122 research outputs found

    Tropical Carathéodory with Matroids

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    Bárány’s colorful generalization of Carathéodory’s Theorem combines geometrical and combinatorial constraints. Kalai–Meshulam (2005) and Holmsen (2016) generalized Bárány’s theorem by replacing color classes with matroid constraints. In this note, we obtain corresponding results in tropical convexity, generalizing the Tropical Colorful Carathéodory Theorem of Gaubert–Meunier (2010). Our proof is inspired by geometric arguments and is reminiscent of matroid intersection. Moreover, we show that the topological approach fails in this setting. We also discuss tropical colorful linear programming and show that it is NP-complete. We end with thoughts and questions on generalizations to polymatroids, anti-matroids as well as examples and matroid simplicial depth

    Solvability of coupled systems of generalized Hammerstein-type integral equations in the real line

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    In this work, we consider a generalized coupled system of integral equations of Hammerstein-type with, eventually, discontinuous nonlinearities. The main existence tool is Schauder’s fixed point theorem in the space of bounded and continuous functions with bounded and continuous derivatives on R, combined with the equiconvergence at ±∞ to recover the compactness of the correspondent operators. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time where coupled Hammerstein-type integral equations in real line are considered with nonlinearities depending on several derivatives of both variables and, moreover, the derivatives can be of different order on each variable and each equation. On the other hand, we emphasize that the kernel functions can change sign and their derivatives in order to the first variable may be discontinuous. The last section contains an application to a model to study the deflection of a coupled system of infinite beams

    Discrete Geometry and Convexity in Honour of Imre Bárány

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    This special volume is contributed by the speakers of the Discrete Geometry and Convexity conference, held in Budapest, June 19–23, 2017. The aim of the conference is to celebrate the 70th birthday and the scientific achievements of professor Imre Bárány, a pioneering researcher of discrete and convex geometry, topological methods, and combinatorics. The extended abstracts presented here are written by prominent mathematicians whose work has special connections to that of professor Bárány. Topics that are covered include: discrete and combinatorial geometry, convex geometry and general convexity, topological and combinatorial methods. The research papers are presented here in two sections. After this preface and a short overview of Imre Bárány’s works, the main part consists of 20 short but very high level surveys and/or original results (at least an extended abstract of them) by the invited speakers. Then in the second part there are 13 short summaries of further contributed talks. We would like to dedicate this volume to Imre, our great teacher, inspiring colleague, and warm-hearted friend

    Coalgebraic Reasoning with Global Assumptions in Arithmetic Modal Logics

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    We establish a generic upper bound ExpTime for reasoning with global assumptions (also known as TBoxes) in coalgebraic modal logics. Unlike earlier results of this kind, our bound does not require a tractable set of tableau rules for the instance logics, so that the result applies to wider classes of logics. Examples are Presburger modal logic, which extends graded modal logic with linear inequalities over numbers of successors, and probabilistic modal logic with polynomial inequalities over probabilities. We establish the theoretical upper bound using a type elimination algorithm. We also provide a global caching algorithm that potentially avoids building the entire exponential-sized space of candidate states, and thus offers a basis for practical reasoning. This algorithm still involves frequent fixpoint computations; we show how these can be handled efficiently in a concrete algorithm modelled on Liu and Smolka's linear-time fixpoint algorithm. Finally, we show that the upper complexity bound is preserved under adding nominals to the logic, i.e. in coalgebraic hybrid logic.Comment: Extended version of conference paper in FCT 201
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