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    A brief history of an urban geographic symbol: Taksim Square, Istanbul. A city’s urban squares represent a transposition of a spiritual public sphere in the material world. The tangible and material openness of these urban areas allows a spontaneous openness of the heart and soul. The urban public squares can bring people together in a peaceful and friendly manner, allowing city dwellers to move freely at any given moment, all year around. The purpose of this paper is to present the history of a beautiful and famous square, named Taksim, located in the equally famous transcontinental city of Istanbul. Taksim Square is the largest urban open space available in the famed metropolis. The historical analysis begins with the birth of Taksim Square, in the eighteenth century, taking it all the way to its complex present. Throughout our brief historical analysis, we avoided any political reference or connection which might have emotionally derailed or distorted our objective study. We pointed out the main evolutionary stages of an urban geographic symbol, whose eco-architectural future will surely be just as tortuous as its’ past

    Reconfiguring the American Military Presence in Europe

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    The author examines America\u27s options regarding the basing of ground troops in Europe and considers three major options available to the United States--complete withdrawal, annual rotations, and restructuring the Alliance to accommodate a smaller U.S. presence. While weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, he does not lose sight of the ultimate objective of NATO--to provide credible land power for the full spectrum of operations. He introduces a NATO 3-3 Force Structure concept that rests on a smaller NATO ground force adaptive to the capabilities and wealth of member states; increases interoperability (technologically and procedurally); and supports the expeditionary force structure already in progress by the formal establishment of three standing combined joint task forces (CJTF). Additionally, he recommends the adoption of nine division-sized bases in Europe located at key geostrategic points for greater access to the Middle East and Africa.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1774/thumbnail.jp

    El 19 de juliol del 1936 a Girona

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    Un futur nou per a la Universitat de Girona

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    La columna Casas Sala, memòria històrica de Castelló

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    Milicians de Sagunt i de les comarques de Castelló, que com altres del País Valencià van ser exponents de l’oposició popular a la revolta militar, van trobar la mort en les terres de Terol, els seus cossos sense identificar encara descansen en Pobla de Valverde o en el cementeri de Terol. Després de la guerra el silenci i l’oblit es van apoderar de la memòria de les victiméis de les seues famílies, i encara hui és un fet pràcticament desconegut i absent en la memòria col·lectiva de la ciutat.Military services of Sagunto and of the regions of Castellón, popular opposition to the military revolt, found the death in territories of Teruel. Their bodies without still identifying rest in Puebla de Valverde or the cemetery of Teruel. Still today it is a fact practically unknown and absent in the collective memory of the city.Milicianos de Sagunto y de las comarcas de Castellón, que como otros del País Valenciano fueron exponentes de la oposición popular a la revuelta militar, encontraron la muerte en las tierras de Teruel, sus cuerpos sin identificar aún descansan en Puebla de Valverde o en el cementerio de Teruel. Después de la guerra el silencio y el olvido se apoderaron de la memoria de las victimas de sus familias, y aún hoy es un hecho prácticamente desconocido y ausente en la memoria colectiva de la ciudad

    Quan la mili es feia a l'Ă€frica

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    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Europe

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    War with Iraq signals the beginning of a new era in American national security policy and alters strategic balances and relationships around the world. The specific effects of the war, though, will vary from region to region. The author has been asked to analyze four issues: the position that key states in their region are taking on U.S. military action against Iraq; the role of America in the region after the war with Iraq; the nature of security partnerships in the region after the war with Iraq; and the effect that war with Iraq will have on the war on terrorism in the region. The vast majority of European states will contribute to the peacekeeping mission in Iraq if asked bilaterally. Four conclusions have been reached. 1. Given its proximity, the European Union can provide substantial economic and diplomatic resources for stabilizing the region. 2. The European Union will seize upon the opportunities of greater regional democratization to practice diplomacy and crisis resolution. 3. The post-Iraqi war era provides an opportunity for NATO to reorient towards the Middle East. 4. European active participation on the global war on terrorism is predicated on clear success in the Middle East. Failure will result in a period of European isolationism.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1802/thumbnail.jp

    Les anciennes Casernes du Marecbal de Saxe

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    Okupes gironins: la recerca de la utopia

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