1,639 research outputs found

    Opportunistic Relaying in Wireless Networks

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    Relay networks having nn source-to-destination pairs and mm half-duplex relays, all operating in the same frequency band in the presence of block fading, are analyzed. This setup has attracted significant attention and several relaying protocols have been reported in the literature. However, most of the proposed solutions require either centrally coordinated scheduling or detailed channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter side. Here, an opportunistic relaying scheme is proposed, which alleviates these limitations. The scheme entails a two-hop communication protocol, in which sources communicate with destinations only through half-duplex relays. The key idea is to schedule at each hop only a subset of nodes that can benefit from \emph{multiuser diversity}. To select the source and destination nodes for each hop, it requires only CSI at receivers (relays for the first hop, and destination nodes for the second hop) and an integer-value CSI feedback to the transmitters. For the case when nn is large and mm is fixed, it is shown that the proposed scheme achieves a system throughput of m/2m/2 bits/s/Hz. In contrast, the information-theoretic upper bound of (m/2)loglogn(m/2)\log \log n bits/s/Hz is achievable only with more demanding CSI assumptions and cooperation between the relays. Furthermore, it is shown that, under the condition that the product of block duration and system bandwidth scales faster than logn\log n, the achievable throughput of the proposed scheme scales as Θ(logn)\Theta ({\log n}). Notably, this is proven to be the optimal throughput scaling even if centralized scheduling is allowed, thus proving the optimality of the proposed scheme in the scaling law sense.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Wireless MIMO Switching: Weighted Sum Mean Square Error and Sum Rate Optimization

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    This paper addresses joint transceiver and relay design for a wireless multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) switching scheme that enables data exchange among multiple users. Here, a multi-antenna relay linearly precodes the received (uplink) signals from multiple users before forwarding the signal in the downlink, where the purpose of precoding is to let each user receive its desired signal with interference from other users suppressed. The problem of optimizing the precoder based on various design criteria is typically non-convex and difficult to solve. The main contribution of this paper is a unified approach to solve the weighted sum mean square error (MSE) minimization and weighted sum rate maximization problems in MIMO switching. Specifically, an iterative algorithm is proposed for jointly optimizing the relay's precoder and the users' receive filters to minimize the weighted sum MSE. It is also shown that the weighted sum rate maximization problem can be reformulated as an iterated weighted sum MSE minimization problem and can therefore be solved similarly to the case of weighted sum MSE minimization. With properly chosen initial values, the proposed iterative algorithms are asymptotically optimal in both high and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regimes for MIMO switching, either with or without self-interference cancellation (a.k.a., physical-layer network coding). Numerical results show that the optimized MIMO switching scheme based on the proposed algorithms significantly outperforms existing approaches in the literature.Comment: This manuscript is under 2nd review of IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Asymptotic Capacity and Optimal Precoding Strategy of Multi-Level Precode & Forward in Correlated Channels

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    We analyze a multi-level MIMO relaying system where a multiple-antenna transmitter sends data to a multipleantenna receiver through several relay levels, also equipped with multiple antennas. Assuming correlated fading in each hop, each relay receives a faded version of the signal transmitted by the previous level, performs precoding on the received signal and retransmits it to the next level. Using free probability theory and assuming that the noise power at the relay levels - but not at the receiver - is negligible, a closed-form expression of the end-to-end asymptotic instantaneous mutual information is derived as the number of antennas in all levels grow large with the same rate. This asymptotic expression is shown to be independent from the channel realizations, to only depend on the channel statistics and to also serve as the asymptotic value of the end-to-end average mutual information. We also provide the optimal singular vectors of the precoding matrices that maximize the asymptotic mutual information : the optimal transmit directions represented by the singular vectors of the precoding matrices are aligned on the eigenvectors of the channel correlation matrices, therefore they can be determined only using the known statistics of the channel matrices and do not depend on a particular channel realization.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be published in proceedings of IEEE Information Theory Workshop 200