2 research outputs found

    Conformation and dynamics of human urotensin II and urotensin related peptide in aqueous solution

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    Conformation and dynamics of the vasoconstrictive peptides human urotensin II (UII) and urotensin related peptide (URP) have been investigated by both unrestrained and enhanced-sampling molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations and NMR spectroscopy. These peptides are natural ligands of the G-protein coupled urotensin II receptor (UTR) and have been linked to mammalian pathophysiology. UII and URP cannot be characterized by a single structure but exist as an equilibrium of two main classes of ring conformations, <i>open</i> and <i>folded</i>, with rapidly interchanging subtypes. The <i>open</i> states are characterized by turns of various types centered at K<sup>8</sup>Y<sup>9</sup> or F<sup>6</sup>W<sup>7</sup> predominantly with no or only sparsely populated transannular hydrogen bonds. The <i>folded</i> conformations show multiple turns stabilized by highly populated transannular hydrogen bonds comprising centers F<sup>6</sup>W<sup>7</sup>K<sup>8</sup> or W<sup>7</sup>K<sup>8</sup>Y<sup>9</sup>. Some of these conformations have not been characterized previously. The equilibrium populations that are experimentally difficult to access were estimated by replica-exchange MD simulations and validated by comparison of experimental NMR data with chemical shifts calculated with density-functional theory. UII exhibits approximately 72% <i>open</i>:28% <i>folded</i> conformations in aqueous solution. URP shows very similar ring conformations as UII but differs in an <i>open:folded</i> equilibrium shifted further toward <i>open</i> conformations (86:14) possibly arising from the absence of folded N-terminal tail-ring interaction. The results suggest that the different biological effects of UII and URP are not caused by differences in ring conformations but rather by different interactions with UTR

    Can simulations and modeling decipher NMR data for conformational equilibria? Arginine–vasopressin

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    Arginine vasopressin (AVP) has been suggested by molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations to exist as a mixture of conformations in solution. The <sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C NMR chemical shifts of AVP in solution have been calculated for this conformational ensemble of ring conformations (identified from a 23 μs molecular-dynamics simulation). The relative free energies of these conformations were calculated using classical metadynamics simulations in explicit water. Chemical shifts for representative conformations were calculated using density-functional theory. Comparison with experiment and analysis of the results suggests that the <sup>1</sup>H chemical shifts are most useful for assigning equilibrium concentrations of the conformations in this case. <sup>13</sup>C chemical shifts distinguish less clearly between conformations, and the distances calculated from the nuclear Overhauser effect do not allow the conformations to be assigned clearly. The <sup>1</sup>H chemical shifts can be reproduced with a standard error of less than 0.24 ppm (<2.2 ppm for <sup>13</sup>C). The combined experimental and theoretical results suggest that AVP exists in an equilibrium of approximately 70% <i>saddlelike</i> and 30% <i>clinched open</i> conformations. Both newly introduced statistical metrics designed to judge the significance of the results and Smith and Goodman’s DP4 probabilities are presented