3 research outputs found

    Capacity of differential versus nondifferential unitary space-time modulation for MIMO channels

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    Differential unitary space-time modulation (DUSTM) and its earlier nondifferential counterpart, USTM, permit high-throughput multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication entirely without the possession of channel state information by either the transmitter or the receiver. For an isotropically random unitary input we obtain the exact closed-form expression for the probability density of the DUSTM received signal, permitting the straightforward Monte Carlo evaluation of its mutual information. We compare the performance of DUSTM and USTM through both numerical computations of mutual information and through the analysis of low- and high-signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) asymptotic expressions. In our comparisons the symbol durations of the equivalent unitary space-time signals are equal to T. For DUSTM the number of transmit antennas is constrained by the scheme to be M = T/2, while USTM has no such constraint. If DUSTM and USTM utilize the same number of transmit antennas at high SNRs the normalized mutual information of the two schemes expressed in bits/s/Hz are asymptotically equal, with the differential scheme performing somewhat better. At low SNRs the normalized mutual information of DUSTM is asymptotically twice the normalized mutual information of USTM. If, instead, USTM utilizes the optimum number of transmit antennas then USTM can outperform DUSTM at sufficiently low SNRs. © 2006 IEEE

    Capacity of differential versus nondifferential unitary space-time modulation for MIMO channels

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    Differential unitary space-time modulation (DUSTM) and its earlier nondifferential counterpart, USTM, permit high-throughput multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication entirely without the possession of channel state information by either the transmitter or the receiver. For an isotropically random unitary input we obtain the exact closed-form expression for the probability density of the DUSTM received signal, permitting the straightforward Monte Carlo evaluation of its mutual information. We compare the performance of DUSTM and USTM through both numerical computations of mutual information and through the analysis of low- and high-signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) asymptotic expressions. In our comparisons the symbol durations of the equivalent unitary space-time signals are equal to T. For DUSTM the number of transmit antennas is constrained by the scheme to be M = T/2, while USTM has no such constraint. If DUSTM and USTM utilize the same number of transmit antennas at high SNRs the normalized mutual information of the two schemes expressed in bits/s/Hz are asymptotically equal, with the differential scheme performing somewhat better. At low SNRs the normalized mutual information of DUSTM is asymptotically twice the normalized mutual information of USTM. If, instead, USTM utilizes the optimum number of transmit antennas then USTM can outperform DUSTM at sufficiently low SNRs. © 2006 IEEE

    On an Achievable Rate of Large Rayleigh Block-Fading MIMO Channels with No CSI

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    Training-based transmission over Rayleigh block-fading multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels is investigated. As a training method a combination of a pilot-assisted scheme and a biased signaling scheme is considered. The achievable rates of successive decoding (SD) receivers based on the linear minimum mean-squared error (LMMSE) channel estimation are analyzed in the large-system limit, by using the replica method under the assumption of replica symmetry. It is shown that negligible pilot information is best in terms of the achievable rates of the SD receivers in the large-system limit. The obtained analytical formulas of the achievable rates can improve the existing lower bound on the capacity of the MIMO channel with no channel state information (CSI), derived by Hassibi and Hochwald, for all signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). The comparison between the obtained bound and a high SNR approximation of the channel capacity, derived by Zheng and Tse, implies that the high SNR approximation is unreliable unless quite high SNR is considered. Energy efficiency in the low SNR regime is also investigated in terms of the power per information bit required for reliable communication. The required minimum power is shown to be achieved at a positive rate for the SD receiver with no CSI, whereas it is achieved in the zero-rate limit for the case of perfect CSI available at the receiver. Moreover, numerical simulations imply that the presented large-system analysis can provide a good approximation for not so large systems. The results in this paper imply that SD schemes can provide a significant performance gain in the low-to-moderate SNR regimes, compared to conventional receivers based on one-shot channel estimation.Comment: re-submitted to IEEE Trans. Inf. Theor