16 research outputs found

    Voting System Risk Assessment Via Computational Complexity Analysis

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    Any voting system must be designed to resist a variety of failures, ranging from inadvertent misconfiguration to intentional tampering. The problem with conducting analyses of these issues, particularly across widely divergent technologies, is that it is very difficult to make apples-to-apples comparisons. This paper considers the use of a standard technique used in the analysis of algorithms, namely complexity analysis with its big-O notation, which can provide a high-level abstraction that allows for direct comparisons across voting systems. We avoid the need for making unreliable estimates of the probability a system might be hacked or of the cost of bribing key players in the election process to assist in an attack. Instead, we will consider attacks from the perspective of how they scale with the size of an election. We distinguish attacks by whether they require effort proportional to the number of voters, effort proportional to the number of poll workers, or a constant amount of effort in order to influence every vote in a county. Attacks requiring proportionately less effort are correspondingly more powerful and thus require more attention to countermeasures and mitigation strategies. We perform this analysis on a variety of voting systems in their full procedural context, including optical scanned paper ballots, electronic voting systems, both with and without paper trails, Internet-based voting schemes, and future cryptographic techniques

    On Trade-offs of Applying Block Chains for Electronic Voting Bulletin Boards

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    This paper takes a critical look at the recent trend of building electronic voting systems on top of block chain technology. Even though being very appealing from the election integrity perspective, block chains have numerous technical, economical and even political drawbacks that need to be taken into account. Selecting a good trade-off between desirable properties and restrictions imposed by different block chain implementations is a highly non-trivial task. This paper aims at bringing some clarity into performing this task. We will mostly be concentrating on public permissionless block chains and their applications as bulletin board implementations as these are the favourite choices in majority of the recent block chain based voting protocol proposals

    On The Security of Ballot Marking Devices

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    A recent debate among election experts has considered whether electronic ballot marking devices (BMDs) have adequate security against the risks of malware. A malicious BMD might produce a printed ballot that disagrees with a voter's actual intent, with the hope that voters would be unlikely to detect this subterfuge. This essay considers how an election administrator can create reasonable auditing procedures to gain confidence that their fleet of BMDs is operating correctly, allowing voters to benefit from the usability and accessibility features of BMDs while the overall election still benefits from the same security and reliability properties we expect from hand-marked paper ballots.Comment: Major revision relative to the August draf

    Voting: What Has Changed, What Hasn't, & Why: Research Bibliography

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    Since the origins of the Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project in the fall of 2000, there has been an explosion of research and analysis on election administration and voting technology. As we worked throughout 2012 on our most recent study, Voting: What Has Changed, What Hasn’t, & What Needs Improvement, we found many more research studies. In this research bibliography, we present the research literature that we have found; future revisions of this research bibliography will update this list.Carnegie Corporation of New Yor

    VoteBox Nano: A smaller, stronger FPGA-based voting machine

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    This thesis describes a minimal implementation of a cryptographically secure direct recording electronic (DRE) voting system, built with a low-cost Xilinx FPGA board. Our system, called VoteBox Nano, follows the same design principles as the VoteBox, a full-featured electronic voting system. The votes are encrypted using El-gamal homomorphic encryption and the correctness of the system can be challenged by real voters during an ongoing election. In order to fit within the limits of a minimal FPGA, VoteBox Nano eliminates VoteBox's sophisticated network replication mechanism and full-color bitmap graphics system. In return, VoteBox Nano runs without any operating or language runtime system and interacts with the voter using simple character graphics, radically shrinking the implementation complexity. VoteBox Nano also integrates a true random number generator (TRNG), providing improved security. In order to deter hardware tampering, we used FPGA's native JTAG interface coupled with TRNG. At boot-time, the proper FPGA configuration displays a random number on the built-in display. Any interaction with the JTAG interface will change this random number, allowing the poll workers to detect election-day tampering, simply by observing whether the number has changed

    ElectionGuard: a Cryptographic Toolkit to Enable Verifiable Elections

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    ElectionGuard is a flexible set of open-source tools that---when used with traditional election systems---can produce end-to-end verifiable elections whose integrity can be verified by observers, candidates, media, and even voters themselves. ElectionGuard has been integrated into a variety of systems and used in actual public U.S. elections in Wisconsin, California, Idaho, Utah, and Maryland as well as in caucus elections in the U.S. Congress. It has also been used for civic voting in the Paris suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine and for an online election by a Switzerland/Denmark-based organization. The principal innovation of ElectionGuard is the separation of the cryptographic tools from the core mechanics and user interfaces of voting systems. This separation allows the cryptography to be designed and built by security experts without having to re-invent and replace the existing infrastructure. Indeed, in its preferred deployment, ElectionGuard does not replace the existing vote counting infrastructure but instead runs alongside and produces its own independently-verifiable tallies. Although much of the cryptography in ElectionGuard is, by design, not novel, some significant innovations are introduced which greatly simplify the process of verification. This paper describes the design of ElectionGuard, its innovations, and many of the learnings from its implementation and growing number of real-world deployments

    On the Security Properties of e-Voting Bulletin Boards

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    In state-of-the-art e-voting systems, a bulletin board (BB) is a critical component for preserving election integrity and availability. We introduce a framework for the formal security analysis of the BB functionality modeled as a distributed system. Our framework treats a secure BB as a robust public transaction ledger, defined by Garay et al. [Eurocrypt 2015], that additionally supports the generation of receipts for successful posting. Namely, in our model, a secure BB system achieves Persistence and Liveness that can be confirmable, in the sense that any malicious behavior can be detected via a verification mechanism. As a case study for our framework, we analyze security guarantees and weaknesses of the BB system of [CSF 2014]. We demonstrate an attack revealing that the said system does not achieve Confirmable Liveness in our framework, even against covert adversaries. In addition, we show that special care should be taken for the choice of the underlying cryptographic primitives, so that the claimed fault tolerance threshold of N/3 out-of N corrupted IC peers is preserved. Next, based on our analysis, we introduce a new BB protocol that upgrades the [CSF 2014] protocol. We prove that it tolerates any number less than N/3 out-of N corrupted IC peers both for Persistence and Confirmable Liveness, against a computationally bounded general Byzantine adversary. Furthermore, Persistence can also be Confirmable, if we distribute the AB (originally a centralized entity in [CSF 2014]) as a replicated service with honest majority