3,293 research outputs found

    Distinguishing Number for some Circulant Graphs

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    Introduced by Albertson et al. \cite{albertson}, the distinguishing number D(G)D(G) of a graph GG is the least integer rr such that there is a rr-labeling of the vertices of GG that is not preserved by any nontrivial automorphism of GG. Most of graphs studied in literature have 2 as a distinguishing number value except complete, multipartite graphs or cartesian product of complete graphs depending on nn. In this paper, we study circulant graphs of order nn where the adjacency is defined using a symmetric subset AA of Zn\mathbb{Z}_n, called generator. We give a construction of a family of circulant graphs of order nn and we show that this class has distinct distinguishing numbers and these lasters are not depending on nn

    Enriched Lawvere Theories for Operational Semantics

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    Enriched Lawvere theories are a generalization of Lawvere theories that allow us to describe the operational semantics of formal systems. For example, a graph enriched Lawvere theory describes structures that have a graph of operations of each arity, where the vertices are operations and the edges are rewrites between operations. Enriched theories can be used to equip systems with operational semantics, and maps between enriching categories can serve to translate between different forms of operational and denotational semantics. The Grothendieck construction lets us study all models of all enriched theories in all contexts in a single category. We illustrate these ideas with the SKI-combinator calculus, a variable-free version of the lambda calculus.Comment: In Proceedings ACT 2019, arXiv:2009.0633

    Nice labeling problem for event structures: a counterexample

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    In this note, we present a counterexample to a conjecture of Rozoy and Thiagarajan from 1991 (called also the nice labeling problem) asserting that any (coherent) event structure with finite degree admits a labeling with a finite number of labels, or equivalently, that there exists a function f:N↦Nf: \mathbb{N} \mapsto \mathbb{N} such that an event structure with degree ≤n\le n admits a labeling with at most f(n)f(n) labels. Our counterexample is based on the Burling's construction from 1965 of 3-dimensional box hypergraphs with clique number 2 and arbitrarily large chromatic numbers and the bijection between domains of event structures and median graphs established by Barth\'elemy and Constantin in 1993

    On the limiting distribution of the metric dimension for random forests

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    The metric dimension of a graph G is the minimum size of a subset S of vertices of G such that all other vertices are uniquely determined by their distances to the vertices in S. In this paper we investigate the metric dimension for two different models of random forests, in each case obtaining normal limit distributions for this parameter.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure
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