52,348 research outputs found

    Evaluation of enzyme immunoassays in the diagnosis of camel (Camelus dromedarius) trypanosomiasis:a preliminary investigation

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    Three enzyme immunoassays were used for the serodiagnosis of Trypanosoma evansi in camels in the Sudan in order to evaluate their ability to discriminate between infected and non-infected animals. Two assays were used for the detection of trypanosomal antibodies, one using specific anti-camel IgG conjugate and another using a non-specific Protein A conjugate. The third assay detected the presence of trypanosomal antigens using anti-T. evansi antibodies in a double antibody sandwich assay. Inspection of the frequency distribution of assay results suggested that the ELISA for circulating trypanosomal antibodies using specific antisera and the ELISA for circulating antigens can distinguish between non-infected camels and infected camels exhibiting patent infections or not. The ELISA using Protein A conjugate to bind non-specifically to camel immunoglobulin did not appear to discriminate between infected and non-infected animals

    Predicting Bank CAMELS and S&P Ratings: The Case of the Czech Republic

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    In this paper we investigate the determinants of the movements in the long-term Standard & Poors and CAMELS bank ratings in the Czech Republic during the period when the three biggest banks, representing approximately 60% of the Czech banking sector's total assets, were privatized (i.e., the time span 1998-2001). The same list of explanatory variables corresponding to the CAMELS rating inputs employed by the Czech National Bank's banking sector regulators was examined for both ratings in order to select significant predictors among them. We employed an ordered response logit model to analyze the monthly long-run S&P rating and a panel data framework for the analysis of the quarterly CAMELS rating. The predictors for which we found significant explanatory power are: Capital Adequacy, Credit Spread, the ratio of Total Loans to Total Assets, and the Total Asset Value at Risk. Models based on these predictors exhibited a predictive accuracy of 70%. Additionally, we found that the verified variables satisfactorily predict the S&P rating one month ahead.Bank rating, CAMELS, ordered logit model, panel data analysis.

    Nota sobre "El conocimiento de sí en Leonardo Polo: un estudio del hábito de sabiduría"

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    En la tesis de Luca Fantini "El conoámiento de sí en Leonardo Polo: un estudio del hábito de sabiduría publicada por la Pontificia Universidad de la Santa Cruz en Roma en el año 2007, el tema central es introducido haciendo referencia a la discusión contemporánea sobre la cuestión de la identidad, de especial relevancia en Antropología. Diversas corrientes de pensamiento modernas y posmodernas han llevado a una escisión entre objetividad y subjetividad provocando así una mirada del sujeto limitada y parcial. La filosofía moderna de la subjetividad fracasa porque es pensada en simetría con la metafísica. Frente a esta cuestión Fantini se pregunta si es posible hoy un modo alternativo de pensar el tema del sujeto moderno. Se pregunta también acerca de la validez de Tomás de Aquino hoy, después de la modernidad. Propone en cambio a Leonardo Polo como el pensador contemporáneo que replantea estas cuestiones de un modo radical. Polo acepta la antropología tradicional pero propone su antropología trascendental como innovación que pretende perfeccionar nuestro conocimiento del ser personal. La filosofía clásica es continuada y la filosofía moderna es rectificada. Así, Leonardo Polo ofrece un nuevo método para hacer filosofía: el abandono del límite mental el cual consiste en la ampliación de la metafísica clásica con la antropología trascendental. Luca Fantini brinda con esta tesis un aporte significativo a la difusión del método poliano

    Camels In North America: The Effects of Islam & Globalism on U.S. State Law

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    A paper detailing the introduction of camels to the U.S in the 1850s as part of an army experiment and their effect of Nevada\u27s state laws

    Clinicopathological Investigations Among Recurrent Camelpox Outbreaks in Omanis’ Arabian Camels (Camelus dromedarius)

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    Camelpox remains a widespread viral disease in camelids, with socioeconomic relevance. The present study explored the hematological, biochemical, and histopathological alterations in dromedary-racing camels from the North of Oman infected with camelpox virus diagnosed by real-time PCR. Blood and skin samples were collected from camels with clinical signs and skin lesions (n=4) and from healthy camels (n=3) from 10 different camel herds. The results indicated that the infected camels showed clinical signs, including pyrexia, lacrimation, nasal mucus discharge, affixed and swollen eyelids, emaciation, and pimples on the skin of the head, legs, and abdomen. Hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelets were significantly greater, with a significant reduction in leukocyte and lymphocyte counts in infected camels than in healthy camels. Infected camels had higher CK and creatinine levels and hepatic-related metabolites, including AST, ALP, AST, GGT, and LDH, than the apparently healthy camels. Histopathological examination of skin scab samples revealed ballooning degeneration of epidermal cells in the presence of typical large eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies and suppurative dermatitis following secondary bacterial infection in all examined infected camels. Camelpox viral DNA was detected using real-time PCR in the blood and skin samples of all infected camels. These findings in dromedary-racing camels associated with a molecular diagnosis of camelpox are described for the first time in the Sultanate of Oman. Therefore, further studies are warranted

    Studies of “emaciation ailment” in the Bactrian camel

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    The clinical signs of disorder known locally as “emaciation ailment” in Bactrian camels in Haizi, Qinhai, China were defined. They included pica, emaciation, dyskinesia, deprived appetites and anemia. We found that concentrations of copper (Cu) in soil and forage from affected and  unaffected areas were similar, but the concentrations of sulfur (S) in soil and forage were significantly higher (P<0.01) in affected than in unaffected areas. Concentrations of Cu in blood, hair and liver from the affected camels were significantly lower (P<0.01) than those in unaffected camels. Fifty affected camels grazing on affected pastures were consuming an average of 136 mg of Cu/d for 80 d by a free-choice, salt-basedtrace mineral supplement. Liver Cu increased over time in all camels. However, the mean Cu content of the liver was significantly lower in the camels supplemented with salt-based trace mineral as compared with those in the healthy camels at the end of the study. Twelve affected camels were removed from the affected pastures and allocated to one of two treatments for 80 d, consisting of supplement providing 136 mg/d of either inorganic (Cu sulfate; n = 6) or organic (Availa-Cu n = 6) Cu. Liver Cu increased over time in all camels regardless of treatment; however, camels treated with Availa-Cu have higher mean liver Cu contents than those receiving Cu sulfate (163.6 ± 13.5 and 228.9 ± 26.7 μg/g, for Cu sulfate and Availa-Cu, respectively) at the end of the study. Mean Cu content in the liver of camels received Availa-Cu was significantly higher than that in supplemented camels with Cu sulfate. In all treated camels, some signs of recovery were evident in 20 - 30 days after, and appetite and vigor were improved. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that ailments of camels in the Haizi area are caused by a secondary Cu deficiency, mainly due to high sulfur content in soil and forage.Key words: Bactrian camel, sulfur, copper, deficiency, “emaciation ailment”