136 research outputs found

    An Integrated Model for Personalization, Privacy and Security in eCommerce

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    Customers and firms must understand and appreciate one another’s personalization, privacy and security (PPS) vested interests. Customers and enterprises should establish and maintain sufficiently well implemented policies, mechanisms and behaviors to minimize unintended consequences of security breaches that breakdown relationships. An integrated model of personalization, privacy and security from both the customer’s and enterprises point of view is presented. The objective is to assure value exchange appropriate levels of vigilance in both security and privacy but not at the expense of the value derived from personalization. Keywords: Personalization

    Investigating the antecedents to the adoption of SCRM technologies by start-up companies

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    Despite their fairly recent emergence, start-up companies now play an important role in the economic development of countries around the globe. These companies have fewer tangible assets and capital, and therefore, the efficient delivery of services and products is a key business priority for them. Customer relationship management (CRM) technologies, which are designed to facilitate customer engagement during the design, development and delivery of services and products may play a significant role in the success or failure of start-up companies. Developments in new communication technologies have transformed traditional CRM into electronic CRM (eCRM), mobile CRM (mCRM); and more recently, social CRM (SCRM). However, there remains very little understanding of the factors affecting SCRM adoption in start-up businesses. The relative newness of SCRM technologies, coupled with the swiftly evolving nature of start-up companies: which has made them difficult cases to study – has limited the amount of research undertaken in this area. This paper aims to close this gap by proposing a framework that depicts the factors affecting start-up companies’ intention to adopt SCRM applications, and explores the relative importance of these factors. Inspired by an extended Technological, Organisational and Environmental (TOE) framework, this paper investigates effects of technological characteristics (TC), organisational characteristics (OC), environmental characteristics (EC) and managerial characteristics (MC) on start-up companies’ intentions to adopt SCRM applications. The results outlined in this research indicate that the observability, compatibility and trialability of SCRM solutions positively affect SCRM adoption in start-up businesses. Moreover, the availability of internal financial resources has a similarly positive effect. When considering environmental characteristics, it was found that support from venture capitalists, crowd funding support, governmental support, business angels support and external pressure all positively affect the intention to adopt SCRM applications within start-up businesses

    Customer Relations Management in Information Systems Research

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    Customer Relations Management (CRM) involves attracting and keeping “Economically Valuable” customers while repelling and eliminating “Economically Invaluable” ones. CRM involves changing relationships and improving return-on-investment from customer relationships (ROI-CR.) We are experiencing a shift from a transaction-based economy to a relationship-based one (Keen 1999.) Two important business relationship types exist: those between enterprises and customers; and those between and among enterprises (Kalakota 1996.) This paper addresses the former. However, a there is a significant amount of research into traditional “Market Channels” (See (Bowersox 1990; Ganesan 1994; Syed Saad 1996; Cannon 1999; Geyskens 1999) for examples) as well as into eCommerce (EC) Market Channels (See (Kim 1999; Menon 1999; Son 1999)) Recent and upcoming scholarship and professional activities illustrate the importance the IS Research Community places on CRM. This paper presents a framework for IS CRM Research Topics, a discussion of IS CRM scholarly and professional research directions and activities

    The Determinants and implications of customer satisfaction and loyalty in web-based commerce: An Empirical analysis

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    The study was undertaken to categorize and assess the relative importance of various factors in determining customers\u27 evaluation of the overall online shopping experience (customer satisfaction) and their intention to provide continued patronage (remain loyal) to the pertinent online stores. Furthermore, the study also investigated the effects of customer loyalty and satisfaction on revenue. Various hypotheses were formulated and tested using empirical methods. The results from the study imply that web site design factors may lead to discretionary customer loyalty but have no significant effect in fostering customer satisfaction. Discretionary customer loyalty is a product of shopping convenience; thus, web site designers ought to focus efforts on design mechanisms that generate shopping convenience. Even though web site design factors have no significant effects on customer satisfaction, there is a strong positive relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. In particular, the results of the study imply that factors pertaining to the acquisition of the product needed by the customer and support during product use are very important in determining customer satisfaction and loyalty. Thus, web-based stores need to shift focus from aesthetic concerns of web site design to product offering and to providing outstanding customer service and support after the purchase of the product. This is what will keep customers satisfied and willing to continue the relationship with a company over the long term. The results of the study indicate that an increase in customer loyalty has a positive impact on sales revenue. The underlying implication is that loyal customers have a strong impact on company profits because they buy more and cost less to serve. In order for web-based stores to achieve long-lasting customer value, they need to nurture customer relationships through electronic customer relationship management (ECRM). This will enable a company to determine the most valuable customers and to follow the important customer-centered concept of achieving increased share of customer instead of increasing share of market. This is desirable because increasing share of customer is much more profitable than price manipulation and discounting associated with attempts to increase market share

    Customer relationship management in small to medium tourism enterprises (SMTEs) in the Eastern Cape Province

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    The role of entrepreneurship in small to medium tourism enterprises is well recognised and acknowledged as a significant contributor to economic development and employment opportunities. Worldwide, small to medium tourism enterprises play a dominant role in the tourism industry. These businesses are often vulnerable to external economic forces and find it increasingly difficult to transform their strategic and operational management to face the challenges placed upon them. This study focuses on small to medium tourism enterprises in the Eastern Cape Province, which is economically the poorest province of South Africa. To ensure the growth and sustainability of small to medium tourism enterprises, owners need to make efficient and effective business decisions regarding the challenges their businesses face. The study examines the factors impacting customer relationship management in the context of small to medium tourism enterprises in the Eastern Cape. Customer relationship management, that is, building relationships with customers, has become of pivotal importance to many organisations as businesses strive to be competitive and profitable. While large organisations practice customer relationship management to enable them to better target profitable customers, improve customer services, enhance customer retention and ultimately improve business performance, small businesses often need assistance in understanding and effecting this complex relationship. The factors that could impact customer relationship management in the organisations are the focus of this study. Three major factors were identified, namely, strategic, operational, and organisational factors. The study furthermore examined the extent to which these factors are present in the tourism and hospitality sector of the Eastern Cape and investigated the relationships between these factors. Quantitative research was deemed appropriate for this study. Systematic random sampling was employed to select a sample of 332 respondent organisations from the 2012 database of the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency consisting of formally registered small to medium tourism enterprises. A total of 310 usable questionnaires were finally obtained. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the study. Descriptive statistics were computed to reflect the organisations‟ and respondent managers‟ general characteristics and to summarise their measurement scores. Using inferential statistics, the study further investigated relationships between customer relationship management factors, as well as demographic factors. Data were subjected to exploratory factor analysis and both the validity (refer to section 2.10.1) and reliability (refer to section 2.10.2) of the research instrument was assessed. The relationships between customer relationship management variables were also investigated (refer to section 2.11.4). The research results support an overall significant association between customer relationship management readiness and business strategy, customer strategy, touch points and competencies, skills and technology. Relationships were also explored among customer relationship management factors and demographic characteristics. Significant results were found between perceived business performance and the gender of managers, family businesses and gross annual turnover. The most salient contributions of this research can be summarised as follows. The overview of the importance of tourism and the role of small to medium enterprises in the tourism and hospitality industry of the Eastern Cape will benefit researchers and potential owners who have an interest in this sector. The study contributes to an improved understanding of the factors that should precede customer relationship management. The study established a profile of the small to medium tourism enterprises in the Eastern Cape which can serve as a basis for future research. A measuring instrument for assessing respondents‟ views on the existence of the strategic, operational and organisational factors in their organisations was developed. This instrument showed good internal validity and reliability and can serve as a basis for the same purpose in contexts other than the tourism and hospitality sector. This research has made a contribution toward a largely under-researched area concerning customer relationship management in small to medium enterprises. Recommendations for managers and consideration of future research included the following. Managers need to have a strategic vision and a strong customer-centric focus. Through understanding customers and their needs, offerings can be tailored to maximize the overall value of customers, thereby, improving business performance. Through efficient operational processes in place, enhanced customer service levels can be attained in the organisations. Managers need to effectively manage customer information through data warehousing and technology. Top management commitment is a crucial element for ensuring improved customer services. Managers need to train staff with respect to customer services, thus enhancing CRM. Future researchers can conduct a longitudinal study and investigate the same factors which could impact customer relationship management. A verification of the usefulness of the measuring instrument in examining the determinants of customer relationship management and the level of development regarding other small businesses is suggested. It is recommended that this study be replicated abroad in an effort to verify to what extent the determinants of customer relationship management are evident in small businesses of other countries

    e-Service quality, ease of use, usability and enjoyment as antecedents of e-CRM performance: an empirical investigation in Jordan mobile phone services

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    Electronic Customer relationship management performance E-CRM is a comprehensive business and marketing strategy that integrates people, process, technology and all business activities for attracting and retaining customers over the internet and mobile phone to reduce costs and increase profitability by consolidation the principles of customer loyalty.Therefore, the results of E-CRM performance are repeat purchase, word of mouth, retention, cross buying, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.The keen competitive in the communication and mobile phone service market place and the increasing numbers of mobile phone users all over the world has influence the researchers to investigate ease of use, usability, enjoyment and e- service quality as antecedents of electronic customer relationship management performance in mobile phone services industry.488 questionnaires have returned and analyzed.Four factors been tested to investigate the relationship with E-CRM performance.The analysis shown that e- service quality, ease of use and usability was positively significant towards E-CRM performance.Enjoyment has failed to predict E-CRM performance.This paper makes a theoretical and methodological contribution and suggestion for the managers in improving their E-CRM performance in mobile phone service industry. Key words: E-customer relationship management performance, Mobile Phone Services, e- service quality, ease of use, enjoyment and usability

    The relationship between e-service quality and ease of use on customer relationship management (CRM) performance: An empirical investigation in Jordan mobile phone services

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    Electronic Customer relationship management performance CRM is a comprehensive business and marketing strategy that integrates people, process, technology and all business activities for attracting and retaining customers over the internet and mobile phone to reduce costs and increase profitability by consolidation the principles of customer loyalty. Therefore, the results of CRM performance are repeat purchase, word of mouth, retention, cross buying, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. The keen competitive in the communication and mobile phone service market place and the increasing numbers of mobile phone users all over the world has influence the researchers to investigate ease of use and e- service quality as antecedents of electronic customer relationship management performance in mobile phone services industry.488 questionnaires have returned and analyzed. Four factors been tested to investigate the relationship with CRM performance.The analysis shown that e- service quality, and ease of use was positively significant towards CRM performance. This paper makes a theoretical and methodological contribution and suggestion for the managers in improving their CRM performance in mobile phone service industry
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