1,994 research outputs found

    Novel Approach for Detection and Removal of Moving Cast Shadows Based on RGB, HSV and YUV Color Spaces

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    Cast shadow affects computer vision tasks such as image segmentation, object detection and tracking since objects and shadows share the same visual motion characteristics. This unavoidable problem decreases video surveillance system performance. The basic idea of this paper is to exploit the evidence that shadows darken the surface which they are cast upon. For this reason, we propose a simple and accurate method for detection of moving cast shadows based on chromatic properties in RGB, HSV and YUV color spaces. The method requires no a priori assumptions regarding the scene or lighting source. Starting from a normalization step, we apply canny filter to detect the boundary between self-shadow and cast shadow. This treatment is devoted only for the first sequence. Then, we separate between background and moving objects using an improved version of Gaussian mixture model. In order to remove these unwanted shadows completely, we use three change estimators calculated according to the intensity ratio in HSV color space, chromaticity properties in RGB color space, and brightness ratio in YUV color space. Only pixels that satisfy threshold of the three estimators are labeled as shadow and will be removed. Experiments carried out on various video databases prove that the proposed system is robust and efficient and can precisely remove shadows for a wide class of environment and without any assumptions. Experimental results also show that our approach outperforms existing methods and can run in real-time systems


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    Moving object segmentation has its own niche as an important topic in computer vision. It has avidly being pursued by researchers. Background subtraction method is generally used for segmenting moving objects. This method may also classify shadows as part of detected moving objects. Therefore, shadow detection and removal is an important step employed after moving object segmentation. However, these methods are adversely affected by changing environmental conditions. They are vulnerable to sudden illumination changes, and shadowing effects. Therefore, in this work we propose a faster, efficient and adaptive background subtraction method, which periodically updates the background frame and gives better results, and a shadow elimination method which removes shadows from the segmented objects with good discriminative power. Keywords- Moving object segmentation

    Detection of Cast Shadows in Surveillance Applications

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    Advanced traffic video analytics for robust traffic accident detection

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    Automatic traffic accident detection is an important task in traffic video analysis due to its key applications in developing intelligent transportation systems. Reducing the time delay between the occurrence of an accident and the dispatch of the first responders to the scene may help lower the mortality rate and save lives. Since 1980, many approaches have been presented for the automatic detection of incidents in traffic videos. In this dissertation, some challenging problems for accident detection in traffic videos are discussed and a new framework is presented in order to automatically detect single-vehicle and intersection traffic accidents in real-time. First, a new foreground detection method is applied in order to detect the moving vehicles and subtract the ever-changing background in the traffic video frames captured by static or non-stationary cameras. For the traffic videos captured during day-time, the cast shadows degrade the performance of the foreground detection and road segmentation. A novel cast shadow detection method is therefore presented to detect and remove the shadows cast by moving vehicles and also the shadows cast by static objects on the road. Second, a new method is presented to detect the region of interest (ROI), which applies the location of the moving vehicles and the initial road samples and extracts the discriminating features to segment the road region. After detecting the ROI, the moving direction of the traffic is estimated based on the rationale that the crashed vehicles often make rapid change of direction. Lastly, single-vehicle traffic accidents and trajectory conflicts are detected using the first-order logic decision-making system. The experimental results using publicly available videos and a dataset provided by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methods. Additionally, the main challenges and future directions are discussed regarding (i) improving the performance of the foreground segmentation, (ii) reducing the computational complexity, and (iii) detecting other types of traffic accidents

    Detector adaptation by maximising agreement between independent data sources

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    Traditional methods for creating classifiers have two main disadvantages. Firstly, it is time consuming to acquire, or manually annotate, the training collection. Secondly, the data on which the classifier is trained may be over-generalised or too specific. This paper presents our investigations into overcoming both of these drawbacks simultaneously, by providing example applications where two data sources train each other. This removes both the need for supervised annotation or feedback, and allows rapid adaptation of the classifier to different data. Two applications are presented: one using thermal infrared and visual imagery to robustly learn changing skin models, and another using changes in saturation and luminance to learn shadow appearance parameters

    An approach for Shadow Detection and Removal based on Multiple Light Sources

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    Shadows in images are essential but sometimes unwanted as they can decline the result of computer vision algorithms. A shadow is obtained by the interaction of light with objects in an image surface. Shadows may letdown the image analysis processes and also cause a poor quality of information which in turn leads to problems in execution of algorithms. In this paper, a method has been proposed to detect and remove the shadows where multiple sources of light is been estimated, as we can take an example of playground stadium where multiple floodlights are fixed, multiple shadows can be observed originating from each of the targets. To successfully track individual target, it is essential to achieve an accurate image of the foreground. Also, an effort has been done to list some of the very crucial techniques related to shadow detection and removal. Many times, the shadow of the background information is merged with the foreground object and makes the process more complex. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150517

    Shadow Detection and Removal in Single-Image Using Paired Regions

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    A shadow appears on an area when the light from a source cannot reach the area due to obstruction by an object. The shadows are sometimes helpful for providing useful information about objects, and sometimes it degrade the quality of images or it may affect the information provide by them. Thus for the correct image interpretation it is important to detect shadow and restore the information. However, shadow causes problems in computer vision applications, such as segmentation, object detection and object counting. That’s why shadow detection and removal is a pre-processing task in many computer vision applications. So we propose a simple method to detect and remove shadows from a single image. The proposed method begins by selecting shadow image and by pre-processing method we focus only on shadow part. In image classification we distinguish between shadow and non shadow pixels. So that we able to label shadow and non shadow regions of the image. Once shadow is detected that detection results are later refined by image matting, and the shadow- free image is recovered by removing shadow region by non shadow region. Examination of a number of examples indicates that this method yields a significant improvement over previous methods

    A Comprehensive Review of Vehicle Detection Techniques Under Varying Moving Cast Shadow Conditions Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning

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    Design of a vision-based traffic analytic system for urban traffic video scenes has a great potential in context of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). It offers useful traffic-related insights at much lower costs compared to their conventional sensor based counterparts. However, it remains a challenging problem till today due to the complexity factors such as camera hardware constraints, camera movement, object occlusion, object speed, object resolution, traffic flow density, and lighting conditions etc. ITS has many applications including and not just limited to queue estimation, speed detection and different anomalies detection etc. All of these applications are primarily dependent on sensing vehicle presence to form some basis for analysis. Moving cast shadows of vehicles is one of the major problems that affects the vehicle detection as it can cause detection and tracking inaccuracies. Therefore, it is exceedingly important to distinguish dynamic objects from their moving cast shadows for accurate vehicle detection and recognition. This paper provides an in-depth comparative analysis of different traffic paradigm-focused conventional and state-of-the-art shadow detection and removal algorithms. Till date, there has been only one survey which highlights the shadow removal methodologies particularly for traffic paradigm. In this paper, a total of 70 research papers containing results of urban traffic scenes have been shortlisted from the last three decades to give a comprehensive overview of the work done in this area. The study reveals that the preferable way to make a comparative evaluation is to use the existing Highway I, II, and III datasets which are frequently used for qualitative or quantitative analysis of shadow detection or removal algorithms. Furthermore, the paper not only provides cues to solve moving cast shadow problems, but also suggests that even after the advent of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)-based vehicle detection methods, the problems caused by moving cast shadows persists. Therefore, this paper proposes a hybrid approach which uses a combination of conventional and state-of-the-art techniques as a pre-processing step for shadow detection and removal before using CNN for vehicles detection. The results indicate a significant improvement in vehicle detection accuracies after using the proposed approach

    A practical vision system for the detection of moving objects

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    The main goal of this thesis is to review and offer robust and efficient algorithms for the detection (or the segmentation) of foreground objects in indoor and outdoor scenes using colour image sequences captured by a stationary camera. For this purpose, the block diagram of a simple vision system is offered in Chapter 2. First this block diagram gives the idea of a precise order of blocks and their tasks, which should be performed to detect moving foreground objects. Second, a check mark () on the top right corner of a block indicates that this thesis contains a review of the most recent algorithms and/or some relevant research about it. In many computer vision applications, segmenting and extraction of moving objects in video sequences is an essential task. Background subtraction has been widely used for this purpose as the first step. In this work, a review of the efficiency of a number of important background subtraction and modelling algorithms, along with their major features, are presented. In addition, two background approaches are offered. The first approach is a Pixel-based technique whereas the second one works at object level. For each approach, three algorithms are presented. They are called Selective Update Using Non-Foreground Pixels of the Input Image , Selective Update Using Temporal Averaging and Selective Update Using Temporal Median , respectively in this thesis. The first approach has some deficiencies, which makes it incapable to produce a correct dynamic background. Three methods of the second approach use an invariant colour filter and a suitable motion tracking technique, which selectively exclude foreground objects (or blobs) from the background frames. The difference between the three algorithms of the second approach is in updating process of the background pixels. It is shown that the Selective Update Using Temporal Median method produces the correct background image for each input frame. Representing foreground regions using their boundaries is also an important task. Thus, an appropriate RLE contour tracing algorithm has been implemented for this purpose. However, after the thresholding process, the boundaries of foreground regions often have jagged appearances. Thus, foreground regions may not correctly be recognised reliably due to their corrupted boundaries. A very efficient boundary smoothing method based on the RLE data is proposed in Chapter 7. It just smoothes the external and internal boundaries of foreground objects and does not distort the silhouettes of foreground objects. As a result, it is very fast and does not blur the image. Finally, the goal of this thesis has been presenting simple, practical and efficient algorithms with little constraints which can run in real time