5 research outputs found

    The Impact of Hard-Decision Detection on the Energy Efficiency of Phase and Frequency Modulation

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    The central design challenge in next generation wireless systems is to have these systems operate at high bandwidths and provide high data rates while being cognizant of the energy consumption levels especially in mobile applications. Since communicating at very high data rates prohibits obtaining high bit resolutions from the analog-to-digital (A/D) converters, analysis of the energy efficiency under the assumption of hard-decision detection is called for to accurately predict the performance levels. In this paper, transmission over the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, and coherent and noncoherent fading channels is considered, and the impact of hard-decision detection on the energy efficiency of phase and frequency modulations is investigated. Energy efficiency is analyzed by studying the capacity of these modulation schemes and the energy required to send one bit of information reliably in the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. The capacity of hard-decision-detected phase and frequency modulations is characterized at low SNR levels through closed-form expressions for the first and second derivatives of the capacity at zero SNR. Subsequently, bit energy requirements in the low-SNR regime are identified. The increases in the bit energy incurred by hard-decision detection and channel fading are quantified. Moreover, practical design guidelines for the selection of the constellation size are drawn from the analysis of the spectral efficiency--bit energy tradeoff.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    On the BICM Capacity

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    Optimal binary labelings, input distributions, and input alphabets are analyzed for the so-called bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) capacity, paying special attention to the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. For 8-ary pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and for 0.75 bit/symbol, the folded binary code results in a higher capacity than the binary reflected gray code (BRGC) and the natural binary code (NBC). The 1 dB gap between the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) capacity and the BICM capacity with the BRGC can be almost completely removed if the input symbol distribution is properly selected. First-order asymptotics of the BICM capacity for arbitrary input alphabets and distributions, dimensions, mean, variance, and binary labeling are developed. These asymptotics are used to define first-order optimal (FOO) constellations for BICM, i.e. constellations that make BICM achieve the Shannon limit -1.59 \tr{dB}. It is shown that the \Eb/N_0 required for reliable transmission at asymptotically low rates in BICM can be as high as infinity, that for uniform input distributions and 8-PAM there are only 72 classes of binary labelings with a different first-order asymptotic behavior, and that this number is reduced to only 26 for 8-ary phase shift keying (PSK). A general answer to the question of FOO constellations for BICM is also given: using the Hadamard transform, it is found that for uniform input distributions, a constellation for BICM is FOO if and only if it is a linear projection of a hypercube. A constellation based on PAM or quadrature amplitude modulation input alphabets is FOO if and only if they are labeled by the NBC; if the constellation is based on PSK input alphabets instead, it can never be FOO if the input alphabet has more than four points, regardless of the labeling.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Capacity and cutoff rate of noncoherent FSK with nonselective Rician fading

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    The capacity and cutoff rate of frequency-shift keying channel capacity. We also examine the “practical limits” [6] (FSK) modulation and noncoherent reception when the signal is subject to of coding by computing the cutoff rate. The cutoff rate is the Rician fading are calculated. Both hard and soft decisions with maximum likelihood combining are considered, as well as soft decisions with rate above which the number of steps per decoded digit becomes infinite with sequential decoding [5]. The cutoff rate square-law combining. Optimal code rates are found that minimize the is also useful in determining the error probability of convolurequired signal-to-noise ratio for reliable communication

    Communication for wideband fading channels : on theory and practice

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-167).This dissertation investigates some information theoretic aspects of communication over wideband fading channels and their applicability to design of signaling schemes approaching the wideband capacity limit. This work thus leads to enhanced understanding of wideband fading channel communication, and to the proposal of novel efficient signaling schemes, which perform very close to the optimal limit. The potential and limitations of such signaling schemes are studied. First, the structure of the optimal input signals is investigated for two commonly used channel models: the discrete-time memoryless Rician fading channel and the Rayleigh block fading channel. When the input is subject to an average power constraint. it is shown that the capacity-achieving input amplitude distribution for a Rician channel is discrete with a finite number of mass points in the low SNR regime. A similar discrete structure for the optimal amplitude is proven to hold over the entire SNR range for the average power limited Rayleigh block fading channel. Channels with a peak power constraint are also analyzed. When the input is constrained to have limited peak power, we show that if its Kuhn-Tucker condition satisfies a sufficient condition, the optimal input amplitude is discrete with a finite number of values.(cont.) In the low SNR regime, the discrete structure becomes binary. Next, we consider signaling over general fading models. Multi-tone FSK, a signaling scheme which uses low duty cycle frequency-shift keying signals (essentially orthogonal binary signals, is proposed and shown to be capacity achieving in the widceband limit. Transmission of information over wideband fading channels using Multi-tonc FSK is considered by using both theoretic analysis and numerical simulation. With a finite bandwidth and noncoherent detection, the achievable data rate of the Multi-tone FSK scheme is close to the wideband capacity limit. furthermore, a feedback scheme is proposed for Multi-tone FSK to improve the codeword error performance. It is shown that if the receiver can feedback received signal quality to the transimitter. a significant improvement in codeword error probability can be achieved. Experimental results are also obtained to dlenlonstrate features and practicality of Multi-tone FSK.by Cheng Luo.Ph.D

    Capacity -based parameter optimization of bandwidth constrained CPM

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    Continuous phase modulation (CPM) is an attractive modulation choice for bandwidth limited systems due to its small side lobes, fast spectral decay and the ability to be noncoherently detected. Furthermore, the constant envelope property of CPM permits highly power efficient amplification. The design of bit-interleaved coded continuous phase modulation is characterized by the code rate, modulation order, modulation index, and pulse shape. This dissertation outlines a methodology for determining the optimal values of these parameters under bandwidth and receiver complexity constraints. The cost function used to drive the optimization is the information-theoretic minimum ratio of energy-per-bit to noise-spectral density found by evaluating the constrained channel capacity. The capacity can be reliably estimated using Monte Carlo integration. A search for optimal parameters is conducted over a range of coded CPM parameters, bandwidth efficiencies, and channels. Results are presented for a system employing a trellis-based coherent detector. To constrain complexity and allow any modulation index to be considered, a soft output differential phase detector has also been developed.;Building upon the capacity results, extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts are used to analyze a system that iterates between demodulation and decoding. Convergence thresholds are determined for the iterative system for different outer convolutional codes, alphabet sizes, modulation indices and constellation mappings. These are used to identify the code and modulation parameters with the best energy efficiency at different spectral efficiencies for the AWGN channel. Finally, bit error rate curves are presented to corroborate the capacity and EXIT chart designs