13,547 research outputs found

    Caught in the Middle: Empowerment in Middle Managers

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    Citation: Doty, N. (2017) Caught in the Middle: Empowerment in Middle Managers. Unpublished manuscript, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.Kirmser Undergraduate Research Award - Individual Non-Freshman Category, grand prizePrevious studies on the topic of middle management focus on how these specific managers drive the organizations they are a part of, how they motivate their subordinates to work effectively and efficiently, how middle managers create excitement, and how their leadership style helps their followers find purpose in their work. And yet, little is done to flesh out how these strong MMs are created, what motivates them, and how they succeed in their position (Kominis & Emmanuel, 2007). These MMs are the “basis of strategic renewal” in bettering an ever-changing organizational environment and, conversely, can even “sabotage implementation efforts” in the changing strategy of the workplace (Mantere, 2008, p. 294). This paper aims to discover what factors influence the empowerment of middle managers for the purpose of better understanding and development of MMs in organizational and workplace structures. Motivation is the influence on a person’s “direction, vigor and persistence of action” (Rajhans, 2012, p. 82). The current literature on the subjects of management, motivation, and work performance focus on the topics of role expectations, and empowerment, and are typically viewed through the theoretical lenses of structural empowerment and psychological empowerment, which are outlined below

    Companies Caught in the Middle

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    Local official: Caught in the middle

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    Caught in the Middle? Occupancy in Multiple Roles and Help to Parents in a National Probability Sample of Canadian Adults

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    This paper considers for a Canadian national probability sample of middle-aged women and men the question of how typical is the experience of being "caught in the middle" between being the adult child of elderly parents and other roles. Three roles are examined: adult child, employed worker, and parent (and a refinement of the parent role, being a parent of a co-resident child). Occupancy in multiple roles is examined, followed by an investigation of the extent to which adults in various role combinations actually assist older parents and whether those who provide frequent help are also those "sandwiched" by competing ommitments. The majority of middle-aged children do not provide frequent help to parents. Notably, the highest proportion of daughters who assist elderly parents are those in their fifties whose children are no longer co-resident. For both sons and daughters, being "caught in the middle" is far from a typical experience in this cross-sectional analysis.multiple roles

    Caught in the Middle: Existentialism in a Contemporary Fantasy

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    Caught In the Middle: The Challenge of Middle Level Education

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    There is widespread evidence that a mismatch exists between what middle level schools offer and what 10 to 14 year olds need. More and more of these “early adolescents” are experimenting with drugs and alcohol, becoming pregnant, and dropping out. These issues and the increased incidents of violence at this age cause many parents to view with anxiety their children\u27s transition from the relatively safe elementary school to the unknown, often maligned middle or junior high school. Prospective teachers most often choose not to work in the middle grades because they don’t think they can work with “those kids”. Who are these 10 to 14 year old kids that are caught in the middle, no longer children, but not yet adults? Providing educational programs that best serve their needs is the challenge of middle level education toda

    Caught in the Middle: Chat(ting) about Black School Leaders

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    The purpose of this article is to “chat” about my experience using Eurocentric theories in racial and culturally centered qualitative inquiry. The challenge I face is that I believe researchers can use Eurocentric theories to conceptualize ‘appropriate’ frameworks to conduct rigorous culturally responsible and sensitive research that contributes to existing scholarly dialogue and empirical literature on culturally sensitive designs in the field of qualitative research. In this paper I use my research experience to address the question, “How can researcher(s) conduct culturally responsible and sensitive research?” I use autoethnography and writing as a method of inquiry to (re)present the multi-layers of within and in-between chats while being caught in the middle. Chat metaphorically represents introspective musings, scholarly dialoguing, analyzing, interpreting, (re)presenting and defending. I use Tillman’s (2002) culturally sensitive research frame as an analytic tool to critically analyze my research design. I argue that qualitative researchers of ethnic, racial and cultural communities can conceptualize appropriate frameworks from mainstream theories to conduct culturally responsible and sensitive research that can help transform the traditional knowledge of fields in education, educational leadership, urban education, and policy

    Inconsistent Trafficking Obligations and How Guyana Got Caught In the Middle

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    This Note will first analyze the mechanisms behind the enforcement of international trafficking laws and agreements which have, to a large extent, been disseminated by the United Nations and the United States. Specifically, this Note seeks to demonstrate how the use of sanctions by the United States, enacted in an effort to make adherence to international anti-trafficking norms compulsory, creates unpredictable standards for compliance and simultaneously disadvantages source countries. This Note will then look to anti-trafficking compliance in the Caribbean and specifically Guyana, to show why source and transition countries continue to struggle to meet international anti-trafficking goals. It will further demonstrate why the current legal framework, the enforcement of the Palermo Protocol through the Trafficking in Victims Protection Act, is not effective, and in fact undermines the goal of international collaboration

    Caught in the Middle of Persistent Conflict. The Rights of Palestinian Children

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    Palestinian children have suffered greatly, whether as a result of numerous conflicts and Israel’s continued belligerent occupation of the occupied Palestinian territory, as a result of discrimination, or due to their prolonged exile. Their plight is a tragic illustration of the failure of all parties in the long-standing and intractable conflict or impasse between the State of Israel and the Palestinian people, and of international actors, to extend effective protection. Protection of Palestinian children, and adequate humanitarian assistance, is indispensable until a just and sustainable solution emerges
