420,168 research outputs found

    Network development under a strict self-financing constraint

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    This paper offers a stylized model in which an agency is in charge of investing in road capacity and maintain it but cannot use the capital market so that the only sources of funds are the toll revenues. We call this the strict self-financing constraint in opposition to the traditional self financing constraint where implicitly 100% of the investment needs can be financed by loans. Two stylised problems are analysed: the one link problem and the problem of two parallel links with one link untolled. The numerical illustrations show the cost of the strict self-financing constraint as a function of the importance of the initial infrastructure stock, the rate of growth of demand, the price elasticity of demand and the flexibility in the pricing instruments.Cost-benefit analysis, road tolling, self-financing, infrastructure investments, congestion, bottleneck model.

    Network development under a strict self-financing constraint.

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    This paper offers a stylized model in which an agency is in charge of investing in road capacity and maintain it but cannot use the capital market so that the only sources of funds are the toll revenues. We call this the strict self-financing constraint in opposition to the traditional self financing constraint where implicitly 100% of the investment needs can be financed by loans. Two stylised problems are analysed: the one link problem and the problem of two parallel links with one link untolled. The numerical illustrations show the cost of the strict self-financing constraint as a function of the importance of the initial infrastructure stock, the rate of growth of demand, the price elasticity of demand and the flexibility in the pricing instruments.Cost-benefit analysis; Road tolling; Self-financing; Infrastructure investments; ongestion; Bottleneck model;

    A Lagrangian-based score for assessing the quality of pairwise constraints in semi-supervised clustering

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    ABSTRACT: Clustering algorithms help identify homogeneous subgroups from data. In some cases, additional information about the relationship among some subsets of the data exists. When using a semi-supervised clustering algorithm, an expert may provide additional information to constrain the solution based on that knowledge and, in doing so, guide the algorithm to a more useful and meaningful solution. Such additional information often takes the form of a cannot-link constraint (i.e., two data points cannot be part of the same cluster) or a must-link constraint (i.e., two data points must be part of the same cluster). A key challenge for users of such constraints in semi-supervised learning algorithms, however, is that the addition of inaccurate or conflicting constraints can decrease accuracy and little is known about how to detect whether expert-imposed constraints are likely incorrect. In the present work, we introduce a method to score each must-link and cannot-link pairwise constraint as likely incorrect. Using synthetic experimental examples and real data, we show that the resulting impact score can successfully identify individual constraints that should be removed or revised

    Biological Constraint as a Cause of Aging

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    Aging rate differs greatly between species, indicating that the process of senescence is largely genetically determined. Senescence evolves in part due to antagonistic pleiotropy (AP), where selection favors gene variants that increase fitness earlier in life but promote pathology later. Identifying the biological mechanisms by which AP causes senescence is key to understanding the endogenous causes of aging and its attendant diseases. Here we argue that the frequent occurrence of AP as a property of genes reflects the presence of constraint in the biological systems that they specify. This arises particularly because the functionally interconnected nature of biological systems constrains the simultaneous optimization of coupled traits (interconnection constraints), or because individual traits cannot evolve (impossibility constraints). We present an account of aging that integrates AP and biological constraint with recent programmatic aging concepts, including costly programs, quasi-programs, hyperfunction and hypofunction. We argue that AP mechanisms of costly programs and triggered quasi-programs are consequences of constraint, in which costs resulting from hyperfunction or hypofunction cause senescent pathology. Impossibility constraint can also cause hypofunction independently of AP. We also describe how AP corresponds to Stephen Jay Gould’s constraint-based concept of evolutionary spandrels, and argue that pathologies arising from AP are bad spandrels. Biological constraint is a missing link between ultimate and proximate causes of senescence, including diseases of aging. That this was not realized previously may reflect a combination of hyperadaptationism among evolutionary biologists, and the erroneous assumption by biogerontologists that molecular damage accumulation is the principal primary cause of aging

    Fast Gaussian Pairwise Constrained Spectral Clustering

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    International audienceWe consider the problem of spectral clustering with partial supervision in the form of must-link and cannot-link constraints. Such pairwise constraints are common in problems like coreference resolution in natural language processing. The approach developed in this paper is to learn a new representation space for the data together with a dis-tance in this new space. The representation space is obtained through a constraint-driven linear transformation of a spectral embedding of the data. Constraints are expressed with a Gaussian function that locally reweights the similarities in the projected space. A global, non-convex optimization objective is then derived and the model is learned via gradi-ent descent techniques. Our algorithm is evaluated on standard datasets and compared with state of the art algorithms, like [14,18,31]. Results on these datasets, as well on the CoNLL-2012 coreference resolution shared task dataset, show that our algorithm significantly outperforms related approaches and is also much more scalable

    An Efficient Learning of Constraints For Semi-Supervised Clustering using Neighbour Clustering Algorithm

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    Data mining is the process of finding the previously unknown and potentially interesting patterns and relation in database. Data mining is the step in the knowledge discovery in database process (KDD) .The structures that are the outcome of the data mining process must meet certain condition so that these can be considered as knowledge. These conditions are validity, understandability, utility, novelty, interestingness. Researcher identifies two fundamental goals of data mining: prediction and description. The proposed research work suggests the semi-supervised clustering problem where to know (with varying degree of certainty) that some sample pairs are (or are not) in the same class. A probabilistic model for semi-supervised clustering based on Shared Semi-supervised Neighbor clustering (SSNC) that provides a principled framework for incorporating supervision into prototype-based clustering. Semi-supervised clustering that combines the constraint-based and fitness-based approaches in a unified model. The proposed method first divides the Constraint-sensitive assignment of instances to clusters, where points are assigned to clusters so that the overall distortion of the points from the cluster centroids is minimized, while a minimum number of must-link and cannot-link constraints are violated. Experimental results across UCL Machine learning semi-supervised dataset results show that the proposed method has higher F-Measures than many existing Semi-Supervised Clustering methods

    Cardinality Reasoning for Bin-Packing Constraint: Application to a Tank Allocation Problem

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    International audienceFlow reasoning has been successfully used in CP for more than a decade. It was originally introduced by Régin in the well-known Alldifferent and Global Cardinality Constraint (GCC) available in most of the CP solvers. The BinPacking constraint was introduced by Shaw and mainly uses an independent knapsack reasoning in each bin to filter the possible bins for each item. This paper considers the use of a cardinal-ity/flow reasoning for improving the filtering of a bin-packing constraint. The idea is to use a GCC as a redundant constraint to the BinPacking that will count the number of items placed in each bin. The cardinality variables of the GCC are then dynamically updated during the propagation. The cardinality reasoning of the redundant GCC makes deductions that the bin-packing constraint cannot see since the placement of all items into every bin is considered at once rather than for each bin individually. This is particularly well suited when a minimum loading in each bin is specified in advance. We apply this idea on a Tank Allocation Problem (TAP). We detail our CP model and give experimental results on a real-life instance demonstrating the added value of the cardinality reasoning for the bin-packing constraint. This constraint enforces the relation L j = i (X i = j) · w i , ∀j. It makes the link between n weighted items (item i has a weight w i) and the m different capacitated bins in which they are to be put. Only the weights of the items are integers, the other arguments of the constraints are finite domain (f.d.) variables. Note that in this formulation, Lj is a variable which is bounded by the maximal capacity of the bin j. Without loss of generality we assume the item variables and their weights are sorted such that w i ≤ w i+1. Example: BinP acking([1, 4, 1, 2, 2], [2, 3, 3, 3, 4], [5, 7, 0, 3])
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