303 research outputs found

    Body Maps: Photography, Science, And Sensoriality

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    This article focuses on discussing the uses of photography through two papers presented at the 1937 Congress of the Brazilian National Sung Language, by Edgar Roquette-Pinto and Joao Lellis Cardoso. The Congress, organized by Mario de Andrade, aimed to define and devise strategies to systematize pronunciations in the Brazilian Portuguese language. These presentations proposed using 'phonophotography' - or 'sound picture' - as a tool to decode and correct the 'flaws' of spoken/sung language in various regions in the country. Based on the experiences of the U.S. physicist Dayton Clarence Miller and the psychologist Carl Seashore, such papers represented, even naively, the eagerness to master instincts, which may be accessed via sound, through the visual field.81745548

    On Early Applications of Psychology in Music Education

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    Granville Stanley Hall, founder of the American Psychological Association and president of Clark University, was the first American psychologist to speak and write about music's place in the educational curriculum. An examination of his published writings reveals Hall based his theory of music education on principles of Social Darwinism and Child Study perspectives on education. Hall's theories are referenced and paraphrased in several song series textbooks and music appreciation texts published by music educators during his professional career. These sources indicate that Hall influenced the thinking of certain music educators and was important to music education, in general, in developing a receptivity toward psychological processes in music education practice.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Mapas do corpo: fotografia, ciência e sensorialidade

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    O presente artigo tem como foco discutir os usos dafotografia a partir de dois trabalhos apresentados noCongresso da Língua Nacional Cantada de 1937, por EdgarRoquette‐Pinto e João Lellis Cardoso. O Congresso,organizado por Mário de Andrade, tinha o objetivodefinir e traçar estratégias para sistematizar aspronúncias do português brasileiro. As apresentações emquestão propunham o uso da “fonofotografia” – oufotografia do som – como ferramenta para decodificar ecorrigir as “imperfeições” da língua falada/cantada emdiversas regiões do país. Com base nas experiências dofísico norte‐americano Dayton Clarence Miller e dopsicólogo Carl Seashore, tais trabalhos representavam,mesmo que de forma ingênua, a ânsia em dominar osinstintos, passíveis de serem acessados pela via sonora,através do campo visual

    Mapas Do Corpo: Fotografia, Ciência E Sensorialidade

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    This article focuses on discussing the uses of photography through two papers presented at the 1937 Congress of the Brazilian National Sung Language, by Edgar Roquette-Pinto and Joao Lellis Cardoso. The Congress, organized by Mario de Andrade, aimed to define and devise strategies to systematize pronunciations in the Brazilian Portuguese language. These presentations proposed using 'phonophotography' - or 'sound picture' - as a tool to decode and correct the 'flaws' of spoken/sung language in various regions in the country. Based on the experiences of the U.S. physicist Dayton Clarence Miller and the psychologist Carl Seashore, such papers represented, even naively, the eagerness to master instincts, which may be accessed via sound, through the visual field.817296