17 research outputs found

    Polarization properties of specular and dense multipath components in a large industrial hall

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    This paper presents an analysis of the polarization characteristics of specular and dense multipath components (SMC & DMC) in a large industrial hall based on frequency-domain channel sounding experiments at 1.3 GHz with 22 MHz bandwidth. The RiMAX maximum-likelihood estimator is used to extract the full polarimetric SMC and DMC from the measurement data by taking into account the polarimetric radiating patterns of the dual-polarized antennas. Cross-polar discrimination (XPD) values are presented for the measured channels and for the SMC and DMC separately

    Indoor MIMO Measurements Using Polarization at the Mobile

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    Polarization properties of specular and dense multipath components in a large industrial hall

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    A 2x2 MIMO DVB-T2 System: Design, New Channel Estimation Scheme and Measurements With Polarization Diversity

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    The increasing interest in MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) systems has given rise to a prolific research activity in recent years. Both theoretical and practical issues have been studied. However, so far few MIMO testbeds or prototypes have been built for DVB-T or future standards. In this paper, a novel 2 × 2 MIMO testbed specifically designed for evaluating the performances of a DVB-T2 MIMO system is presented. The description of signal processing is detailed including a new scheme to estimate the MIMO channel matrix. Finally, measurement results with different polarization schemes are presented for typical scenarios, obtaining higher capacity in LoS situations using polarization diversity

    Dual-Polarized Ricean MIMO Channels: Modeling and Performance Assessment

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    In wireless communication systems, dual-polarized (DP) instead of single-polarized (SP) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission is used to improve the spectral efficiency under certain conditions on the channel and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In order to identify these conditions, we first propose a novel channel model for DP mobile Ricean MIMO channels for which statistical channel parameters are readily obtained from a moment-based channel decomposition. Second, we derive an approximation of the mutual information (MI), which can be expressed as a function of those statistical channel parameters. Based on this approximation, we characterize the required SNR for a DP MIMO system to outperform an SP MIMO system in terms of the MI. Finally, we apply our results to channel measurements at 2.53 GHz. We find that, using the proposed channel decomposition and the approximation of the MI, we are able to reproduce the (practically relevant) SNR values above which DP MIMO systems outperform SP MIMO systems.Comment: submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Polarization reconfigurable antennas for space limited multiple input multiple output system

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    Wireless communication undergoes rapid changes in recent years. More and more people are using modern communication services, thus increasing the need for higher capacity in transmission. One of the methods that is able to meet the demands is the use of multiple antennas at both link ends known as Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system. However, for the space limited MIMO system, it is relatively difficult to accomplish good performance by using conventional antennas. Therefore, to further improve the performance offered by MIMO, Polarization Reconfigurable Antennas (PRAs) can be adopted. The diversity in polarization can be exploited to increase channel capacity. Moreover, the use of PRAs can also provide savings in terms of space and cost by arranging orthogonal polarized together instead of two physically space separation antennas. Here, single and dual port PRAs are proposed. Two techniques are deployed to achieve the PRAs are slits perturbation (switches on the radiating patch) and alteration of the feeding network (switches on the ground plane). Switching mechanism (ideal and PIN diode) is introduced to reconfigure the polarization between left-hand circular polarizations, right-hand circular polarizations, or linear polarization, operating at wireless local area network frequency band (2.4 – 2.5 GHz). Furthermore, by exploiting the odd and even mode of the coplanar waveguide structure, dual ports PRAs are realized with the ability to produce orthogonal linear polarization (LP) and circular polarization (CP) modes simultaneously. Good measured port polarization isolations (S21) of -16.3 dB and -19 dB are obtained at the frequency of 2.45 GHz for configuration A1 (orthogonal LP) and A2 (orthogonal CP), respectively. The proposed PRAs are tested in 2 x 2 MIMO indoor environments to validate their performances by using scalar power correlation method when applied as receiver in both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios. Channel capacity improvement has been achieved for spatial diversity (92.9% for LOS and 185.9% for NLOS) and polarization diversity (40.7% for LOS and 57.9% for NLOS). The proposed antenna is highly potential to be adopted to enhance the performance of the MIMO system, especially in dealing with multipath environment and space limited applications

    Experimental study on the impact of antenna characteristics on non-stationary V2I channel parameters in tunnels

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    This paper analyses the experimentally-assessed dual-polarized (DP) mobile channel in a tunnel environment at 1.35 GHz under traffic conditions. We investigate the impact of antenna polarization and radiation pattern on the non-stationary vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) channel. Basic channel evaluation metrics are examined including path gain, co-polarization ratio (CPR), and cross-polarization discrimination (XPD). In addition, the stationarity region is estimated using the channel correlation function approach, and used to calculate the time-varying delay and Doppler power profiles. Statistical models are presented for parameters like CPR, XPD, RMS delay and Doppler spreads, where the lognormal distribution provides the best fit. The polarization and the opening angle of the antennas into the propagation channel are found to strongly influence the observed non-stationarity of the channel. They impact the degree of multipath richness that is captured, thus providing different path gain, delay and Doppler spreads. Based on our analysis, the directional antenna with vertical polarization provides the longest stationarity time of 400 ms at 90 km/h, as well as the highest path gain and lowest dispersion. Furthermore, the DP channel capacity is calculated and its dependence on different normalization approaches is investigated. We propose a more accurate normalization for the DP channels that takes the conservation of energy into account. Moreover, the subchannels correlation coefficients are determined. While the condition number is found to be low on average, the correlation results show high correlation among the DP subchannels. As conclusion, we show how the CPR and XPD play the main role in providing multiplexing gain for DP tunnel channels

    Capacity of Measured Ricean and Rayleigh Indoor MIMO Channels at 2.4 GHz with Polarization and Spatial Diversity

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    Abstract — In this paper, we analyze the impact of polarization diversity on the capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels in indoor environments. A channel measurement campaign was conducted at 2.4 GHz to measure the co-polarized and crosspolarized subchannels under line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-ofsight (NLOS) channel conditions. We analyze the measured data in terms of Ricean K-factor, cross-polar discrimination (XPD) and subchannel correlations. A major contribution of this paper is that in these measured channels, we observe a coincidence of low K factors and high XPD. In such channels, MIMO systems employing polarization diversity incur SNR and diversity deficits, when compared to spatial configurations. On the other hand, our results indicate that polarization diversity can substantially lower the subchannel correlations for compact configurations, even in a LOS scenario. We draw a fair comparison in terms of capacity, between spatial MIMO configurations and systems using polarization diversity. We analyze the performance of 2 × 2 and 4 × 4 MIMO configurations for a range of values of inter-element spacing. Index Terms — Polarization diversity, MIMO, dual-polarized antennas, inter-element spacing, indoor channels

    The Investigation of Polarization Diversity in MIMO System at 2.4 GHz

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    This paper describes the concept of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system using polarization diversity that can enhance the channel capacity and increased the data output performance of the system. The microstrip antenna array is designed, fabricated and measured at the desired operating frequency for this measurement. Computer Simulation Technology (CST) software is used to design and simulate the microstrip antenna array. The simulation and measurement data results are compared and discussed. The fabricated microstrip antenna is used to develop the Radio Frequency (RF) MIMO test bed system. The system measurement has been conducted in Microwave Laboratory at Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering, University Technical Malaysia Melaka at the operating frequency of 2.4 GHz. The spatial diversity and polarization diversity are applied in measurement campaign to investigate the performance of the wireless MIMO channel. The data obtained from the measurement is processed using MATLAB software in order to calculate the MIMO channel capacity. The analysis has been focused on the effect of the MIMO channel capacity due to the proposed measurement setup configurations. The channel capacity is increased from 0.03 b/s/Hz to 0.09 b/s/Hz when polarization diversity is applied at both transmitter and receive