5 research outputs found

    Multi-Period Attack-Aware Optical Network Planning under Demand Uncertainty

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    In this chapter, novel attack‐aware routing and wavelength assignment (Aa‐RWA) algorithms for multiperiod network planning are proposed. The considered physical layer attacks addressed in this chapter are high‐power jamming attacks. These attacks are modeled as interactions among lightpaths as a result of intra‐channel and/or inter‐channel crosstalk. The proposed Aa‐RWA algorithm first solves the problem for given traffic demands, and subsequently, the algorithm is enhanced in order to deal with demands under uncertainties. The demand uncertainty is considered in order to provide a solution for several periods, where the knowledge of demands for future periods can only be estimated. The objective of the Aa‐RWA algorithm is to minimize the impact of possible physical layer attacks and at the same time minimize the investment cost (in terms of switching equipment deployed) during the network planning phase

    Capacity planning of survivable mesh-based transport networks under demand uncertainty,”

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    Abstract. Almost all existing work on the design of survivable networks is based on a specific demand forecast to which one optimizes routing and transport capacity assignment for a single target planning view. In practice these single-forecast models may be used repetitively by a planner to consider a range of different scenarios individually, hoping to develop intuition about how to proceed. But this is not the same as having a planning method that can inherently and quantitatively consider a range of possible futures all at once. Our approach considers both the cost of initial design construction and the expected cost of possible augmentations or "recourse" actions required in the future, adapting the network to accommodate different actual future demands. In practice, these recourse actions might include lighting up a new DWDM channel on an existing fiber or pulling-in additional cables, or leasing additional capacity from third party network operators, and so on. A stochastic linear programming approach is used to achieve designs for which the total cost of current outlays plus the expected future recourse costs is minimized. Realistic aspects of optical networking such as network survivability based on shared spare capacity and the modularity and economy-ofscale effects are considered. These are not only important practical details to reflect in planning, but they give the "future-proof" design problem for such networks some unique aspects. For instance, what is the working capacity under one future scenario that may not waste capacity if that demand scenario does not materialize, because the same channels may be used as shared spare capacity under other future scenarios. Similarly economy-of-scale effects bear uniquely on the future-proof planning problem, as the least-cost strategy on a life-cycle basis may actually be to place more capacity today than current requirements would suggest. This is of obvious relevance to planners given the recent hard times in the telecommunications industry, causing a tendency to minimize costs now regardless of the consequences


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    A methodology for network design under demand uncertainty is proposed in this dissertation. The uncertainty is caused by the dynamic nature of the IP-based traffic which is expected to betransported directly over the optical layer in the future. Thus, there is a need to incorporate the uncertainty into a design modelexplicitly. We assume that each demand can be represented as a random variable, and then develop an optimization model to minimizethe cost of routing and bandwidth provisioning. The optimization problem is formulated as a nonlinear Multicommodity Flow problemusing Chance-Constrained Programming to capture both the demand variability and levels of uncertainty guarantee. Numerical work ispresented based on a heuristic solution approach using a linear approximation to transform the nonlinear problem to a simpler linearprogramming problem. In addition, the impact of the uncertainty on a two-layer network is investigated. This will determine how theChance-Constrained Programming based scheme can be practically implemented. Finally, the implementation guidelines for developingan updating process are provided

    Risk-based Survivable Network Design

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    Communication networks are part of the critical infrastructure upon which society and the economy depends; therefore it is crucial for communication networks to survive failures and physical attacks to provide critical services. Survivability techniques are deployed to ensure the functionality of communication networks in the face of failures. The basic approach for designing survivable networks is that given a survivability technique (e.g., link protection, or path protection) the network is designed to survive a set of predefined failures (e.g., all single-link failures) with minimum cost. However, a hidden assumption in this design approach is that the sufficient monetary funds are available to protect all predefined failures, which might not be the case in practice as network operators may have a limited budget for improving network survivability. To overcome this limitation, this dissertation proposed a new approach for designing survivable networks, namely; risk-based survivable network design, which integrates risk analysis techniques into an incremental network design procedure with budget constraints. In the risk-based design approach, the basic design problem considered is that given a working network and a fixed budget, how best to allocate the budget for deploying a survivability technique in different parts of the network based on the risk. The term risk measures two related quantities: the likelihood of failure or attack, and the amount of damage caused by the failure or attack. Various designs with different risk-based design objectives are considered, for example, minimizing the expected damage, minimizing the maximum damage, and minimizing a measure of the variability of damage that could occur in the network. In this dissertation, a design methodology for the proposed risk-based survivable network design approach is presented. The design problems are formulated as Integer Programming (InP) models; and in order to scale the solution of models, some greedy heuristic solution algorithms are developed. Numerical results and analysis illustrating different risk-based designs are presented

    Modelo de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en una empresa constructora

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    [EN] The management of intangibles and high added value, will be key to the survival and competitiveness in the current global economic climate. It is for this reason that business communication and management of intellectual capital will be a differential element in the new form of business management. Based on the need to update the communication process of the construction companies has made a theoretical model of communication management , establishing standard procedures for setting the parameters required to optimize the process and give the company a system of effective information and efficient, you will improve deriving a series meant to the organization. Such as improved product quality , supplier management , work environment and economic efficiency , etc.[CA] La gestió dels aspectes intangibles i d'alt valor afegit, seran claus per a la supervivència i la competitivitat empresarial en l'actual clima econòmic mundial. És per això, que la comunicació empresarial i la gestió del capital intel·lectual serà un element diferencial en la nova forma de gestió empresarial. Basats en la necessitat d'actualitzar el procés de comunicació de les empreses constructores s'ha realitzat un model teòric de gestió de la comunicació, establint procediments estàndards per a fixar els paràmetres necessaris per a optimitzar el procés i dotar a l'empresa d'un sistema de la informació eficaç i eficient, derivant una sèrie de millorares significades per a l'organització. Com ara, la millora de la qualitat del producte, gestió amb proveïdors, ambient laboral o rendiment econòmic, etc.[ES] La gestión de los aspectos intangibles y de alto valor añadido, serán claves para la supervivencia y la competitividad empresarial en el actual clima económico mundial. Es por ello, que la comunicación empresarial y la gestión del capital intelectual será un elemento diferencial en la nueva forma de gestión empresarial. Basados en la necesidad de actualizar el proceso de comunicación de las empresas constructoras se ha realizado un modelo teórico de gestión de la comunicación, estableciendo procedimientos estándares para fijar los parámetros necesarios para optimizar el proceso y dotar a la empresa de un sistema de la información eficaz y eficiente, derivando una serie de mejoraras significadas para la organización. Tales como, la mejora de la calidad del producto, gestión con proveedores, ambiente laboral o rendimiento económico, etc.Lahuerta Amat, J. (2015). Modelo de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en una empresa constructora. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/57343.Archivo delegad