4 research outputs found

    Dialectica Categories and Games with Bidding

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    This paper presents a construction which transforms categorical models of additive-free propositional linear logic, closely based on de Paiva\u27s dialectica categories and Oliva\u27s functional interpretations of classical linear logic. The construction is defined using dependent type theory, which proves to be a useful tool for reasoning about dialectica categories. Abstractly, we have a closure operator on the class of models: it preserves soundness and completeness and has a monad-like structure. When applied to categories of games we obtain \u27games with bidding\u27, which are hybrids of dialectica and game models, and we prove completeness theorems for two specific such models

    Functional Interpretations of Intuitionistic Linear Logic

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    We present three different functional interpretations of intuitionistic linear logic ILL and show how these correspond to well-known functional interpretations of intuitionistic logic IL via embeddings of IL into ILL. The main difference from previous work of the second author is that in intuitionistic linear logic (as opposed to classical linear logic) the interpretations of !A are simpler and simultaneous quantifiers are no longer needed for the characterisation of the interpretations. We then compare our approach in developing these three proof interpretations with the one of de Paiva around the Dialectica category model of linear logic

    Cartesian Closed Dialectica Categories

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    AbstractWhen Gödel developed his functional interpretation, also known as the Dialectica interpretation, his aim was to prove (relative) consistency of first order arithmetic by reducing it to a quantifier-free theory with finite types. Like other functional interpretations (e.g. Kleene’s realizability interpretation and Kreisel’s modified realizability) Gödel’s Dialectica interpretation gives rise to category theoretic constructions that serve both as new models for logic and semantics and as tools for analysing and understanding various aspects of the Dialectica interpretation itself.Gödel’s Dialectica interpretation gives rise to the Dialectica categories (described by V. de Paiva in [V.C.V. de Paiva, The Dialectica categories, in: Categories in Computer Science and Logic (Boulder, CO, 1987), in: Contemp. Math., vol. 92, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1989, pp. 47–62] and J.M.E. Hyland in [J.M.E. Hyland, Proof theory in the abstract, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 114 (1–3) (2002) 43–78, Commemorative Symposium Dedicated to Anne S. Troelstra (Noordwijkerhout, 1999)]). These categories are symmetric monoidal closed and have finite products and weak coproducts, but they are not Cartesian closed in general. We give an analysis of how to obtain weakly Cartesian closed and Cartesian closed Dialectica categories, and we also reflect on what the analysis might tell us about the Dialectica interpretation