41 research outputs found

    Low-complexity frequency offset and phase noise estimation for burst-mode digital transmission

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    The presence of a frequency offset (FO) and phase noise can cause severe performance degradation in digital communication systems. This work combines a simple FO estimation technique with a low-complexity phase noise estimation method, inspired by the space-alternating generalized expectation-maximization algorithm. Using a truncated discrete-cosine transform (DCT) expansion, the phase noise estimate is derived from the estimated DCT coefficients of the phase. A number of implementations of the proposed algorithm are discussed. Numerical results indicate that when estimating the FO from pilot symbols only, comparable performance can be reached as the computationally more complex case where the FO is updated iteratively, with small convergence time. The phase noise estimation step is well capable of compensating for the residual FO. For the considered scenario, performing FO compensation before iterative phase noise estimation yields a bit-error rate performance degradation close to the case where the FO is known

    Recognition of narrowband radio signals using autoregressive models and pattern comparison approach, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2002, nr 1

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    This paper presents an improved spectral recognitionmethod for digitally modulated radio signals. It is basedon a signal autoregressive (AR) model. Model poles are usedas signal features for neural network based on recognitionprocess. To reduce an influence of the signal noise and distortionsintroduced by the digital receiver, a nonlinear Z planetransformation is proposed

    On bounds and algorithms for frequency synchronization for collaborative communication systems

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    Cooperative diversity systems are wireless communication systems designed to exploit cooperation among users to mitigate the effects of multipath fading. In fairly general conditions, it has been shown that these systems can achieve the diversity order of an equivalent MISO channel and, if the node geometry permits, virtually the same outage probability can be achieved as that of the equivalent MISO channel for a wide range of applicable SNR. However, much of the prior analysis has been performed under the assumption of perfect timing and frequency offset synchronization. In this paper, we derive the estimation bounds and associated maximum likelihood estimators for frequency offset estimation in a cooperative communication system. We show the benefit of adaptively tuning the frequency of the relay node in order to reduce estimation error at the destination. We also derive an efficient estimation algorithm, based on the correlation sequence of the data, which has mean squared error close to the Cramer-Rao Bound.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transaction on Signal Processin

    Fast prototyping of an SDR WLAN 802.11b receiver for an indoor positioning system

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    Indoor positioning systems (IPS) are emerging technologies due to an increasing popularity and demand in location based service (LBS). Because traditional positioning systems such as GPS are limited to outdoor applications, many IPS have been proposed in literature. WLAN-based IPS are the most promising due to its proven accuracy and infrastructure deployment. Several WLAN-based IPS have been proposed in the past, from which the best results have been shown by so-called fingerprint-based systems. This paper proposes an indoor positioning system which extends traditional WLAN fingerprinting by using received signal strength (RSS) measurements along with channel estimates as an effort to improve classification accuracy for scenarios with a low number of Access Points (APs). The channel estimates aim to characterize complex indoor environments making it a unique signature for fingerprinting-based IPS and therefore improving pattern recognition in radio-maps. Since commercial WLAN cards offer limited measurement information, software-defined radio (SDR) as an emerging trend for fast prototyping and research integration is chosen as the best cost-effective option to extract channel estimates. Therefore, this paper first proposes an 802.11b WLAN SDR beacon receiver capable of measuring RSS and channel estimates. The SDR is designed using LabVIEW (LV) environment and leverages several inherent platform acceleration features that achieve real-time capturing. The receiver achieves a fast-rate measurement capture of 9 packets per second per AP. The classification of the propose IPS uses a support vector machine (SVM) for offline training and online navigation. Several tests are conducted in a cluttered indoor environment with a single AP in 802.11b legacy mode. Finally, navigation accuracy results are discussed

    Adaptive frequency offset estimation for practical satellite communication channels

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    Abstract—We have recently implemented a poly-polarization multiplexing (PPM) system as a hardware prototype in order to demonstrate its high spectral-efficiency in a satellite channel. The Luise and Reggiannini (L&R) algorithm is one of the frequency offset estimation methods suitable for use with the Digital Video Broadcasting- Satellite (DVB-S2) standard, and has also been implemented in our PPM receiver. In order to provide sufficient performance at the lowest SNR of about-2 dB, it is recommended to average the correlation estimates over 2048 frames. In higher SNR regions however, such a large averaging size is unnecessary and by reducing the size, the system can be made more responsive to changes in the channel state. In order to reduce the latency, we propose to measure the average noise power and select an efficient frame averaging length using a look-up-table. We show that the benefits of the proposed adaptive architecture can be extended to short UW lengths through increasing the separation of the UW symbols. Performance results show that the size of the averaging window can be substantially reduced whilst maintaining a target BER. Keywords—satellite communications, polarization multiplexing, frequency offset estimation, adaptive algorithm, latency reduction, performance investigation, hardware implementation. I

    A code-aided synchronization IP core for iterative channel decoders

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    Synchronization and channel decoding are integral parts of each receiver in wireless communication systems. The task of synchronization is the estimation of the general unknown parameters of phase, frequency and timing offset as well as correction of the received symbol sequence according to the estimated parameters. The synchronized symbol sequence serves as input for the channel decoder. Advanced channel decoders are able to operate at very low signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). For small values of SNR, the parameter estimation suffers from increased noise and impacts the communication performance. To improve the synchronization quality and thus decoder performance, the synchronizers are integrated into the iterative decoding structure. Intermediate results of the channel decoder after each iteration are used to improve the synchronization. This approach is referred to as code-aided (CA) synchronization or turbo synchronization. A number of CA synchronization algorithms have already been published but there is no publication so far on a generic hardware implementation of the CA synchronization. Therefore we present an algorithm which can be implemented efficiently in hardware and demonstrate its communication performance. Furthermore we present a high throughput, flexible, area and power efficient code-aided synchronization IP core for various satellite communication standards. The core is synthesized for 65 nm low power CMOS technology. After placement and routing the core has an area of 0.194 mm2, throughput of 207 Msymbols/s and consumes 41.4 mW at 300 MHz clock frequency. The architecture is designed in such a way that it does not affect throughput of the system

    Carrier Frequency Estimation of MPSK Modulated Signals

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    In this paper we concentrate on MPSK carrier frequency estmation based on random data modulation. We present a fast, open-loop frequency estimation and tracking techinque, which combines a feedforward estimator stuctureand a recursive least square (RLS) predictor. It is suitable for the frequency estimation and large frequency acquisition and tracking required of burst mode satellite modems operating under the condition of low SNR and large burst-to-burst frequency offset. The performance of the estimator is analyzed in detail and simulation results are shown. Finally, the non-linear impact of data modulation removal methods is discussed. The estimator we derived is easily implemented with digital hardware. This paper has been submitted to the 1999 International Conferenceon Communications, June 6-10, 1999, Vancouver, Canada</I

    A highly efficient receiver for satellite-based Automatic Identification System signal detection

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    An innovative receiver architecture for the satellitebased Automatic Identification System (AIS) has been recently proposed. In this paper, we describe a few modifications that can be introduced on the algorithms for synchronization and detection, that provide an impressive performance improvement with respect to the previous system. The receiver architecture has been designed for an on-board implementation, and for this reason all algorithms have been realized keeping the complexity as low as possible. A prototype for the proposed receiver has been implemented by the University of Parma and CGS S.p.A. Compagnia Generale per 10 Spazio under the ESA project FENICE