8,437 research outputs found

    Determinants of Desired Career Paths among Canadian Engineers

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    The goal of this research is to study five career paths available to engineers and to understand what leads them to prefer the management path to other career path possibilities (i.e. the technical path, the project-based path, the entrepreneurial path, and the hybrid path). A questionnaire survey was conducted using a sample of 900 male and female engineers from a large Canadian province. The0501n results show that several determinants under study (mainly individual-related factors, such as career anchors and education) effectively distinguish engineers who want to pursue a management path from those who choose other career paths, especially technical ones Cette recherche vise à étudier six orientations que les ingénieurs peuvent vouloir donner à leur carrière et à comprendre ce qui les amène à privilégier certains choix de carrière. Les possibilités de carrière retenues sont la voie de gestion, la voie technique, la voie de projet, la voie entreprenieuriale, la voie hybride et une nouvelle carrière. Une enquête par questionnaire a été réalisée auprès de 900 ingénieurs à travers le Québec, dont 403 femmes. Les résultats démontrent principalement que plusieurs des facteurs étudiés (principalement les facteurs individuels comme les ancres de carrière et la scolarité) permettent de distinguer efficacement les ingénieurs qui désirent poursuivre une carrière en gestion de ceux qui aspirent à d'autres voies de carrière.Engineers, career, career path, entrepreneurial career, career anchor, Ingénieurs, carrière, voies de carrière, changement de carrière

    The Impact Of Mentoring On Career Plateau And Turnover Intentions Of Management Accountants

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    The presence of frustrated employees in an organization is likely to have a significant adverse effect on the organization’s operations. Employees faced with a career plateau are likely to exhibit feelings of frustration. Such employees may have a higher tendency to leave the company, increasing employee turnover.  Using Canadian Certified Management Accountants (CMAs), as subjects, this study examined the effect of mentoring on employee career plateau tendencies and turnover intentions.  Survey questionnaires were mailed and responses obtained from 235 CMAs.  Subjects’ responses were factor analyzed to develop composite scales about CMAs’ perceptions for mentoring (MENTOR), career plateau (PLAT), turnover intentions (EXIT), positive job attributes (PJA), and job satisfaction rate (JSR).   For hypotheses testing, the means of the scaled values were used in statistical tests of relationships between the measures. Tests indicated that mentoring reduces plateau tendency significantly and significantly lowers turnover intentions even after controlling for career plateau, job satisfaction, and positive job attributes. The results imply that fostering a mentoring environment can reduce career plateau attainment and turnover intentions. Reducing career plateau in turn is likely to have positive impact on organization’s operations. For example, CMAs are often involved in, among other matters, the operational information and financial reporting process.  Therefore, reducing CMAs’ career plateau tendencies and turnover intentions could improve the quality of an organization’s financial reporting process

    Career Plateau Forms Turnover Intention: The Important Role of Affective Commitment and Career Satisfaction

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    The pervasive high employee turnover intention, particularly prevalent in the hospitality sector, often disrupts company operations. This study investigates the influence of career plateau on turnover intention, mediated by affective commitment and career satisfaction. The research population comprises all hotel employees in East Java, with a sample size of 170 employees. The data analysis used the Partial-Least-Square Structural-Equation-Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach. The hypothesis testing results substantiate that career plateau significantly and negatively impacts affective commitment and career satisfaction. Furthermore, both affective commitment and career satisfaction significantly and negatively influence turnover intention. The study also reveals that career plateau significantly and positively affects turnover intention when mediated by affective commitment. However, when judged by career satisfaction, the career plateau's effect on turnover intention was positive but insignificant.The pervasive high employee turnover intention, particularly prevalent in the hospitality sector, often disrupts company operations. This study investigates the influence of career plateau on turnover intention, mediated by affective commitment and career satisfaction. The research population comprises all hotel employees in East Java, with a sample size of 170 employees. The data analysis used the Partial-Least-Square Structural-Equation-Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach. The hypothesis testing results substantiate that career plateau significantly and negatively impacts affective commitment and career satisfaction. Furthermore, both affective commitment and career satisfaction significantly and negatively influence turnover intention. The study also reveals that career plateau significantly and positively affects turnover intention when mediated by affective commitment. However, when judged by career satisfaction, the career plateau's effect on turnover intention was positive but insignificant

    The relationship between self-efficacy, career satisfaction, organizational commitment and career commitment

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    The employees’ career commitment is important for the organization to accomplish their vision and mission. The committed employee will lead the organization to become productive, efficient, high performance and can reduce all the cost incurs in the organization. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between selfefficacy, career satisfaction, and organizational commitment with career commitment. This study examines if self-efficacy, career satisfaction, organizational commitment are influencing career commitment among engineer in a manufacturing company which located in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. In this study, 200 questionnaires were distributed to the Engineering Department in a manufacturing company, but only 133 questionnaires were used for further study. The database used to analyze the data is “Statistical Package for Social Sciences” (SPSS) version 22. The study utilized the reliability analysis, factor analysis, descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and regression analysis. Results of regression analysis showed that 36.4 % of the factors in this study contributed to the career commitment. The result indicated that self-efficacy and organizational commitment have significant and positive relationship with career commitment. Thus, the organization should implement effective strategy to sustain their talented employees in the organization. Therefore, the organization should fulfill their employees’ needs and desires in order for them to be more committed with their career within the organization

    Work-Life Factors that Impact Job Burnout and Turnover Intention among Athletic Academic Support Professionals

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    The purpose of the current study was to investigate factors in the work environment that impact job burnout among academic support professionals who work with college student-athletes. Specifically, the factors of job control match, fairness march, rewards match, and workload match were explored. Additionally, the extent to which emotional exhaustion and depersonalization had an effect on turnover intention was explored. Job burnout has been found to have negative impacts on professionals in human services professions. The sample consisted of academic advisors and learning specialists affiliated with National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I programs. Results suggest academic support professionals experience a high level of emotional exhaustion related to a mismatch in perceived job control, rewards, and workload. Additionally, higher levels of emotional exhaustion were found to significantly impact turnover intention. Practical solutions that address job mismatches are discussed along with theoretical implications for the person-environment fit framework applied in the context of the sport industry

    Why Did You Choose This Job? Comparing Career Motivators of IS Students & IS Practitioners

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    This paper reports findings from the second stage of a research program aimed at achieving a better fit between university courses and professional practise in information systems. The paper presents the results of a survey of IS students from three Victorian universities and IS practitioners from around Australia. The survey investigates attitudes towards employment incentives and conditions that may be used by employers hoping to attract and retain scarce and talented information technology professionals. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of eleven conditions that they considered important in their decision to accept and remain working in an organization. The findings suggest that both are more attracted by a friendly work environment, supportive superiors, and perceived promotional opportunities. Economic incentives such as provision of travel opportunities and other fringe benefits were rated as rather less important. Implications for employers who are dealing with an ongoing global shortage of information technology staff are discussed

    Antecedents of Career Development Success: Insights into 10 years of Research

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    This paper intends to review a flow of previous literature on the antecedents of career development success over ten years, from 2008 to 2018. A systematic literature review has been employed to extract the constitution of literature. A total of 41 relevant articles have been extracted from 16 different top ranked journals. Drawing on the literature, a conceptual model is provided as a clear depiction of what has been studied. Specifically, dependent, independents, mediators, and moderators variables are determined. The systematic literature review identifies six main themes; leadership, organizational and individual commitment, talent management, human resources management practices, career management strategy, and learning and development, determining antecedents of career development success. Literature in this area have offered much attention to both of the Exchange Theory and the Social Learning Theory. The paper advances the career development literature by presenting one of the fewest attempt to systematically review antecedent of career development, with a conceptual framework

    Understanding turnover intentions and behavior of Indian information systems professionals: A study of organizational justice, job satisfaction and social norms

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    Despite the phenomenal growth projected for the Indian information technology (IT) industry, one of the biggest challenges it faces is the high rate of turnover in offshore Indian-based supplier firms (Everest Research Group 2011). In this dissertation, we explored the following determinants of turnover intentions—social norms job attributes, job satisfaction, organizational alternatives, first order supervisory justice dimensions (distributive, procedural, interpersonal and informational justice) and second-order organizational justice measured by the first order justice dimensions. The research design was longitudinal to assess turnover behavior and its relationship with turnover intentions. Telephonic interviews were conducted with 75 Indian IS professionals based in India. Ten months later the respondents were contacted again to determine their actual turnover behavior. Data was quantitatively analyzed using PLS graph. Qualitative analysis using content analysis was also performed to gain deeper insights. Seven out of the 11 hypothesized relationships were supported. Three out of 4 dimensions of justice were found to be significantly and negatively related to turnover intentions- distributive, procedural and informational justice. Also, the second-order latent construct of overall organizational justice was found to be negatively related to turnover intentions. The hypothesized relationships between social norms and turnover intentions and between organizational alternatives and turnover intentions were not supported. Job attributes for tasks not involving client interaction (programming, testing and project management tasks) was found to be negatively related to job satisfaction. Finally, turnover intentions was found to positively relate to turnover behavior. We made important contributions to the literature of turnover by being one of the few studies actually measuring turnover behavior. Also, we addressed a gap in the literature of IS turnover of studying IS populations across different nations. We contributed to theory by testing a model of turnover that had new constructs not tested before, like overall organizational justice (second-order) and supervisory focused four first-order justice dimensions, and social norms. For future research, revised model of turnover relevant for Indian IS professionals is proposed-this involved adding new constructs like work life balance, stress, organizational satisfaction and removing constructs that did not find support in Indian contexts like organizational alternatives and social norms