2,626 research outputs found

    Cascaded Random Forest for Fast Object Detection ∗

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    Abstract. A Random Forest consists of several independent decision trees arranged in a forest. A majority vote over all trees leads to the final decision. In this paper we propose a Random Forest framework which incorporates a cascade structure consisting of several stages together with a bootstrap approach. By introducing the cascade, 99 % of the test images can be rejected by the first and second stage with minimal computational effort leading to a massively speeded-up detection framework. Three different cascade voting strategies are implemented and evaluated. Additionally, the training and classification speed-up is analyzed. Several experiments on public available datasets for pedestrian detection, lateral car detection and unconstrained face detection demonstrate the benefit of our contribution.

    Boosted Random ferns for object detection

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper we introduce the Boosted Random Ferns (BRFs) to rapidly build discriminative classifiers for learning and detecting object categories. At the core of our approach we use standard random ferns, but we introduce four main innovations that let us bring ferns from an instance to a category level, and still retain efficiency. First, we define binary features on the histogram of oriented gradients-domain (as opposed to intensity-), allowing for a better representation of intra-class variability. Second, both the positions where ferns are evaluated within the sliding window, and the location of the binary features for each fern are not chosen completely at random, but instead we use a boosting strategy to pick the most discriminative combination of them. This is further enhanced by our third contribution, that is to adapt the boosting strategy to enable sharing of binary features among different ferns, yielding high recognition rates at a low computational cost. And finally, we show that training can be performed online, for sequentially arriving images. Overall, the resulting classifier can be very efficiently trained, densely evaluated for all image locations in about 0.1 seconds, and provides detection rates similar to competing approaches that require expensive and significantly slower processing times. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by thorough experimentation in publicly available datasets in which we compare against state-of-the-art, and for tasks of both 2D detection and 3D multi-view estimation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Stratified decision forests for accurate anatomical landmark localization in cardiac images

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    Accurate localization of anatomical landmarks is an important step in medical imaging, as it provides useful prior information for subsequent image analysis and acquisition methods. It is particularly useful for initialization of automatic image analysis tools (e.g. segmentation and registration) and detection of scan planes for automated image acquisition. Landmark localization has been commonly performed using learning based approaches, such as classifier and/or regressor models. However, trained models may not generalize well in heterogeneous datasets when the images contain large differences due to size, pose and shape variations of organs. To learn more data-adaptive and patient specific models, we propose a novel stratification based training model, and demonstrate its use in a decision forest. The proposed approach does not require any additional training information compared to the standard model training procedure and can be easily integrated into any decision tree framework. The proposed method is evaluated on 1080 3D highresolution and 90 multi-stack 2D cardiac cine MR images. The experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-theart landmark localization accuracy and outperforms standard regression and classification based approaches. Additionally, the proposed method is used in a multi-atlas segmentation to create a fully automatic segmentation pipeline, and the results show that it achieves state-of-the-art segmentation accuracy

    Learning Complexity-Aware Cascades for Deep Pedestrian Detection

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    The design of complexity-aware cascaded detectors, combining features of very different complexities, is considered. A new cascade design procedure is introduced, by formulating cascade learning as the Lagrangian optimization of a risk that accounts for both accuracy and complexity. A boosting algorithm, denoted as complexity aware cascade training (CompACT), is then derived to solve this optimization. CompACT cascades are shown to seek an optimal trade-off between accuracy and complexity by pushing features of higher complexity to the later cascade stages, where only a few difficult candidate patches remain to be classified. This enables the use of features of vastly different complexities in a single detector. In result, the feature pool can be expanded to features previously impractical for cascade design, such as the responses of a deep convolutional neural network (CNN). This is demonstrated through the design of a pedestrian detector with a pool of features whose complexities span orders of magnitude. The resulting cascade generalizes the combination of a CNN with an object proposal mechanism: rather than a pre-processing stage, CompACT cascades seamlessly integrate CNNs in their stages. This enables state of the art performance on the Caltech and KITTI datasets, at fairly fast speeds
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