19,170 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Video Time Lapse Caricature (VTLK) sebagai media pembelajaran fisika. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan plomp, yaitu Prelimenary Investigation, Design, Realization/Contruction, Test, Evaluationand Revision. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data meliputi: uji validasi media Video Time Lapse Caricature (VTLK) yang dikembangkan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah uji kelompok terbatas siswa kelasVIII MTs. Ad-Dinul Qayyim Gunung Sari. Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil uji validasi media Video Time Lapse Caricature (VTLK) yang dikembangkan dikategorikan cukup valid dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 3,75 dan rata-rata scientific curiosity siswa sebesar 32,75 dikategorikan tinggi sehingga dapat disimpukan bahwa pengembangan video time lapse caricature (VTLK) sebagai media pembelajaran IPA dapat melatih scientificcuriosity siswa

    ArchiVISTA: A New Horizon in Providing Access to Visual Records of the National Archives of Canada

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    published or submitted for publicatio

    Ways of Saying, Ways of Seeing. Public Images of Teachers (19th-20th Centuries)

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    The article is organized into three main sections: In the first section, inspired by the work of Martin Jay, I try to show the denigration of vision in historical thinking, suggesting that images are demanding new theoretical and methodological approaches susceptible of elucidation in their own terms. In the second section, I attempt an analytical interpretation of a collection of public images of teachers, dating from the second half of the nineteenth century, in order to show the heuristic potential of this material in the historical treatment of educational matters. Finally in the third section, I outline some trends of historiographical renewal, giving attention to the way images can help to reshape the remembering-imagining and the space-time relationships in the History of Education field

    '5 Minutes With Matt': the Innovative use of Micro Video Blogging in Higher Education

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    Recent developments in online learning platforms and associated technologies have changed the dynamics of higher education by forcing practitioners to reconsider traditional assumptions of teaching and learning (Garrison & Kanuka, 2004). This has fundamentally changed the nature and parameters of pedagogy within higher education whilst also shifting the associated expectations of students (HEA, 2000). Today, face-to-face teaching alone is considered somewhat antiquated; instead an effective higher education practitioner is now someone who can draw upon a myriad of blended learning strategies (see HEFCE, 2009). Because of this, the author of this paper contends that it is a fundamental responsibility of higher education practitioners today to be responsive to such changes and to continually seek ways of innovatively ‘blending’ traditional face-to-face methods of teaching and learning with new technologies and online platforms. In this vein, this short paper provides an example of how micro-video-blogging has been used as a blended learning tool within a social science programme
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