely applied to this end is based on dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs), although traditional homogeneous DBNs fail to model the non-stationarity and time-varying nature of the gene regulatory processes. Various authors have therefore recently proposed combining DBNs with multiple changepoint processes to obtain time varying dynamic Bayesian networks (TV-DBNs). However, TV-DBNs are not without problems. Gene expression time series are typically short, which leaves the model over-flexible, leading to over-fitting or inflated inference uncertainty. In the present paper, we introduce a Bayesian regularization scheme that addresses this difficulty. Our approach is based on the rationale that changes in gene regulatory processes appear gradually during an organism's life cycle or in response to a changing environment, and we have integrated this notion in the prior distribution of the TV-DBN parameters. We have extensively tested our regularized TV-DBN model on synthetic data, in which we have simulated short non-homogeneous time series produced from a system subject to gradual change. We have then applied our method to real-world gene expression time series, measured during the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster, under artificially generated constant light condition in Arabidopsis thaliana, and from a synthetically designed strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to a changing environment

    Activation of the pro-resolving receptor Fpr2 attenuates inflammatory microglial activation

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    Poster number: P-T099 Theme: Neurodegenerative disorders & ageing Activation of the pro-resolving receptor Fpr2 reverses inflammatory microglial activation Authors: Edward S Wickstead - Life Science & Technology University of Westminster/Queen Mary University of London Inflammation is a major contributor to many neurodegenerative disease (Heneka et al. 2015). Microglia, as the resident immune cells of the brain and spinal cord, provide the first line of immunological defence, but can become deleterious when chronically activated, triggering extensive neuronal damage (Cunningham, 2013). Dampening or even reversing this activation may provide neuronal protection against chronic inflammatory damage. The aim of this study was to determine whether lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation could be abrogated through activation of the receptor Fpr2, known to play an important role in peripheral inflammatory resolution. Immortalised murine microglia (BV2 cell line) were stimulated with LPS (50ng/ml) for 1 hour prior to the treatment with one of two Fpr2 ligands, either Cpd43 or Quin-C1 (both 100nM), and production of nitric oxide (NO), tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) were monitored after 24h and 48h. Treatment with either Fpr2 ligand significantly suppressed LPS-induced production of NO or TNFα after both 24h and 48h exposure, moreover Fpr2 ligand treatment significantly enhanced production of IL-10 48h post-LPS treatment. As we have previously shown Fpr2 to be coupled to a number of intracellular signaling pathways (Cooray et al. 2013), we investigated potential signaling responses. Western blot analysis revealed no activation of ERK1/2, but identified a rapid and potent activation of p38 MAP kinase in BV2 microglia following stimulation with Fpr2 ligands. Together, these data indicate the possibility of exploiting immunomodulatory strategies for the treatment of neurological diseases, and highlight in particular the important potential of resolution mechanisms as novel therapeutic targets in neuroinflammation. References Cooray SN et al. (2013). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110: 18232-7. Cunningham C (2013). Glia 61: 71-90. Heneka MT et al. (2015). Lancet Neurol 14: 388-40

    Interictal Network Dynamics in Paediatric Epilepsy Surgery

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    Epilepsy is an archetypal brain network disorder. Despite two decades of research elucidating network mechanisms of disease and correlating these with outcomes, the clinical management of children with epilepsy does not readily integrate network concepts. For example, network measures are not used in presurgical evaluation to guide decision making or surgical management plans. The aim of this thesis was to investigate novel network frameworks from the perspective of a clinician, with the explicit aim of finding measures that may be clinically useful and translatable to directly benefit patient care. We examined networks at three different scales, namely macro (whole brain diffusion MRI), meso (subnetworks from SEEG recordings) and micro (single unit networks) scales, consistently finding network abnormalities in children being evaluated for or undergoing epilepsy surgery. This work also provides a path to clinical translation, using frameworks such as IDEAL to robustly assess the impact of these new technologies on management and outcomes. The thesis sets up a platform from which promising computational technology, that utilises brain network analyses, can be readily translated to benefit patient care

    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Conference

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    Analyzing Granger causality in climate data with time series classification methods

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    Attribution studies in climate science aim for scientifically ascertaining the influence of climatic variations on natural or anthropogenic factors. Many of those studies adopt the concept of Granger causality to infer statistical cause-effect relationships, while utilizing traditional autoregressive models. In this article, we investigate the potential of state-of-the-art time series classification techniques to enhance causal inference in climate science. We conduct a comparative experimental study of different types of algorithms on a large test suite that comprises a unique collection of datasets from the area of climate-vegetation dynamics. The results indicate that specialized time series classification methods are able to improve existing inference procedures. Substantial differences are observed among the methods that were tested

    Functional Organization of the Human Brain: How We See, Feel, and Decide.

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    The human brain is responsible for constructing how we perceive, think, and act in the world around us. The organization of these functions is intricately distributed throughout the brain. Here, I discuss how functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was employed to understand three broad questions: how do we see, feel, and decide? First, high-resolution fMRI was used to measure the polar angle representation of saccadic eye movements in the superior colliculus. We found that eye movements along the superior-inferior visual field are mapped across the medial-lateral anatomy of a subcortical midbrain structure, the superior colliculus (SC). This result is consistent with the topography in monkey SC. Second, we measured the empathic responses of the brain as people watched a hand get painfully stabbed with a needle. We found that if the hand was labeled as belonging to the same religion as the observer, the empathic neural response was heightened, creating a strong ingroup bias that could not be readily manipulated. Third, we measured brain activity in individuals as they made free decisions (i.e., choosing randomly which of two buttons to press) and found the activity within fronto-thalamic networks to be significantly decreased compared to being instructed (forced) to press a particular button. I also summarize findings from several other projects ranging from addiction therapies to decoding visual imagination to how corporations are represented as people. Together, these approaches illustrate how functional neuroimaging can be used to understand the organization of the human brain

    Flexible estimation of temporal point processes and graphs

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    Handling complex data types with spatial structures, temporal dependencies, or discrete values, is generally a challenge in statistics and machine learning. In the recent years, there has been an increasing need of methodological and theoretical work to analyse non-standard data types, for instance, data collected on protein structures, genes interactions, social networks or physical sensors. In this thesis, I will propose a methodology and provide theoretical guarantees for analysing two general types of discrete data emerging from interactive phenomena, namely temporal point processes and graphs. On the one hand, temporal point processes are stochastic processes used to model event data, i.e., data that comes as discrete points in time or space where some phenomenon occurs. Some of the most successful applications of these discrete processes include online messages, financial transactions, earthquake strikes, and neuronal spikes. The popularity of these processes notably comes from their ability to model unobserved interactions and dependencies between temporally and spatially distant events. However, statistical methods for point processes generally rely on estimating a latent, unobserved, stochastic intensity process. In this context, designing flexible models and consistent estimation methods is often a challenging task. On the other hand, graphs are structures made of nodes (or agents) and edges (or links), where an edge represents an interaction or relationship between two nodes. Graphs are ubiquitous to model real-world social, transport, and mobility networks, where edges can correspond to virtual exchanges, physical connections between places, or migrations across geographical areas. Besides, graphs are used to represent correlations and lead-lag relationships between time series, and local dependence between random objects. Graphs are typical examples of non-Euclidean data, where adequate distance measures, similarity functions, and generative models need to be formalised. In the deep learning community, graphs have become particularly popular within the field of geometric deep learning. Structure and dependence can both be modelled by temporal point processes and graphs, although predominantly, the former act on the temporal domain while the latter conceptualise spatial interactions. Nonetheless, some statistical models combine graphs and point processes in order to account for both spatial and temporal dependencies. For instance, temporal point processes have been used to model the birth times of edges and nodes in temporal graphs. Moreover, some multivariate point processes models have a latent graph parameter governing the pairwise causal relationships between the components of the process. In this thesis, I will notably study such a model, called the Hawkes model, as well as graphs evolving in time. This thesis aims at designing inference methods that provide flexibility in the contexts of temporal point processes and graphs. This manuscript is presented in an integrated format, with four main chapters and two appendices. Chapters 2 and 3 are dedicated to the study of Bayesian nonparametric inference methods in the generalised Hawkes point process model. While Chapter 2 provides theoretical guarantees for existing methods, Chapter 3 also proposes, analyses, and evaluates a novel variational Bayes methodology. The other main chapters introduce and study model-free inference approaches for two estimation problems on graphs, namely spectral methods for the signed graph clustering problem in Chapter 4, and a deep learning algorithm for the network change point detection task on temporal graphs in Chapter 5. Additionally, Chapter 1 provides an introduction and background preliminaries on point processes and graphs. Chapter 6 concludes this thesis with a summary and critical thinking on the works in this manuscript, and proposals for future research. Finally, the appendices contain two supplementary papers. The first one, in Appendix A, initiated after the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020, is an application of a discrete-time Hawkes model to COVID-related deaths counts during the first wave of the pandemic. The second work, in Appendix B, was conducted during an internship at Amazon Research in 2021, and proposes an explainability method for anomaly detection models acting on multivariate time series