12 research outputs found

    User Latent Preference Model for Better Downside Management in Recommender Systems

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    Predicting the popularity of Web 2.0 items based on user comments

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under its International Research Centre @ Singapore Funding Initiativ


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    Software system for self-regulated learning on the Web

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    Samoregulisano učenje predstavlja formu učenja koja stavlja akcenat na samog učenika i pruža mu mogućnost da upravlja i kontinuirano reguliše svoj proces učenja. Poznato je da društveni kontekst i interakcije koje se ostvaruju tokom učenja imaju uticaj na akcije učenika i da se samoregulacija može posmatrati kao regulacija individue u okviru socijalnog okruženja. Međutim, postojeći sistemi za učenje na Vebu pružaju učenicima ograničene mogućnosti za samoregulaciju tokom učenja u neformalnim i informalnim kontekstima. Predmet ove doktorske disertacije je dizajniranje i projektovanje softverskog sistema koji je namenjen samoregulisanom učenju na Vebu. Cilj je da ovaj softverski sistem poseduje funkcionalnosti koje podržavaju procese samoregulisanog učenja, da omogućavaju uređivanje kohorti, kurseva, materijala i aktivnosti učenja, kao i da omogućavaju kolektivnu regulaciju između učenika. Prototip softverskog sistema, koji je razvijen na osnovu predloženog dizajna i arhitekture, evaluiran je u okviru MOOC kursa u trajanju od 9 nedelja. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da postoje izražene asocijacije između funkcionalnosti zasnovanim na socijalnim interakcijama i procesa samoregulisanog učenja koji je zasnovan na kolektivnoj regulaciji. Konkretno, pokazano je da postoje asocijacije između funkcionalnosti koje omogućavaju uvid u aktivnosti i progres drugih učenika sa procesima samoregulisanog učenja koji se odnose na izvršenje zadataka učenika. Takođe, pronađene su razlike u ovim asocijacijama kod učenika sa različitim demografskim i motivacionim karakteristikama.Self-regulated learning is a form of learning that puts emphasis on a learner and gives them the ability to manage and continually regulate their learning process. It is known that the social context and interactions that occur during learning can impact students' actions and that self-regulation can be viewed as a regulation of an individual within their social context. However, existing web learning systems provide students with limited functionalities to self-regulate their learning in informal and informal contexts. The topic of this doctoral dissertation is the design and architecture of a software system that enables self-regulated learning on the Web. The goal of this system is to enable a learner with functionalities that support self-regulated learning processes, to enable management of cohorts, courses, materials and learning activities, as well as to allow collective regulation among learners. A software prototype, developed based on the proposed design and architecture, was evaluated within the MOOC course for 9 weeks. The obtained results showed that there are significant associations between functionalities based on social interactions and the self-regulated learning process based on collective regulation. In particular, it has been shown that there are associations between functionalities that allow insight into the learning activities and progress of other students with self-regulated learning processes related to engagement in learning. Also, variations in these associations were found among students with different demographic and motivational characteristics