3 research outputs found

    Are Generational Attitudes Toward Digital Marketing Technology Exhibited in Automobile Purchase Behaviors?

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    This dissertation was focused on the current digital purchasing trend in the used automotive industry in order to understand which factors impacted the growth of this trend through the lens of generational cohort theory. The growth of consumer informedness in the automotive sector has created drastic changes in how consumers are able, and willing, to purchase vehicles. Used car dealerships who adopt successful internet marketing techniques can capture and engage potential customers and then convert that engagement into sales. Companies like Carvana, Vroom, and CarMax have seized this opportunity and created a digital marketing phenomenon with major impacts on consumer purchasing behavior throughout the durable goods sector. As consumer behavior trends toward an increase in digital shopping and purchasing, this research shows that the generations considered digital natives are mostly driving that trend, which has significant implications for the sales and marketing efforts of automobile dealers. While there was ample literature available regarding generational cohort theory and its impact on consumer behavior, there remained a noticeable gap in the academic body of knowledge examining this behavior in relation to large online purchases, such as automobiles. The research question under review was, to what extent do trust, social factors, and sales strategies impact online automobile purchase behaviors, and are the relationships among the constructs moderated by generational cohort theory? For this dissertation, a survey simulation of 1361 respondents was conducted to understand which key factors impact a consumer鈥檚 willingness to purchase an automobile online. The statistical testing revealed three variables that can help predict this behavior. Further, one of the hypotheses was rejected after testing, and the others were confirmed, but only with the moderation of certain generational cohorts. Future research should be considered that follows the trend of these cohorts in their high-involvement purchase decisions, particularly in the wake of Covid-19 and the impact from brick-and-mortar stores closing during the pandemic

    The Effects of Consumer Buying Habits in the Automotive Industry

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    This study addressed the effects of consumer buying habits in the automotive industry. With consumer buying habits constantly changing and the advancement of technology and e-commerce, there is a growing opportunity for brick-and-mortar stores and dealerships to adapt their strategies to maintain and enhance revenues and profitability. Failure of organizations to adapt their strategies have resulted in a loss of revenue and led to bankruptcy. This qualitative case study addressed the failure of an organization to adapt to consumer buying habits in the automotive industry resulting in a loss of revenue and profitability. Further, the study provided an understanding of the actions taken by organizations to increase profits, and also the upcoming consumer buying habit trends that will cause an organization to adapt their strategies to maintain and enhance revenues. The results of this study indicated that a dealership鈥檚 adaptability was a necessity in a constantly changing industry. The actions taken by the dealership group included aggressive pricing, use of new technology, advertisement initiatives, and strategies, such as off-site and on-site services were effective among other results. While electrification was a common theme of discussion, the results of this study indicated no significant concern for upcoming trends

    Procesos de ventas personales y la mezcla de promoci贸n comercial en Compartamos Financiera, San Juan de Lurigancho

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    El objetivo general de la investigaci贸n fue demostrar la relaci贸n que existe entre las variables de estudio. Para su desarrollo se recurri贸 a los autores Kotler & Armstrong (2017), Acosta, et al. (2018) y Lamb, et al. (2018) para fundamentar la variable procesos de ventas y para la variable mezcla de promoci贸n comercial se aludi贸 a los autores Santesmases, et al. (2014), Lamb, et al. (2018), Franco (2015). La investigaci贸n es de tipo aplicada, enfoque cuantitativo; dise帽o no experimental de corte transversal. La poblaci贸n de estudio fue de 110 de la empresa Compartamos Financiera, y la muestra de 86 personas segmentada con la muestra probabil铆stica estratificada. Se dise帽aron cuestionarios para cada variable con 30 preguntas, validadas por dos especialistas de la Escuela de Administraci贸n mediante el coeficiente de Aiken de 0.83. La fiabilidad del instrumento se ejecut贸 con el test de Alfa de Cronbach, obteniendo un resultado de 0,868 y 0,927 para cada variable. En la prueba de hip贸tesis general obtenido mediante el estad铆grafo Tau b de Kendall; fue el coeficiente de correlaci贸n 0,568** y un Sig. (Bilateral) =0,000; confirmando rechazo la hip贸tesis nula y se aceptaci贸n de la hip贸tesis la alterna. Se concluye que existe relaci贸n entre las variables