13 research outputs found

    Can a Differential Attack Work for an Arbitrarily Large Number of Rounds?

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    Differential cryptanalysis is one of the oldest attacks on block ciphers. Can anything new be discovered on this topic? A related question is that of backdoors and hidden properties. There is substantial amount of research on how Boolean functions affect the security of ciphers, and comparatively, little research, on how block cipher wiring can be very special or abnormal. In this article we show a strong type of anomaly: where the complexity of a differential attack does not grow exponentially as the number of rounds increases. It will grow initially, and later will be lower bounded by a constant. At the end of the day the vulnerability is an ordinary single differential attack on the full state. It occurs due to the existence of a hidden polynomial invariant. We conjecture that this type of anomaly is not easily detectable if the attacker has limited resources

    Optimization and Guess-then-Solve Attacks in Cryptanalysis

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    In this thesis we study two major topics in cryptanalysis and optimization: software algebraic cryptanalysis and elliptic curve optimizations in cryptanalysis. The idea of algebraic cryptanalysis is to model a cipher by a Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) equation system. Solving MQ is an NP-hard problem. However, NP-hard problems have a point of phase transition where the problems become easy to solve. This thesis explores different optimizations to make solving algebraic cryptanalysis problems easier. We first worked on guessing a well-chosen number of key bits, a specific optimization problem leading to guess-then-solve attacks on GOST cipher. In addition to attacks, we propose two new security metrics of contradiction immunity and SAT immunity applicable to any cipher. These optimizations play a pivotal role in recent highly competitive results on full GOST. This and another cipher Simon, which we cryptanalyzed were submitted to ISO to become a global encryption standard which is the reason why we study the security of these ciphers in a lot of detail. Another optimization direction is to use well-selected data in conjunction with Plaintext/Ciphertext pairs following a truncated differential property. These allow to supplement an algebraic attack with extra equations and reduce solving time. This was a key innovation in our algebraic cryptanalysis work on NSA block cipher Simon and we could break up to 10 rounds of Simon64/128. The second major direction in our work is to inspect, analyse and predict the behaviour of ElimLin attack the complexity of which is very poorly understood, at a level of detail never seen before. Our aim is to extrapolate and discover the limits of such attacks, and go beyond with several types of concrete improvement. Finally, we have studied some optimization problems in elliptic curves which also deal with polynomial arithmetic over finite fields. We have studied existing implementations of the secp256k1 elliptic curve which is used in many popular cryptocurrency systems such as Bitcoin and we introduce an optimized attack on Bitcoin brain wallets and improved the state of art attack by 2.5 times

    A nonlinear invariant attack on T-310 with the original Boolean function

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    There are numerous results on nonlinear invariant attacks on T-310. In all such attacks found so far, both the Boolean functions and the cipher wiring were contrived and chosen by the attacker. In this article, we show how to construct an invariant attack with the original Boolean function that was used to encrypt government communications in the 1980s

    A Salad of Block Ciphers

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    This book is a survey on the state of the art in block cipher design and analysis. It is work in progress, and it has been for the good part of the last three years -- sadly, for various reasons no significant change has been made during the last twelve months. However, it is also in a self-contained, useable, and relatively polished state, and for this reason I have decided to release this \textit{snapshot} onto the public as a service to the cryptographic community, both in order to obtain feedback, and also as a means to give something back to the community from which I have learned much. At some point I will produce a final version -- whatever being a ``final version\u27\u27 means in the constantly evolving field of block cipher design -- and I will publish it. In the meantime I hope the material contained here will be useful to other people

    Selected Topics in Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Ciphers

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    It is well established that a symmetric cipher may be described as a system of Boolean polynomials, and that the security of the cipher cannot be better than the difficulty of solving said system. Compressed Right-Hand Side (CRHS) Equations is but one way of describing a symmetric cipher in terms of Boolean polynomials. The first paper of this thesis provides a comprehensive treatment firstly of the relationship between Boolean functions in algebraic normal form, Binary Decision Diagrams and CRHS equations. Secondly, of how CRHS equations may be used to describe certain kinds of symmetric ciphers and how this model may be used to attempt a key-recovery attack. This technique is not left as a theoretical exercise, as the process have been implemented as an open-source project named CryptaPath. To ensure accessibility for researchers unfamiliar with algebraic cryptanalysis, CryptaPath can convert a reference implementation of the target cipher, as specified by a Rust trait, into the CRHS equations model automatically. CRHS equations are not limited to key-recovery attacks, and Paper II explores one such avenue of CRHS equations flexibility. Linear and differential cryptanalysis have long since established their position as two of the most important cryptanalytical attacks, and every new design since must show resistance to both. For some ciphers, like the AES, this resistance can be mathematically proven, but many others are left to heuristic arguments and computer aided proofs. This work is tedious, and most of the tools require good background knowledge of a tool/technique to transform a design to the right input format, with a notable exception in CryptaGraph. CryptaGraph is written in Rust and transforms a reference implementation into CryptaGraphs underlying data structure automatically. Paper II introduces a new way to use CRHS equations to model a symmetric cipher, this time in such a way that linear and differential trail searches are possible. In addition, a new set of operations allowing us to count the number of active S-boxes in a path is presented. Due to CRHS equations effective initial data compression, all possible trails are captured in the initial system description. As is the case with CRHS equations, the crux is the memory consumption. However, this approach also enables the graph of a CRHS equation to be pruned, allowing the memory consumption to be kept at manageable levels. Unfortunately, pruning nodes also means that we will lose valid, incomplete paths, meaning that the hulls found are probably incomplete. On the flip side, all paths, and their corresponding probabilities, found by the tool are guaranteed to be valid trails for the cipher. This theory is also implemented in an extension of CryptaPath, and the name is PathFinder. PathFinder is also able to automatically turn a reference implementation of a cipher into its CRHS equations-based model. As an additional bonus, PathFinder supports the reference implementation specifications specified by CryptaGraph, meaning that the same reference implementation can be used for both CryptaGraph and PathFinder. Paper III shifts focus onto symmetric ciphers designed to be used in conjunction with FHE schemes. Symmetric ciphers designed for this purpose are relatively new and have naturally had a strong focus on reducing the number of multiplications performed. A multiplication is considered expensive on the noise budget of the FHE scheme, while linear operations are viewed as cheap. These ciphers are all assuming that it is possible to find parameters in the various FHE schemes which allow these ciphers to work well in symbiosis with the FHE scheme. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, with the consequence that the decryption process becomes more costly than necessary. Paper III therefore proposes Fasta, a stream cipher which has its parameters and linear layer especially chosen to allow efficient implementation over the BGV scheme, particularly as implemented in the HElib library. The linear layers are drawn from a family of rotation-based linear transformations, as cyclic rotations are cheap to do in FHE schemes that allow packing of multiple plaintext elements in one FHE ciphertext. Fasta follows the same design philosophy as Rasta, and will never use the same linear layer twice under the same key. The result is a stream cipher tailor-made for fast evaluation in HElib. Fasta shows an improvement in throughput of a factor more than 7 when compared to the most efficient implementation of Rasta.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    SoK: Security Evaluation of SBox-Based Block Ciphers

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    Cryptanalysis of block ciphers is an active and important research area with an extensive volume of literature. For this work, we focus on SBox-based ciphers, as they are widely used and cover a large class of block ciphers. While there have been prior works that have consolidated attacks on block ciphers, they usually focus on describing and listing the attacks. Moreover, the methods for evaluating a cipher\u27s security are often ad hoc, differing from cipher to cipher, as attacks and evaluation techniques are developed along the way. As such, we aim to organise the attack literature, as well as the work on security evaluation. In this work, we present a systematization of cryptanalysis of SBox-based block ciphers focusing on three main areas: (1) Evaluation of block ciphers against standard cryptanalytic attacks; (2) Organisation and relationships between various attacks; (3) Comparison of the evaluation and attacks on existing ciphers

    A Bit-Vector Differential Model for the Modular Addition by a Constant

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    ARX algorithms are a class of symmetric-key algorithms constructed by Addition, Rotation, and XOR, which achieve the best software performances in low-end microcontrollers. To evaluate the resistance of an ARX cipher against differential cryptanalysis and its variants, the recent automated methods employ constraint satisfaction solvers, such as SMT solvers, to search for optimal characteristics. The main difficulty to formulate this search as a constraint satisfaction problem is obtaining the differential models of the non-linear operations, that is, the constraints describing the differential probability of each non-linear operation of the cipher. While an efficient bit-vector differential model was obtained for the modular addition with two variable inputs, no differential model for the modular addition by a constant has been proposed so far, preventing ARX ciphers including this operation from being evaluated with automated methods. In this paper, we present the first bit-vector differential model for the n-bit modular addition by a constant input. Our model contains O(log2(n)) basic bit-vector constraints and describes the binary logarithm of the differential probability. We also represent an SMT-based automated method to look for differential characteristics of ARX, including constant additions, and we provide an open-source tool ArxPy to find ARX differential characteristics in a fully automated way. To provide some examples, we have searched for related-key differential characteristics of TEA, XTEA, HIGHT, and LEA, obtaining better results than previous works. Our differential model and our automated tool allow cipher designers to select the best constant inputs for modular additions and cryptanalysts to evaluate the resistance of ARX ciphers against differential attacks.acceptedVersio

    A Bit-Vector Differential Model for the Modular Addition by a Constant

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    ARX algorithms are a class of symmetric-key algorithms constructed by Addition, Rotation, and XOR, which achieve the best software performances in low-end microcontrollers. To evaluate the resistance of an ARX cipher against differential cryptanalysis and its variants, the recent automated methods employ constraint satisfaction solvers, such as SMT solvers, to search for optimal characteristics. The main difficulty to formulate this search as a constraint satisfaction problem is obtaining the differential models of the non-linear operations, that is, the constraints describing the differential probability of each non-linear operation of the cipher. While an efficient bit-vector differential model was obtained for the modular addition with two variable inputs, no differential model for the modular addition by a constant has been proposed so far, preventing ARX ciphers including this operation from being evaluated with automated methods. In this paper, we present the first bit-vector differential model for the n-bit modular addition by a constant input. Our model contains O(log_2(n)) basic bit-vector constraints and describes the binary logarithm of the differential probability. We also represent an SMT-based automated method to look for differential characteristics of ARX, including constant additions, and we provide an open-source tool ArxPy to find ARX differential characteristics in a fully automated way. To provide some examples, we have searched for related-key differential characteristics of TEA, XTEA, HIGHT, and LEA, obtaining better results than previous works. Our differential model and our automated tool allow cipher designers to select the best constant inputs for modular additions and cryptanalysts to evaluate the resistance of ARX ciphers against differential attacks

    Cryptanalysis of Dedicated Cryptographic Hash Functions

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    In this thesis we study the security of a number of dedicated cryptographic hash functions against cryptanalytic attacks. We begin with an introduction to what cryptographic hash functions are and what they are used for. This is followed by strict definitions of the security properties often required from cryptographic hash functions. FSB hashes are a class of hash functions derived from a coding theory problem. We attack FSB by modeling the compression function of the hash by a matrix in GF(2). We show that collisions and preimages can easily be found in FSB with the proposed security parameters. We describe a meet-in-the-middle attack against the FORK-256 hash function. The attack requires 2^112.8 operations to find a collision, which is a 38000-fold improvement over the expected 2^128 operations. We then present a method for finding slid pairs for the compression function of SHA-1; pairs of inputs and messages that produce closely related outputs in the compression function. We also cryptanalyse two block ciphers based on the compression function of MD5, MDC-MD5 and the Kaliski-Robshaw "Crab" encryption algorithm. VSH is a hash function based on problems in number theory that are believed to be hard. The original proposal only claims collision resistance; we demonstrate that VSH does not meet the other hash function requirements of preimage resistance, one-wayness, and collision resistance of truncated variants. To explore more general cryptanalytic attacks, we discuss the d-Monomial test, a statistical test that has been found to be effective in distinguishing iterated Boolean circuits from real random functions. The test is applied to the SHA and MD5 hash functions. We present a new hash function proposal, LASH, and its initial cryptanalysis.The LASH design is based on a simple underlying primitive, and some of its security can be shown to be related to lattice problems

    A Bit-Vector Differential Model for the Modular Addition by a Constant and its Applications to Differential and Impossible-Differential Cryptanalysis

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    ARX algorithms are a class of symmetric-key algorithms constructed by Addition, Rotation, and XOR. To evaluate the resistance of an ARX cipher against differential and impossible-differential cryptanalysis, the recent automated methods employ constraint satisfaction solvers to search for optimal characteristics or impossible differentials. The main difficulty in formulating this search is finding the differential models of the non-linear operations. While an efficient bit-vector differential model was obtained for the modular addition with two variable inputs, no differential model for the modular addition by a constant has been proposed so far, preventing ARX ciphers including this operation from being evaluated with automated methods. In this paper, we present the first bit-vector differential model for the nn-bit modular addition by a constant input. Our model contains O(log2(n))O(\log_2(n)) basic bit-vector constraints and describes the binary logarithm of the differential probability. We describe an SMT-based automated method that includes our model to search for differential characteristics of ARX ciphers including constant additions. We also introduce a new automated method for obtaining impossible differentials where we do not search over a small pre-defined set of differences, such as low-weight differences, but let the SMT solver search through the space of differences. Moreover, we implement both methods in our open-source tool \texttt{ArxPy} to find characteristics and impossible differentials of ARX ciphers with constant additions in a fully automated way. As some examples, we provide related-key impossible differentials and differential characteristics of TEA, XTEA, HIGHT, LEA, SHACAL-1, and SHACAL-2, which achieve better results compared to previous works