1 research outputs found

    Leveraging Computer Vision for Applications in Biomedicine and Geoscience

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    Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and is usually classified as either non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancer. Melanoma skin cancer accounts for about half of all skin cancer-related deaths. The 5-year survival rate is 99% when the cancer is detected early but drops to 25% once it becomes metastatic. In other words, the key to preventing death is early detection. Foraminifera are microscopic single-celled organisms that exist in marine environments and are classified as living a benthic or planktic lifestyle. In total, roughly 50,000 species are known to have existed, of which about 9,000 are still living today. Foraminifera are important proxies for reconstructing past ocean and climate conditions and as bio-indicators of anthropogenic pollution. Since the 1800s, the identification and counting of foraminifera have been performed manually. The process is resource-intensive. In this dissertation, we leverage recent advances in computer vision, driven by breakthroughs in deep learning methodologies and scale-space theory, to make progress towards both early detection of melanoma skin cancer and automation of the identification and counting of microscopic foraminifera. First, we investigate the use of hyperspectral images in skin cancer detection by performing a critical review of relevant, peer-reviewed research. Second, we present a novel scale-space methodology for detecting changes in hyperspectral images. Third, we develop a deep learning model for classifying microscopic foraminifera. Finally, we present a deep learning model for instance segmentation of microscopic foraminifera. The works presented in this dissertation are valuable contributions in the fields of biomedicine and geoscience, more specifically, towards the challenges of early detection of melanoma skin cancer and automation of the identification, counting, and picking of microscopic foraminifera