12,634 research outputs found

    Capacity estimation of two-dimensional channels using Sequential Monte Carlo

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    We derive a new Sequential-Monte-Carlo-based algorithm to estimate the capacity of two-dimensional channel models. The focus is on computing the noiseless capacity of the 2-D one-infinity run-length limited constrained channel, but the underlying idea is generally applicable. The proposed algorithm is profiled against a state-of-the-art method, yielding more than an order of magnitude improvement in estimation accuracy for a given computation time

    Sequential Monte Carlo for Graphical Models

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    We propose a new framework for how to use sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) algorithms for inference in probabilistic graphical models (PGM). Via a sequential decomposition of the PGM we find a sequence of auxiliary distributions defined on a monotonically increasing sequence of probability spaces. By targeting these auxiliary distributions using SMC we are able to approximate the full joint distribution defined by the PGM. One of the key merits of the SMC sampler is that it provides an unbiased estimate of the partition function of the model. We also show how it can be used within a particle Markov chain Monte Carlo framework in order to construct high-dimensional block-sampling algorithms for general PGMs

    Bayesian Symbol Detection in Wireless Relay Networks via Likelihood-Free Inference

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    This paper presents a general stochastic model developed for a class of cooperative wireless relay networks, in which imperfect knowledge of the channel state information at the destination node is assumed. The framework incorporates multiple relay nodes operating under general known non-linear processing functions. When a non-linear relay function is considered, the likelihood function is generally intractable resulting in the maximum likelihood and the maximum a posteriori detectors not admitting closed form solutions. We illustrate our methodology to overcome this intractability under the example of a popular optimal non-linear relay function choice and demonstrate how our algorithms are capable of solving the previously intractable detection problem. Overcoming this intractability involves development of specialised Bayesian models. We develop three novel algorithms to perform detection for this Bayesian model, these include a Markov chain Monte Carlo Approximate Bayesian Computation (MCMC-ABC) approach; an Auxiliary Variable MCMC (MCMC-AV) approach; and a Suboptimal Exhaustive Search Zero Forcing (SES-ZF) approach. Finally, numerical examples comparing the symbol error rate (SER) performance versus signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the three detection algorithms are studied in simulated examples

    Design and Optimizing of On-Chip Kinesin Substrates for Molecular Communication

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    Lab-on-chip devices and point-of-care diagnostic chip devices are composed of many different components such as nanosensors that must be able to communicate with other components within the device. Molecular communication is a promising solution for on-chip communication. In particular, kinesin driven microtubule (MT) motility is an effective means of transferring information particles from one component to another. However, finding an optimal shape for these channels can be challenging. In this paper we derive a mathematical optimization model that can be used to find the optimal channel shape and dimensions for any transmission period. We derive three specific models for the rectangular channels, regular polygonal channels, and regular polygonal ring channels. We show that the optimal channel shapes are the square-shaped channel for the rectangular channel, and circular-shaped channel for the other classes of shapes. Finally, we show that among all 2 dimensional shapes the optimal design choice that maximizes information rate is the circular-shaped channel.Comment: accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnolog
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