2,171 research outputs found

    Magnetic properties of epitaxial Fe3_3O4_4 films with various crystal orientations and TMR effect in room temperature

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    Fe3_3O4_4 is a ferrimagnetic spinel ferrite that exhibits electric conductivity at room temperature (RT). Although the material has been predicted to be a half metal according to ab-initio calculations, magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) with Fe3_3O4_4 electrodes have demonstrated a small tunnel magnetoresistance effect. Not even the sign of the TMR ratio has been experimentally established. Here, we report on the magnetic properties of epitaxial Fe3_3O4_4 films with various crystal orientations. The films exhibited apparent crystal orientation dependence on hysteresis curves. In particular, Fe3_3O4_4(110) films exhibited in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. With respect to the squareness of hysteresis, Fe3_3O4_4 (111) demonstrated the largest squareness. Furthermore, we fabricated MTJs with Fe3_3O4_4(110) electrodes, and obtained an TMR effect of -12\% at RT. The negative TMR ratio corresponded to the negative spin polarization of Fe3_3O4_4 predicted from band calculations

    Intermediate coherent-incoherent charge transport: DNA as a case study

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    We study an intermediate quantum coherent-incoherent charge transport mechanism in metal-molecule-metal junctions using B\"uttiker's probe technique. This tool allows us to include incoherent effects in a controlled manner, and thus to study situations in which partial decoherence affects charge transfer dynamics. Motivated by recent experiments on intermediate coherent-incoherent charge conduction in DNA molecules [L. Xiang {\it et al.}, Nature Chem. 7, 221-226 (2015)], we focus on two representative structures: alternating (GC)n_n and stacked Gn_nCn_n sequences; the latter structure is argued to support charge delocalization within G segments, and thus an intermediate coherent-incoherent conduction. We begin our analysis with a highly simplified 1-dimensional tight-binding model, while introducing environmental effects through B\"uttiker's probes. This minimal model allows us to gain fundamental understanding of transport mechanisms and derive analytic results for molecular resistance in different limits. We then use a more detailed ladder-model Hamiltonian to represent double-stranded DNA structures---with environmental effects captured by B\"uttiker's probes. We find that hopping conduction dominates in alternating sequences, while in stacked sequences charge delocalization (visualized directly through the electronic density matrix) supports significant resonant-ballistic charge dynamics reflected by an even-odd effect and a weak distance dependence for resistance. Our analysis illustrates that lessons learned from minimal models are helpful for interpreting charge dynamics in DNA.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Cotunneling signatures of Spin-Electric coupling in frustrated triangular molecular magnets

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    The ground state of frustrated (antiferromagnetic) triangular molecular magnets is characterized by two total-spin S=1/2S =1/2 doublets with opposite chirality. According to a group theory analysis [M. Trif \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{101}, 217201 (2008)] an external electric field can efficiently couple these two chiral spin states, even when the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is absent. The strength of this coupling, dd, is determined by an off-diagonal matrix element of the dipole operator, which can be calculated by \textit{ab-initio} methods [M. F. Islam \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. B \textbf{82}, 155446 (2010)]. In this work we propose that Coulomb-blockade transport experiments in the cotunneling regime can provide a direct way to determine the spin-electric coupling strength. Indeed, an electric field generates a dd-dependent splitting of the ground state manifold, which can be detected in the inelastic cotunneling conductance. Our theoretical analysis is supported by master-equation calculations of quantum transport in the cotunneling regime. We employ a Hubbard-model approach to elucidate the relationship between the Hubbard parameters tt and UU, and the spin-electric coupling constant dd. This allows us to predict the regime in which the coupling constant dd can be extracted from experiment

    Electromechanical Properties of Single Molecule Devices

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    abstract: Understanding the interplay between the electrical and mechanical properties of single molecules is of fundamental importance for molecular electronics. The sensitivity of charge transport to mechanical fluctuations is a key problem in developing long lasting molecular devices. Furthermore, harnessing this response to mechanical perturbation, molecular devices which can be mechanically gated can be developed. This thesis demonstrates three examples of the unique electromechanical properties of single molecules. First, the electromechanical properties of 1,4-benzenedithiol molecular junctions are investigate. Counterintuitively, the conductance of this molecule is found to increase by more than an order of magnitude when stretched. This conductance increase is found to be reversible when the molecular junction is compressed. The current-voltage, conductance-voltage and inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy characteristics are used to attribute the conductance increase to a strain-induced shift in the frontier molecular orbital relative to the electrode Fermi level, leading to resonant enhancement in the conductance. Next, the effect of stretching-induced structural changes on charge transport in DNA molecules is studied. The conductance of single DNA molecules with lengths varying from 6 to 26 base pairs is measured and found to follow a hopping transport mechanism. The conductance of DNA molecules is highly sensitive to mechanical stretching, showing an abrupt decrease in conductance at surprisingly short stretching distances, with weak dependence on DNA length. This abrupt conductance decrease is attributed to force-induced breaking of hydrogen bonds in the base pairs at the end of the DNA sequence. Finally, the effect of small mechanical modulation of the base separation on DNA conductance is investigated. The sensitivity of conductance to mechanical modulation is studied for molecules of different sequence and length. Sequences with purine-purine stacking are found to be more responsive to modulation than purine-pyrimidine sequences. This sensitivity is attributed to the perturbation of &pi-&pi stacking interactions and resulting effects on the activation energy and electronic coupling for the end base pairs.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Physics 201