1,897 research outputs found

    Coupling carbon nanotube mechanics to a superconducting circuit

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    The quantum behaviour of mechanical resonators is a new and emerging field driven by recent experiments reaching the quantum ground state. The high frequency, small mass, and large quality-factor of carbon nanotube resonators make them attractive for quantum nanomechanical applications. A common element in experiments achieving the resonator ground state is a second quantum system, such as coherent photons or superconducting device, coupled to the resonators motion. For nanotubes, however, this is a challenge due to their small size. Here, we couple a carbon nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) device to a superconducting circuit. Suspended carbon nanotubes act as both superconducting junctions and moving elements in a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID). We observe a strong modulation of the flux through the SQUID from displacements of the nanotube. Incorporating this SQUID into superconducting resonators and qubits should enable the detection and manipulation of nanotube mechanical quantum states at the single-phonon level

    Non local Andreev reflection in a carbon nanotube superconducting quantum interference device

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    We investigate a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) based on carbon nanotubes in a fork geometry [J.-P. Cleuziou {\it et al.}, Nature Nanotechnology {\bf 1}, 53 (2006)], involving tunneling of evanescent quasiparticles through a superconductor over a distance comparable to the superconducting coherence length, with therefore ``non local'' processes generalizing non local Andreev reflection and elastic cotunneling. Non local processes induce a reduction of the critical current and modify the current-phase relation. We discuss arbitrary interface transparencies. Such devices in fork geometries are candidates for probing the phase coherence of crossed Andreev reflection.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, revised versio

    Carbon nanotube-based quantum pump in the presence of superconducting lead

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    Parametric electron pump through superconductor-carbon-nanotube based molecular devices was investigated. It is found that a dc current, which is assisted by resonant Andreev reflection, can be pumped out from such molecular device by a cyclic variation of two gate voltages near the nanotube. The pumped current can be either positive or negative under different system parameters. Due to the Andreev reflection, the pumped current has the double peak structure around the resonant point. The ratio of pumped current of N-SWNT-S system to that of N-SWNT-N system (I^{NS}/I^N) is found to approach four in the weak pumping regime near the resonance when there is exactly one resonant level at Fermi energy inside the energy gap. Numerical results confirm that in the weak pumping regime the pumped current is proportional to the square of the pumping amplitude V_p, but in the strong pumping regime the pumped current has the linear relation with V_p. Our numerical results also predict that pumped current can be obtained more easily by using zigzag tube than by using armchair tube

    Revealing the electronic structure of a carbon nanotube carrying a supercurrent

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are not intrinsically superconducting but they can carry a supercurrent when connected to superconducting electrodes. This supercurrent is mainly transmitted by discrete entangled electron-hole states confined to the nanotube, called Andreev Bound States (ABS). These states are a key concept in mesoscopic superconductivity as they provide a universal description of Josephson-like effects in quantum-coherent nanostructures (e.g. molecules, nanowires, magnetic or normal metallic layers) connected to superconducting leads. We report here the first tunneling spectroscopy of individually resolved ABS, in a nanotube-superconductor device. Analyzing the evolution of the ABS spectrum with a gate voltage, we show that the ABS arise from the discrete electronic levels of the molecule and that they reveal detailed information about the energies of these levels, their relative spin orientation and the coupling to the leads. Such measurements hence constitute a powerful new spectroscopic technique capable of elucidating the electronic structure of CNT-based devices, including those with well-coupled leads. This is relevant for conventional applications (e.g. superconducting or normal transistors, SQUIDs) and quantum information processing (e.g. entangled electron pairs generation, ABS-based qubits). Finally, our device is a new type of dc-measurable SQUID

    First order 0/π0/\pi quantum phase transition in the Kondo regime of a superconducting carbon nanotube quantum dot

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    We study a carbon nanotube quantum dot embedded into a SQUID loop in order to investigate the competition of strong electron correlations with proximity effect. Depending whether local pairing or local magnetism prevails, a superconducting quantum dot will respectively exhibit positive or negative supercurrent, referred to as a 0 or π\pi Josephson junction. In the regime of strong Coulomb blockade, the 0 to π\pi transition is typically controlled by a change in the discrete charge state of the dot, from even to odd. In contrast, at larger tunneling amplitude the Kondo effect develops for an odd charge (magnetic) dot in the normal state, and quenches magnetism. In this situation, we find that a first order 0 to π\pi quantum phase transition can be triggered at fixed valence when superconductivity is brought in, due to the competition of the superconducting gap and the Kondo temperature. The SQUID geometry together with the tunability of our device allows the exploration of the associated phase diagram predicted by recent theories. We also report on the observation of anharmonic behavior of the current-phase relation in the transition regime, that we associate with the two different accessible superconducting states. Our results ultimately reveal the spin singlet nature of the Kondo ground state, which is the key process in allowing the stability of the 0-phase far from the mixed valence regime.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures in main text, 4 figures in appendi

    Study of 0-π\pi phase transition in hybrid superconductor-InSb nanowire quantum dot devices

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    Hybrid superconductor-semiconducting nanowire devices provide an ideal platform to investigating novel intragap bound states, such as the Andreev bound states (ABSs), Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states, and the Majorana bound states. The competition between Kondo correlations and superconductivity in Josephson quantum dot (QD) devices results in two different ground states and the occurrence of a 0-π\pi quantum phase transition. Here we report on transport measurements on hybrid superconductor-InSb nanowire QD devices with different device geometries. We demonstrate a realization of continuous gate-tunable ABSs with both 0-type levels and π\pi-type levels. This allow us to manipulate the transition between 0 and π\pi junction and explore charge transport and spectrum in the vicinity of the quantum phase transition regime. Furthermore, we find a coexistence of 0-type ABS and π\pi-type ABS in the same charge state. By measuring temperature and magnetic field evolution of the ABSs, the different natures of the two sets of ABSs are verified, being consistent with the scenario of phase transition between the singlet and doublet ground state. Our study provides insights into Andreev transport properties of hybrid superconductor-QD devices and sheds light on the crossover behavior of the subgap spectrum in the vicinity of 0-π\pi transition

    Transport Through Andreev Bound States in a Graphene Quantum Dot

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    Andreev reflection-where an electron in a normal metal backscatters off a superconductor into a hole-forms the basis of low energy transport through superconducting junctions. Andreev reflection in confined regions gives rise to discrete Andreev bound states (ABS), which can carry a supercurrent and have recently been proposed as the basis of qubits [1-3]. Although signatures of Andreev reflection and bound states in conductance have been widely reported [4], it has been difficult to directly probe individual ABS. Here, we report transport measurements of sharp, gate-tunable ABS formed in a superconductor-quantum dot (QD)-normal system, which incorporates graphene. The QD exists in the graphene under the superconducting contact, due to a work-function mismatch [5, 6]. The ABS form when the discrete QD levels are proximity coupled to the superconducting contact. Due to the low density of states of graphene and the sensitivity of the QD levels to an applied gate voltage, the ABS spectra are narrow, can be tuned to zero energy via gate voltage, and show a striking pattern in transport measurements.Comment: 25 Pages, included SO

    Co-sputtered MoRe thin films for carbon nanotube growth-compatible superconducting coplanar resonators

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    Molybdenum rhenium alloy thin films can exhibit superconductivity up to critical temperatures of Tc=15KT_c=15\mathrm{K}. At the same time, the films are highly stable in the high-temperature methane / hydrogen atmosphere typically required to grow single wall carbon nanotubes. We characterize molybdenum rhenium alloy films deposited via simultaneous sputtering from two sources, with respect to their composition as function of sputter parameters and their electronic dc as well as GHz properties at low temperature. Specific emphasis is placed on the effect of the carbon nanotube growth conditions on the film. Superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators are defined lithographically; we demonstrate that the resonators remain functional when undergoing nanotube growth conditions, and characterize their properties as function of temperature. This paves the way for ultra-clean nanotube devices grown in situ onto superconducting coplanar waveguide circuit elements.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure