4 research outputs found

    On Capacity and Delay of Multi-channel Wireless Networks with Infrastructure Support

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    In this paper, we propose a novel multi-channel network with infrastructure support, called an MC-IS network, which has not been studied in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study such an MC-IS network. Our proposed MC-IS network has a number of advantages over three existing conventional networks, namely a single-channel wireless ad hoc network (called an SC-AH network), a multi-channel wireless ad hoc network (called an MC-AH network) and a single-channel network with infrastructure support (called an SC-IS network). In particular, the network capacity of our proposed MC-IS network is nlogn\sqrt{n \log n} times higher than that of an SC-AH network and an MC-AH network and the same as that of an SC-IS network, where nn is the number of nodes in the network. The average delay of our MC-IS network is logn/n\sqrt{\log n/n} times lower than that of an SC-AH network and an MC-AH network, and min{CI,m}\min\{C_I,m\} times lower than the average delay of an SC-IS network, where CIC_I and mm denote the number of channels dedicated for infrastructure communications and the number of interfaces mounted at each infrastructure node, respectively. Our analysis on an MC-IS network equipped with omni-directional antennas only has been extended to an MC-IS network equipped with directional antennas only, which are named as an MC-IS-DA network. We show that an MC-IS-DA network has an even lower delay of c2πθCI\frac{c}{\lfloor \frac{2\pi}{\theta}\rfloor \cdot C_I} compared with an SC-IS network and our MC-IS network. For example, when CI=12C_I=12 and θ=π12\theta=\frac{\pi}{12}, an MC-IS-DA network can further reduce the delay by 24 times lower that of an MC-IS network and reduce the delay by 288 times lower than that of an SC-IS network.Comment: accepted, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 201

    A scheme for efficient peer-to-peer live video streaming over wireless mesh networks

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    Peers in a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) live video streaming system over hybrid wireless mesh networks (WMNs) enjoy high video quality when both random network coding (RNC) and an efficient hybrid routing protocol are employed. Although RNC is the most recently used method of efficient video streaming, it imposes high transmission overhead and decoding computational complexity on the network which reduces the perceived video quality. Besides that, RNC cannot guaranty a non-existence of linear dependency in the generated coefficients matrix. In WMNs, node mobility has not been efficiently addressed by current hybrid routing protocols that increase video distortion which would lead to low video quality. In addition, these protocols cannot efficiently support nodes which operate in infrastructure mode. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to propose a P2P live video streaming scheme which consists of two phases followed by the integration of these two phases known as the third phase to provide high video quality in hybrid WMNs. In the first phase, a novel coefficients matrix generation and inversion method has been proposed to address the mentioned limitations of RNC. In the second phase, the proposed enhanced hybrid routing protocol was used to efficiently route video streams among nodes using the most stable path with low routing overhead. Moreover, this protocol effectively supports mobility and nodes which operate in infrastructure mode by exploiting the advantages of the designed locator service. Results of simulations from the first phase showed that video distortion as the most important performance metric in live video streaming, had improved by 36 percent in comparison with current RNC method which employs the Gauss-Jordan Elimination (RNC-GJE) method in decoding. Other metrics including frame dependency distortion, initial start-up delay and end-to-end delay have also improved using the proposed method. Based on previous studies, although Reactive (DYMO) routing protocol provides better performance than other existing routing protocols in a hybrid WMN, the proposed protocol in the second phase had average improvements in video distortion of l86% for hybrid wireless mesh protocol (HWMP), 49% for Reactive (Dynamic MANET On-Demand-DYMO), 75% for Proactive (Optimized Link State Routing-OLSR), and 60% for Ad-hoc on-demand Distance Vector Spanning-Tree (AODV-ST). Other metrics including end-to-end delay, packet delay variation, routing overhead and number of delivered video frames have also improved using the proposed protocol. Finally, the third phase, an integration of the first two phases has proven to be an efficient scheme for high quality P2P live video streaming over hybrid WMNs. This video streaming scheme had averagely improved video distortion by 41%, frame dependency distortion by 50%, initial start-up delay by 15% and end-to-end delay by 33% in comparison with the average introduced values by three other considered integration cases which are Reactive and RNC-GJE, Reactive and the first phase, the second phase and RNC-GJE

    Estudio de factibilidad para la implementación de un sistema avanzado de medición (AMI) en clientes de tarifa general con demanda de la Empresa Eléctrica Riobamba S.A

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    Empresa Eléctrica Riobamba S.A., currently in its concession area has a manual measurement system for large customers, causing involuntary errors in taking readings, accumulated consumption, typing error, display and manipulation of information, generating inconveniences for customers and for the company that has to settle any type of claim. This research project seeks to establish a feasibility study for the implementation of an advanced measurement system (AMI) in general rate customers with demand, to improve business processes, among which are Readings and Billing, as the main beneficiaries. ensuring an adequate quality of the readings for the monthly billing, this study is based on the investigation of the current situation of the Riobamba Electric Company along with the presentation of 3 proposals for AMI systems that may be applicable according to the technical conditions necessary for proper functioning, the proposal to apply an intelligent metering system with a communication system via GPRS being the one that presents a greater economic benefit than with the other 2 proposals, because there is no need to implement a communication infrastructure that supports it. offered by telecommunication companies.La Empresa Eléctrica Riobamba S.A., en la actualidad en su área de concesión tiene un sistema de medición manual para los grandes clientes, provocando errores involuntarios en la toma de lecturas, consumos acumulados, error en la digitación, visualización y manipulación de la información, generándose inconvenientes para los clientes y para la empresa que tiene que solventar cualquier tipo de reclamo. El presente proyecto de investigación busca establecer un estudio de factibilidad para la implementación de un sistema avanzado de medición (AMI) en clientes de tarifa general con demanda, para mejorar los procesos comerciales, entre los cuales están los de Lecturas y Facturación, como principales beneficiados asegurando una adecuada calidad de las lecturas para la facturación mensual, este estudio se basa en la investigación de la situación actual de la Empresa Eléctrica Riobamba junto con la presentación de 3 propuestas de sistemas AMI que pueden ser aplicables de acuerdo a las condiciones técnicas necesarias para un adecuado funcionamiento, siendo la propuesta de aplicar un sistema de medición inteligente con un sistema de comunicación vía GPRS aquella que presenta un beneficio económico mayor que con las otras 2 propuestas, a razón de no haber la necesidad de implementar una infraestructura de comunicación que la ofertada por las compañías de telecomunicación

    Codificación adaptativa de red para sistemas inalámbricos IEEE 802.11s en modo infraestructura

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    Las redes inalámbricas malladas IEEE 802.11s en modo infraestructura, denominadas comúnmente como iWMNs (Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks), están constituidas por nodos inalámbricos estáticos capaces de trabajar coordinadamente para encaminar paquetes de datos. De esta manera, los nodos colaboran para poder intercambiar información entre sí. Más aún, las iWMNs pueden ser interconectadas con otras tecnologías de red y, de este modo, coadyuvar a extender inalámbricamente la cobertura de estas redes; por ejemplo, las iWMNs se emplean hoy en día para extender la cobertura de redes celulares o de redes cableadas. Gracias a estas características, y también a su bajo costo de infraestructura, las redes iWMNs son consideradas hoy en día como una excelente opción para ofrecer servicios de conectividad inalámbrica a Internet en zonas geográficas donde el uso de otras tecnologías resulta inviable. A pesar de las prometedoras características de las iWMNs; existen estudios y resultados que plantean dudas sobre su desempeño, ya que se ha documentado que el rendimiento de estas redes puede ser afectado por numerosos factores; tales como el uso de TCP para transportar información en entornos inalámbricos, la tasa de errores en el medio inalámbrico, así como la contienda por el acceso al medio entre usuarios de la red. Todos estos factores pueden degradar las prestaciones de las iWMNs y, consecuentemente, afectar la calidad de la experiencia que reciben los usuarios. En esta tesis doctoral se atienden algunos de estos problemas de desempeño mediante la técnica denominada como codificación adaptativa de red. Esta técnica ayuda a que los nodos de una iWMN puedan combinar varios paquetes de datos y de este modo construir un paquete codificado; al transmitir este paquete se transporta la información contenida en los paquetes originales requiriendo únicamente una transmisión inalámbrica, reduciendo de esta manera el uso del medio inalámbrico y, con ello, se incrementa la capacidad de la red. La técnica propuesta, además, busca que el proceso de codificación se adapte a las condiciones de tráfico en la red a través del ajuste dinámico del tiempo de espera de los paquetes en un nodo antes de poder ser combinados; es así como se puede disminuir el retardo de codificación. Con esta propuesta se pretende mejorar sustancialmente el desempeño de las iWMNs, resolviendo algunos problemas que las afectan. La evaluación de la propuesta se realiza empleando simulaciones y evaluaciones numéricas. A través de un minucioso análisis de resultados encontramos que las iWMNs pueden mejorar su rendimiento al emplear la técnica de codificación adaptativa de red, ya que se reduce considerablemente el número de transmisiones inalámbricas en la red, y, por consiguiente: i) se disminuye la contienda por el medio, ii) se reducen las probabilidades de error en el medio y iii) se incrementa la capacidad de la red.IEEE 802.11s INFRASTRUCTURE WIRELESS MESH NETWORKS (commonly known as iWMNs) are integrated by static wireless nodes capable of working in coordination to route data packets. In this way, the nodes collaborate to exchange information with each other. In addition, iWMNs can be interconnected with other network technologies and, in this way, help to wirelessly extend the coverage of these networks; for example, iWMNs are used today to extend the coverage of cellular or wired networks. Thanks to this feature, and also to their low infrastructure cost, iWMNs networks are considered today as an excellent option to offer wireless Internet connectivity services in geographical areas where the use of other network technologies is unfeasible. Despite the promising features of iWMNs, there are studies and results that cast doubt on their performance, since it has been documented that the performance of these networks can be affected by numerous factors; such as the use of TCP to transport information in wireless environments, the transmission errors in the wireless medium, as well as the access contention between network users. All these factors can degrade the performance of iWMNs and, consequently, affect the quality of the experience for the users. In this doctoral thesis, some of these performance problems are addressed through the technique called adaptive network coding. With this technique, the nodes of an iWMN are allowed to combine various data packets and thus build an encoded packet; this packet contains the information from the original packets, requiring only one wireless transmission to transport the original information, reducing the use of the wireless medium and, thereby, increasing the capacity of the network. The proposed technique also seeks to adapt the coding process to the traffic conditions in the network through the dynamic adjustment of the waiting time of the packets in a node before they can be combined. This proposal aims to substantially improve the performance of iWMNs, solving some problems that affect them. The evaluation of the proposal is carried out through simulations and numerical evaluations. After a detailed analysis of the results, we find that iWMNs can improve their performance by using the adaptive network coding technique, since the number of wireless transmissions in the network is considerably reduced, and, consequently, i) the medium access contention decreases, ii) the probability of errors in the medium is reduced, and iii) the capacity of the network increase